[List] Your best firefight?

Share your in-game experiences playing PR:BF2.
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by bloodthirsty_viking »

um, i cant remember the name of the map.. karbala i think, its russions vs chech, with the russions have tanks and such, and chech have at apc's.

i was chech team, and i startted as a one man squad.
then one joined, and one more, while i was WAY away from any crates.
as time progresses, i get a full squad and im chased away from the russion main... by a tank.
i get back to fallback, get officer kit, and the team wants a firebase neer, so my squad, and about 10 other ppl, start work on it (little exageration) while we are building, tanks and apc's are comming from the russion main, and we have the at thing manned.
we get it build, and a tank flanks us, we retreat, get overrun, and restart back a bit.
our team gets the flag back.

about 5 minutes after flag cap

we start taking heavy fire, like at the start of the game. i run and place a rally with my squad, and we go to the little hesco bunker thing with one barbed wire entrance and one open entrance.i drop both crates from the suplpy truck, and we build a firebase. then i fail at placing wire, and a sm suggest that we place a truck in place for now, and i agree. we build one 50 enplacement at the entrace blcked by the truck, and the war begians majorly, we have the the whole server, exept 1 of out teams squad, and 1 of the russion squads, figting right there. we are all infintry. some of the other solders have at, lat, markman, anything to fight with, and it is just bullets flying, everything diing, for a good half hour. then a tank gets arround and shoots the makeshift blockade. we kill the tank, and i try and place a wire, the truck remains fly off a bit, i try agian, it repeats, the 4th time i try, it is finnaly placed and build. about 5 minutes later, we are out of supplies, and the one russion squad in the distance has our supply lines blcked, we can still spawn, but we cant get more ammo. more ppl are spawning with ammo. then the inevitable happens.. nade spam. nades are everywhere, we are still shooting randomly from behind our cover, we are noe like rats in a cage. we are all doomed, and we know it, but we keep fighing.

at one point my and an e are taking turns standing and shooting each other from each side of the hesco barrier.

some sm notice the fb is no longer spannable, to to large ammount of e, and our rally was overrun. we set the rally, and start to head back, and a tank comes and blowes the razorwire, and drives in, it get demolished.
inf come and rebuild the small remains of the razor wire, but it is futile, we are overrun, and my squad, the only survivers, are forced to retreat.

at the end of the round, my squad get an apc and drives in there to start reclaming the flag. we lost...
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by Hellbrawler »

My best firefight was in Operation Archer. I was the marines and we had built a FoB inside that one compound near the village around B5 or so. We were literally surrounded from all sides by the Taliban who had PKMs, RPGs, Grenadier kits, etc. It was like watching one of those firefight videos on youtube or some other site. It was a five minute hardcore firefight where there was non-stop RPG rockets and Mortars (Taliban Grenadier kits) and the PKM tracers would not let you stand up a bit. You see tracers going everywhere and the Taliban had the area SO covered that no Huey could come in pick us up or even drop some supplies, we were forced to defend on our own.
The commander managed to organize the squads up to where each squad would cover a wall. My squad got the south end (Which we later nicknamed "Hell wall"). I had the grenadier kit and the entire time I was pumping non-stop grenades at the Taliban. One of my squad members got the Marksman kit and was picking off the Taliban from afar. Five minutes into the fight I ran out of grenades to fire and the crates were long gone because of all of the reloadings that were going on. So we had to call in a huey. Minutes later one came and he was firing flares like a madman, weaving left and right until he managed to drop a crate onto the base. (Everyone congratulated him and thanked him via chat, which was nice). He later came back again with another crate. But right when he flew away he was shot down by a Taliban AA.
So the fight had lasted for nearly ten minutes until finally another squad was picking off the weapons caches while we kept the insurgents busy. Another ten minutes passes and we manage to push the Taliban back (Due to range advantage).
After the firefight, there was a moment of silence until one of the guys spoke up, saying "Holy...shit.."(His voice sounded as if he had actually went through that fight in reality.) The entire squad laughed and we started talking about our kills. (Sounds like Generation Kill).
After talking about that firefight I told my squad to line up so that I can take a team picture. I took it and looked at it and I swear to you all, it's like looking at a picture in the book. It was nice.

