Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by OkitaMakoto »

Scot wrote:In that case, why does the headshot still critically wound in 1? It's still useful to aim for the head, no matter what, unless you make shooting the head the same as the body.
Because we cant make the heart or femoral artery, etc its own specific hit area.... that's one reason ;)
There's still some benefit to a head shot, no doubt about that, but we don't want it interfering with the medic system or the good squad cohesion.

Its a left over from EAs vBF2 making the headshot special ;)
Last edited by OkitaMakoto on 2009-05-18 01:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by McBumLuv »

No, it was worse in BF2. It wasn't even "BOOM, Headshot" because you could shoot people in the head with most weapons and they wouldn't even get wounded :P

EDIT: and by wounded I mean killed (but still revivable)


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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by Spartan0189 »

Yay, can't wait for the M249 w/ ELCAN, that will totally kill my Grenadier love :D

Nice work Devs :)
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by OkitaMakoto »

McLuv wrote:No, it was worse in BF2. It wasn't even "BOOM, Headshot" because you could shoot people in the head with most weapons and they wouldn't even get wounded :P

EDIT: and by wounded I mean killed (but still revivable)
sorry, was thinking of sniper ;)

Havent played vbf2 in like 3 years :P
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by 503 »

McLuv wrote:No, it was worse in BF2. It wasn't even "BOOM, Headshot" because you could shoot people in the head with most weapons and they wouldn't even get wounded :P

EDIT: and by wounded I mean killed (but still revivable)
Takes 4 pistol shots in the head at point blank range to wound someone in vanilla.

I would have to agree with implementing headshot kills though. In game, when coming across contact, you would usually aim where it's easiest, which is the biggest area, which is the chest. You usually won't have time to adjust your aim to the head, or else you would be dead. Without implementing headshot kills would be unrealistic and annoying. This would be especially annoying for snipers, who have to take out high priority targets such as officers. Without headshots, a medic would just come and revive the guy. Which means the sniper WILL HAVE to take him out AGAIN.

Without headshots, people would just rambo in urban firefights. I'm finding myself doing this more often, mostly by rushing into a compound without first throwing grenades, shooting from the middle of a street where there is no cover at all, because I would know that a medic could just come revive me up. Getting headshot killed in CQB is usually about chance since you won't have time to think. Now CQB is nothing about chance anymore. In insurgency, if the US team comes in with a convoy with their entire team, it would be impossible for the insurgents to win. With so many medics, there will almost be no casualties at all since anyone that gets shot could easily just be revived, no matter whether they've been headshotted or not.
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by warpig1292 »

503 wrote:Takes 4 pistol shots in the head at point blank range to wound someone in vanilla.

I would have to agree with implementing headshot kills though. In game, when coming across contact, you would usually aim where it's easiest, which is the biggest area, which is the chest. You usually won't have time to adjust your aim to the head, or else you would be dead. Without implementing headshot kills would be unrealistic and annoying. This would be especially annoying for snipers, who have to take out high priority targets such as officers. Without headshots, a medic would just come and revive the guy. Which means the sniper WILL HAVE to take him out AGAIN.
Well in the next patch they will be killed after you shoot them the second time :mrgreen:
lTG-31stl WarPig1292

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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by z0MbA »

Human_001 wrote:Wonderful changes. Thank you for many of fixes/updates we all waited for.
But there is few things that concerns me. And are listed below. I know I have not played this update yet, but I can imagine because these changes are adressed using precise % and numbers.

"-4Xzoom for deployed LMG."
4X zoom on iron PKM and Al Qud.

"-360 degree view for APC."
We should've removed it from Tank not adding it to other vehicles.

"-Only 2 cache at a time"
means Insurgent have less PKM and Al Quds.
New RPG for each cache means there is cache 4 RPG instead of current 3. So this is not concern.

"- increased Insurgent/Taliban SVD Dragunov mag count from 3 to 12."
12 magazine is too much IMO.

"- increased AKS74U recoil by 50% and deceased accuracy by 30%."
I can agree with bad acuracy and heavy recoil of this weapon. But 50% more recoil, no.

