Oh, and the "HELP ME I'M DRUNK!" effect was priceless.

Hell yea, that was great. For being unarmed you could be such a pain.RedAlertSF wrote:0.75. Al Basrah. Random spawns, civilians on rooftops spotting enemies and awesome firefights. That's something I really miss..
Mestia 0.6 was just epic. I mean, I sacrifice new stuff to have that back. The weapon accuracy, the ppsh for clearing the bunkers, the Bizon, the tower flags. The memories...Cp wrote:
In the early 0.6 open beta bunkers and firebases cost 100 tickets to deploy!
also in the beta, the coalition lost 10 tickets for every civilian killed, the rounds ended before half the team had left the main base.
I remember one round of mestia during that beta which lasted for 5 hours, 95% of the time the fight was at storage bunker
in 0.5 you needed explosives such as the SLAM or a HAT or LAT to take out a rally point
You Sir should be shotCp wrote:The map Oasis. Do I need to say more?
We miss that time too.Scot wrote:I miss the time when I hadn't discovered these friggin forums![]()
and the text
"QM: sorry leetsniper36, Im all out of snipers kits (2 out of 2) would you like a lemonade instead"
"QM: sorry leetsniper36, Im all out of marksmen kits (2 out of 2) would you like a lemonade instead"
filled the screen for 5 solid minutes at the start of every round.
clear PR (no vBF2 n**bs) that miss to me...Farks wrote:List things from the "good 'ol days", in the old versions of PR people are so nostalgic about for some reason.
#1 - The 1337 american spec-ops in 0.4 with the laser M4 and parachute.
#2 - Kashan Desert in 0.6. It was a real nightmare now when you look back at it... Crappy AA, solo tanks, etc.
Continue the list...