I would've shown a picture..but I think I deleted it a long time ago.
Here try picturing it like this..: (But imagine with enemy tracers actually coming back and RPG rockets hitting and all sorts of explosions...and of course the screen getting blurry)

YouTube - firefight in Iraq
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by socomseal45 »

On Korengal Valley on the US side, we got our asses handed to us and we were fighting with all we had to break out. They had technicals set up and guys everywhere. Me and a squadmate went for a swim and managed to not be seen by the insurgents all over the place. We got up on the shore behind them and tried to figure out how we were going to take em down (the battle to get out of our base had been going on for 10 minutes). We only had our grenades, rifles, and grappling hook. Climbed into the only untouched walled city and began chucking nades at insurgent positions then pulled back to wait for em.

About a minute later the hook came over and they destroyed the front gate. We fought as best we could, but I went down in 30 seconds and he only lasted a couple more. We managed to take 13 of them overall (5 with nades, the rest with our rifles). The game only lasted another 5 minutes before we ran out of tickets, but it honestly was fun the whole thing, especially the above story.
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by Gand877 »

Map: Kashan Desert
Faction: US

Although i'm still fairly new to PR, i'm already in love with it and this map was where two of my favourite firefights took place. Both of these firefights also took place in the same game.

It started when I joined Squad 5 who it turned out were to deploy in the southernmost region of the map to corvertly capture South Village, while the main US forces captured the South Bunkers. However as soon as we were dropped of by Chopper it became apparant that the enemy also predicted this move. Not only was the village itself strongly defended but there was also enemy armour and they had established a foothold on the hillside to the south of the Village.

To cut a long story short and get to the firefight, our squad walked up the hill and quickly dispached the enemy who were too focued on monitering the flatlands leading up to the Village.

Once on the hill our SL (forget his name, but he was skilled) demanded re-enforcements which were granted in the form of two tanks and air support. We were ordered by the SL to run down the hill and reach the outskirts of the village under air and sniper support. This was truly brilliant, with tanks firing at the village and providing us a smokescreen, massive air bombing runs and random enemy machine gun and rifle fire cracking past our heads. The assault of South Village eneded in a final firefight by the dried up river bed with the remaining MEC's hiding in building firing out of windows which was ended with some well placed grenades and covering fire.

The Second firefight took place around 30 minutes later when our SL was told the battle for the South Bunkers was not going well and the US forces were now on the defensive trying desperatley to hold the North Bunkers. So our SL requested pickup, a chopper quickly arrived and for some reason (not sure weather it was the pilot being stupid our our SL being gun ho) we were dropped off right in the middle of South Bunkers under heavy fire. The pilot didn't survive, nor did 2 of our squad, the rest of us dived into an metal container. We then tried to make a run for one of the bunkers which none of us made it to.

The whole thing was really good fun, but the bit that really won me was the scale of the destruction of South Village, it couldn't have been more bombed and shelled, although a suprising number of buildings came out intact, as our sniper had to keep an eye out for enemy's hiding on roofs.
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by spaz_gas »

In opperation archer a rpg hit the right side of helo we were in (going max speed at low altitude). The pilot and about 3 pasengers were killed but the helo landed with out crashing in a village then we got into a gunfight with 2 full technicals. Our squad of 5 escaped with 2 deaths but they were healed by the medic. On the way back to main we came across 2 un-marked caches. we had no more resistance on the way back
[Put some freak'n text here]
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by ozliam41 »

Me and my squad was sittting near outpost in a village looking thing we waited we started getting shot from the other side of the valley we had 2 saw shooting across to them but we could not see them we got ambushed from behing us we had 1 saw looking behind us and 1 saw shooting into the other side of the valley 13 talibans came behind us our saw gunner killed most of them he died our medic rivied him thay sent a couple of rpgs into us but dident kill anyone lucky 1 got close to me we called in the lil bird to come pick us up he took another 3 mins to get to us we were pinned until the lil bird arrived and we got out salfly with 3 injured.
thats my best fire fight so far.
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by Kogara »

Kashan Desert, USMC.

I was flying a Blackhawk, transporting my inf SQD from the main base to one of the bunkers (I think it was south), I flew in hot, taking light arms fire, but not much, the shots were coming from low ground so I knew I would be ok if I could land on the bunker real fast, so I flew in, hovered over the south bunker, a few feet off the ground.

Suddenly, AA warnings are going off like crazy, I pull up and drop flares as soon as my SQD unloads, I barely dodge the first missile, and the second one manages to clip me and messes up my rear rotor. So, I as my warning keeps going off, I decide that the only way I can make it out is if I bail, I precede to climb as high as I can and then I bail. I give it a good 3-5 count and pull the cord, I get wounded by the choppers explosion on the way, but I'm just barely starting to bleed.

