Project Reality Official Server Providers - Live

Project Reality announcements and development highlights.
Retired PR Developer
Posts: 10823
Joined: 2005-04-07 12:00

Project Reality Official Server Providers - Live

Post by UK_Force »

For about six months, [R-DEV]UK_Force has been working with a UK-based server provider - AlphaNetworks. The result of his efforts?

Well we're proud to announce the start of our first official Server Partnership with this company, which will be known as our PR Officially Endorsed Server Provider!

Through this Company you can now, for the First time "Buy and Own" a Project Reality Server- Direct. No need to have to purchase a BF2 server, and then get the Mod installed, these guys will handle everything for you at very reasonable rates.

But before we get into the details, we want to give you some information about the two:
"At (Est 2003), we are a dedicated team who strive to provide you the best services and support possible at low prices. We offer a wide range of services suited to your needs! We offer services including game servers, voice servers, dedicated servers and much more!

If you can't find what you are looking for on our site :
alpha networks - raw power at your command - Dedicated Servers - Game Servers, then don't hesitate to Contact Us and we'll do our best to make your needs, our needs."

AlphaNetworks will be sponsoring the Project Reality Development Team and are providing the Dev Team with a dedicated server.

We are currently brainstorming about how we will use those two - but an official Project Reality Server, is one of our top priorities for the Community, it will also mean testing for us will hopefully become a lot easier and formal.

In return, the Company will receive full support and backing from Project Reality and will be advertised on our main site.

They will also host Project Reality Mumble for Voice Communications (Once its 100% stable), aswell as the usual TeamSpeak, Ventrillo - all for very moderate prices.

By signing a contract with this company, the customer will also sign the PR Server License Agreement, which means we can both keep our servers running how they should be run, "Teamwork Friendly"

As a Joint Venture we will also be looking at hosting and running a yearly LAN specific for Project Reality, in the UK, more details to follow in the near future.

We are hoping for a good and long relationship between us and our PR Officially Endorsed Server Provider, and eager to see how this will run.

- The Project Reality Team

PS: Interested, in owning your own PR Server, or moving across?

Then quickly head over to Alpha Networks - raw power at your command - Dedicated Servers - Game Servers and use the Promotion code PRMOD to knock 15% off the order!

-The Project Reality Development Team
Last edited by UK_Force on 2009-07-06 10:04, edited 18 times in total.

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