"- decreased AK47 accuracy - 30% less accurate than conventional army rifles."
Currently, AKS74U and AK47 has same single shot accuracy. Above change makes AKU74U and AK47 same accuracy. AK47 accuracy can not be that of same as AKS74U. Should be greater.

"-changed all LMG deployed deviation so it now takes eight seconds to settle, but they can be fired from all stances."
Even when Player is standing? that means prone deviation and recoil on standing position if player is still for 8 seconds?

"- changed Insurgent/Taliban RPG deviation - Increased settle time to 4 seconds (from 2). Accuracy reduced to 25% of what it was."
I think this is bad idea. RPG7 should be innacurate than current one but 25% of what it is now will give RPG7 grouping of about 4X3meter at 200meter? And biggest one is settle time. It is too long as of now. In Insurgency it should be fired quickly, increasing settle time further more for RPG7 and conventional LAT do not make any sense.

"- tweaked all recoil animations to be 'snappier' and make fully automatic fire slightly harder to aim with."
I know what this is like. We used to have this. I can't agree.

"- removed front passenger ability to fire weapon for all logistics/transport trucks."
Firing against enemy firing toward truck from vehicle window or throwing smoke for cover is needed IMO. This will totally make truck and it's crew literally 'sitting ducks'.

"- fixed Insurgent technicals and cars greatly reducing the ground damage taken."
Finally! (cry)

One that most concerns me is AK47 accuracy change. It feels as though we took step backward. As of now we use same accuracy for all same classes. that means M4, M16, even PPSH SMG has same accuracy at long range. Only specifically decreasing AK47 accuracy mirrors what was employed back in 0.75 and 0.8 where Insurgent weapons depicted bad-aim Insurgent fire instead of leaving it up to players. Current AK47 accuracy mirrors give all players what weapon will be in real life and leave the fight results to players.
i could not agree more with this
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by Gore »

If I've understood it right, there can only be 9 medics per team at any time, right? Does this apply to the LMG as well? Because it'll be everyones choice to have a scoped automatic lazor, and that'd be very bad ;) Even thought there's 8 secs delay.
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by BroCop »

its 1 LMG per squad and since theres a 9 squad limit yes its 9 LMGs per team (whether you like it or not it seems)
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by Gore »

Loving it.
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by |}(äbG){|ParaMedic|Ger »

Yay, can't wait to play it. Wish I could be one of the stress testers, but 1500-2000 in EST -5 GST is here around 2100-0200 and I have to get out really early on Sundays...

I really like the most changes and I'm sure if something is to imbalanced there will be a patch soon to fix it. ;-)

The new revivement system is one of the best changes, cause now the squads really have to fall back when they take casualties, wait until their wonded are treaten and then get back in the fight. And for Medics it is more important that they cover their wounded with smoke or wait until the threat is over.

And the Officer-kit changes are a heavy gameplay change, cause now it is even harder to kill a Squad and make sure it has no rally.
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by Mercenario(peru) »

:thumbsup: Thanks a lot guys.... :thumbsup:
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by Rudd »

GoreZiad wrote:If I've understood it right, there can only be 9 medics per team at any time, right? Does this apply to the LMG as well? Because it'll be everyones choice to have a scoped automatic lazor, and that'd be very bad ;) Even thought there's 8 secs delay.
your tactics will have to change wont they then? The battlefield just became harsher, and you gotta roll with it! :D
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by OkitaMakoto »

The way I see it, autoriflemen should have been more prevalent than they were in recent versions, and this will help with that

The way I see it, medics were far too many in recent versions, and this too, should help with that

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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by Leeu »

So with the amazing new medic system....