I finally hit the roof safe and sound when suddenly I see a MEC transport chopper dropping troops off behind me about 15-20 feet away, so the MEC soldiers are freaking out and trying to shoot me as quick as possible, but miss. I make it through the roof entrance and make my way down, I walk backward with my pistol out and manage to take out 3/5 of them! But I got hit, and my bleed out got much worse, my screen goes grey, I'm calling out for my SQD who is down on the ground level of the bunker, 2 of them come up to help me, I manage to wound the 4th guy before he takes me out! My two team mates take out the last two guys and then the medic revives me, I pick up an enemy kit and we kept defending that bunker for about 10 minutes before an APC managed to wipe us out!

One of my best PR moments. :firing:
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by Roguehellhound »

Korengal Valley, was a Sqd Member with this fellow name Sharpyz (now in my clan).
We were the US trying to kill the Insurgents. Racked up 114kills that night and about 3caches with area attacks.
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by Cheditor »

114 kills, wow that is alot.

Today was on UKWF playing Ejod Desert. Our squad rushed with a inf truck to east of gas station. There we moved into the station and waited for the city to be captured. 3 of us moved out to attack a sniper team just west of us, and the rest of us fired into a firebase slightly north. After a few raids on the fire base and a few deaths later we were pushed back to our rally where we had crates dropped by a supply truck. We were surpressed for a good 10 minutes with us just firing heavy anti tank, Grenade launchers and much ammunition as we could actually get. But generally every time our heads went up a sharp shooter would be on us or the SAW gunner would rake the hill. After all that we were wiped out and had to spawn at city. Even though it didnt go to plan was lots of fun.
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by NoxNoctum »

On Al Basrah (easily of my favorite maps):

All three caches were in that area west of the main city, in between the three compounds out there, though only one was revealed. (there are three right? I can't remember exactly) Anyways... it's in that big open area with a few fields and bombed out compounds in between roads and little ridges. Basically what happened was a MASSIVE firefight involving at least 80% of the entire server in a very small area.

I was squad leader, and had one of the best squads I've worked with so far, great shots, listened to orders, but at the same time not afraid to take their own initiative.

We assaulted the southernmost compound after crossing a field and taking out a few insurgents there (there had been a cache in the field, so I guess that makes 4 caches in this small area), I had one guy in an armed land rover covering us, he did a great job. Great use of landrovers can make a massive difference on Al Basrah in particular.

This is where it got crazy, insurgents were piling out of this one compound like FLIES, we probably racked up 10 kills right there (a cache was inside of course), meanwhile we're getting shot at from another compound directly to our north and from insurgents on rooftops at the western edge of the main city. Some guys go down, but our medic does a fantastic job. The bulk of our team is north of us, assaulting the northern most compound (where we're taking fire from as well like I said) so we're kind of on our own. At some point our landrover gets blown to bits so we lose a significant amount of our firepower. (it was hanging way back on my orders, shooting at targets I called out for it with binocs, but it came under fire from insurgents attacking from the north east)

As we're busying fighting within 10 meters of the southern compound (we still can't get inside because there's so many insurgents coming out), I spot yet another full insurgent squad flanking us on our right alongside a ridge to the south of all the main fighting ), we open up on them as well and get a couple perfect shots. I swear there's nothing so satisfying as waiting for that perfect shot and seeing a body flop down at a couple hundred meters away through your scope. Still, 3 or 4 of them are still alive. We're now getting hammered from two opposite sides while still being unable to fight our way inside the compound we've been stuck at.

I order everyone to pop smoke and lob nades, if we don't get in we're fucked, everyone in the team is fantastic so it's a risk worth taking even though we're outnumbered.

We rush inside after a nade barrage, blast three or four remaining insurgents and nail the cache. Someone gets critically wounded, but we heal everyone up. Pretty damn amazing. We're in a much better position now, in cover behind walls, but we still have insurgents on three sides of us (northern compound, behind a ridge to the south, and in another compound closer to the city). Eventually we kill all the guys to our south, and push back two full enemy squads (I'm not exagerrating here, their entire fucking team was all over the place by now, either in the main city on the westernmost roofs, or fighting just oustide it in the compounds) back to within the eastern most compound close to the city. I check the map and the rest of our team is still held back by the insurgents in the northern most cache, even though they have APC support (and we don't). Not to disparage them though, there were, from what I saw, at least 2 enemy squads defending that area (the insurgents were acting in a much more organized manner than usual since this fight was fairly conventional), lobbing RPGs repeatedly and then grabbing ammo at the cache. A couple technicals were also fighting up there, complicating things further for the rest of our team, we managed to kill the crew of one with some VERY lucky long distance firing (I guess if you're throwing as much lead as we were you're bound to hit something)

