[Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
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- Joined: 2008-08-30 02:53
[Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
Some clips I got while testing CAS_117's Combined Arms.
Shows tank lock on system, 2km view distance, and new jet stuff... (a lot more flares, HUD is different and works differently...)
New flare system, missiles a hell lot more accurate, Infrared FLIR, 2 v 2 dogfight
Radar-locking missiles, AA-locking guns to aircraft, and a bunch of other stuff
Random stuff. There is a 2 LB vs 1 Havoc fight though.
WASD Tank Turret and Infantry Firefights
Last edited by 503 on 2009-05-31 15:13, edited 5 times in total.
- Posts: 2069
- Joined: 2008-01-12 00:21
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
NIce system I haven tried Combined arms to much, but for me its a step in the right direction as everything else.
- Posts: 8012
- Joined: 2007-01-12 19:05
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
at the start , did that MEC tank kill them 3 US tanks?
- Posts: 1893
- Joined: 2006-10-21 14:01
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
i'd like to know, how does the tank lock on system work? caus i like tanking and this looks really sweet, its just, th elock on looks a bit wierd
- Posts: 3900
- Joined: 2007-06-15 22:47
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
It was 3 vs 3 tanks.gazzthompson wrote:at the start , did that MEC tank kill them 3 US tanks?
"Today's forecast calls for 30mm HE rain with a slight chance of hellfires"
"oh, they're fire and forget all right...they're fired then they forget where the target is"
- Posts: 431
- Joined: 2008-05-01 12:38
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
gazzthompson wrote:at the start , did that MEC tank kill them 3 US tanks?
That was the biggest fail ever. Almost every round we fired went straight above them.
Nice video i say. Now i know i need to turn my mic down..............
"Intermolecular interactions in the flake's matrix could be weakened by the plasticizer [water], leading to the solubilization of some components, and to a decrease in mechanical integrity."
READ: Water makes cereal soggy.
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Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
Nice work,looked like the FCS was loosing the focus/tracking when moving,or maybe
the DPI is set a little too high on the mouse.Love the graphics (at the start in space).
the DPI is set a little too high on the mouse.Love the graphics (at the start in space).
- Posts: 2409
- Joined: 2008-02-12 20:36
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
Basically what the lockons are, a laser target is attached to every tank and vehicle besides aircraft(I beleive I haven't seen the official note on that part) tank guns IFV cannons ATMs lock onto that laser spot and for tanks and IFVs you can lock onto the enemy vehicle like a fcs, but you must be within a few degress of the laser
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Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
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PS: Sorry for spamming these three posts, but it's hell of mod (for a great mod...) and it definitively needs more players!
Spread PR Combined Arms
- Posts: 7334
- Joined: 2008-01-05 14:53
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
Whats going on here?
Is the devs going to implement this?
Or is cas making a mod? For a mod?
I think the devs should incorporate Cas in their team.
Is the devs going to implement this?
Or is cas making a mod? For a mod?
I think the devs should incorporate Cas in their team.
Xact Wicca is The Joker. That is all.
- Posts: 41
- Joined: 2008-12-23 08:55
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
Cas is a former PR Dev, so he's going his own route for now, but that's not to say that some elements of this won't be seen in PR, if I remember hearing correctly.Wicca wrote:Whats going on here?
Is the devs going to implement this?
Or is cas making a mod? For a mod?
I think the devs should incorporate Cas in their team.
- Posts: 110
- Joined: 2008-08-16 23:39
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
combined atacks u basraped thats just plain stupid
I am back to play pr fly choppers and hopefully join tordiments i am back and i am ready to play
- Posts: 381
- Joined: 2007-06-25 07:31
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
What?!?!, I tried to interpret what you're trying to say but i simply can't. Please explain sir
- Posts: 110
- Joined: 2008-08-16 23:39
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
1 you was basraping the enamy 2 there was 2 fighter jets both freindly
I am back to play pr fly choppers and hopefully join tordiments i am back and i am ready to play
- Posts: 3563
- Joined: 2008-08-31 02:48
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
Yes, there are 4 spawnable jets per team on that level in that layer. And remember, while these are gameplay videos, they're still tests.
I really don't see how base rape is a core element of Combined arms, though. There was a problem with stray AA missiles hitting main bases, if that's you're thinking, but that's good. It means Cas knows what to fix before releasing.
I really don't see how base rape is a core element of Combined arms, though. There was a problem with stray AA missiles hitting main bases, if that's you're thinking, but that's good. It means Cas knows what to fix before releasing.

- Posts: 3900
- Joined: 2007-06-15 22:47
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
Baserape can never be stopped really, its just something that will happen with bad players. Base defense should be easy enough though.
"Today's forecast calls for 30mm HE rain with a slight chance of hellfires"
"oh, they're fire and forget all right...they're fired then they forget where the target is"
- Posts: 1914
- Joined: 2008-08-25 23:00
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
oh yeah we owned themgazzthompson wrote:at the start , did that MEC tank kill them 3 US tanks?

Priby:Why cant i be norwegian?
H.sta:becouse we are a specially selected bunch of people created by god to show how awsome mankind can be
H.sta:becouse we are a specially selected bunch of people created by god to show how awsome mankind can be
- Posts: 791
- Joined: 2007-05-26 06:31
Re: [Video] Combined Arms Gameplay
Can someone answer us. Thankspclipse_teh_owner wrote:So...what is Combined Arms?
Why arn't these awesome feature in PR yet ?