Say, a sniper/marksman/guy with a gun spots an officer leading his squad to location X to maybe setup a RP. Now as they're about to huddle and place a RP the sniper/marksman/guy with a gun shoots said officer in the head. Nice, but wait, NOW the sniper still has to either:

* shoot the medic immediately after, because he'd simply revive and heal up the SL


* shoot the medic AND then shoot every other squad mate who's gonna pickup the medic kit AND then also shoot everyone they try to revive (remember we're killing everything twice nowadays)


* shoot the officer a second time when he's revived

all the while trying to avoiding the incoming suppressive fire from the squad mates who saw this and maybe try to put out some suppressive fire of his own.

Maybe consider doubling all ammo loadouts then in 0.86?
Last edited by Leeu on 2009-05-18 13:53, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Spelling sucks: "sniper/marksman/guy with a fun shoots said officer"
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by alexaus »

awsome good job
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by Rudd »

Leeu wrote:So with the amazing new medic system....

Say, a sniper/marksman/guy with a gun spots an officer leading his squad to location X to maybe setup a RP. Now as they're about to huddle and place a RP the sniper/marksman/guy with a fun shoots said officer in the head. Nice, but wait, NOW the sniper still has to either:

* shoot the medic immediately after, because he'd simply revive and heal up the SL


* shoot the medic AND then shoot every other squad mate who's gonna pickup the medic kit AND then also shoot everyone they try to revive (remember we're killing everything twice nowadays)


* shoot the officer a second time when he's revived

all the while trying to avoiding the incoming suppressive fire from the squad mates who saw this and maybe try to put out some suppressive fire of his own.

Maybe consider doubling all ammo loadouts then in 0.86?
you saying you want it to stay how it is now? 1 officer and 5 medics per squad?

shoot em twice would be the tactic that would be logical, resulting in kills that you can retreat from if necessary.

If they are all shooting you and you are alone...ur fault for being alone really. If they are shooting ur squad and you are all shooting back...what's the problem?! ur in battle! enjoy! It really isn't hard to kill a just revived guy, his dead is in a predicable location, settle, wait, kill. If the medic smokes up then revives...then oh noes! the enemy have used tactics against you...what will you do nao!? that kill doesn't count, omg, what to do?! Use your imagination!

Get ur LMG to shoot through the smoke? Grenadier, AOE that dead dude? Charge (always a laugh with mumble, I was on Bi Ming and som1 shouted FIX BAYONETS, I knew it would be going bad for me in a sec)
Because we cant make the heart or femoral artery, etc its own specific hit area.... that's one reason
There's still some benefit to a head shot, no doubt about that, but we don't want it interfering with the medic system or the good squad cohesion.

Its a left over from EAs vBF2 making the headshot special
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by OkitaMakoto »

Agree Rudd, also... this new way[speaking out the butt here as I havent played] should make it FOOLISH for the medic to revive a downed soldier immediately after hes dropped as clearly, the threat is still in the area... If the threat is still in the immediate area, he can easily shoot either the medic or [worse] shoot the just revived Officer which would KILL him beyond revive.

What a smart medic would do would be to get his squad to lay down fire, eliminate the threat, and THEN work to safely revive the soldier giving him time to run down his 60 KILLable timer

This gives the sniper[you] the chance to kill more enemies while they try to kill you[and arent reviving the first soldier just yet]

They might chose to revive him on the spot, which in turns lets you get a DEFINITE kill.

Or they wont. Meaning you have one less soldier firing back at you and can take out their medic, etc.

Its choices really, you take the best one, and these seem fairly good to me, much better than currently at least[immediate revive has no penalty] If they revive the downed medic/officer immediately, then KILL the freshly revived KILLable soldier, if they dont, work on the others.. thats the way I see it at least...

Also, you shouldnt be sniping in a position thats puts you up against an entire squad when they are within easy engaging distance [strictly my opinion] ;)
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Re: Project Reality v0.86 Upcoming Patch Release

Post by Rudd »

oh you guys should have seem my medic l33tness on seven gates, really, I was awesome. Been playing SL 99% of the time for weeks, but the magic fingers still heal like they always did :) It was a perfect demonstration of tactical medic healing of a fully crtiically wounded squad, when I was done, they were all 100% health. Shame I can't give lots details...damn NDA.

Just wanted to throw that out there cuz it was so awesome.

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