Eventually I call for more smoke once we have pinned the two enemy squads inside the eastern compound (well mostly at least, obviously they keep sneaking outside it taking shots from ridges around the outside) and we move up to a ridge in between the two compounds, there's an open area to our left, and then another ridge, essentially blocking us from the view of the insurgents in the northern compound.

We start taking HEAVY losses at this point, guys keep going down and needing to be revived, we're getting suppressed like crazy, we're fairly exposed and once again we're getting flanked from the south. I call for a rush on the compound after some smoke, a couple of us make it and nail the 2nd cache, seconds later the northern cache finally goes down and it's GOOD GAME. My squad's K/D ratio is about 5 to 1, with my two best shooters having something like 11-2 and 15-3 respectively. I had a mere 9-3 I'm afraid :p . All regular rifles, a SAW and a medic. Marksman is wholly unecessary if your squad knows how to pour lead accurately down the field.

In retrospect, I probably should have flanked around using the ridge to the south but hey, it's the heat of battle right? Plus I was worried if we got out there our hardfought compound would be lost again and we'd be pinned out in the desert taking fire from both compounds.

Probably my best PR moment ever.
Last edited by NoxNoctum on 2009-05-25 04:40, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by rampo »

Barracuda on US Marines, we had landed to a penninsula when enemies start to attack from all directions whit rockes and grenades, there were explosins evrywhere for over 2 minutes and evrybodys just screaming to the voip for a medic who had been torn to peaces by a HAT a long time ago, the other squad leaders and i r just spamming for supplies and air support and CAS untill we finaly get the word... "Air suport available" Then i just run over to the tree line and place two smoke grenades and request a fire mission. Too bad i wasnt there to see it because i got killed by a chinese. then we won the round whit the help of helo transport.
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by Forrest23 »

In Kozelsk,

I was in a Russian Inf squad, we had captured the south objective, the next was the big facility thing just south of the Chechen base. My infantry squad decided to move along the east side of the map then west to the facility. We just got across the large grassy field and were just about to move through the forest to the marsh area. Suddenly, two FULLY LOADED transport trucks come bombing through the woods towards us. I see them from far away and take time to set up my PKM, I wait until they get closer for an accurate shot and just mowed them all down myself I shot the driver out of one of them and killed most of the people in the back of the truck before they got out, most of em were just confused or were hurt from jumping out early, the other truck pulled 10 meters away from me and they all jumped out to get me, but they all failed. My squad didn't have the time to react because I was ahead of them. I got 14 of the 16 kills and the other two were guys that jumped out and ran for the woods that my squadmates took out later. Truly fun.

Another one was in EJOD,

My squad was tasked with defending the gas station, there was an APC giving us trouble from the city and since I had the HAT kit, my squad leader and I set out on a 2 man mission while the rest of the squad stayed there. We make it to the edge of the city and wait for the APC to show up. We see it and before my HAT warms up, four infantry bail out of it and scatter, I shoot the APC when he isn't looking and my squad leader and I are faced with holding off the four infantrymen. We hide behind some concrete barriers and each one of them decided to charge at the same time, thanks to a lucky nade by SL we managed to stun them and just shoot them like fish in a barrel. We walk back to the Gas Station unharmed.
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by Rawhide »

One time at Seven Gates, me and a full squad of Swedish lads were playing as British.

We got in a firefight with the Chinese, we on the other side of the valley and them on the other side. 6 vs 6.

It was beautiful, it was a real firefight, and everybody knew the rules. The one who shoots the most, will force the other one to fall back.

We lighted them up good and finally they had to fall back

It was really nothing special but it was a good display of the importance of having firepower and fire superiority
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Re: [List] Your best firefight?

Post by KarateDoug »

pr picture by KarateDoug - Photobucket

Only have PNG image.

This was the score on a round of Korengal Valley, in v0.80.

If you look at the top 7 scores on the U.S. team, all of them were in my squad. Commander left the squad early to command.

I drove a Command truck to the Laniyol flag, followed by a Humvee full of our squad.

We got to the flag and we built our FB. I set all the wire it would let me, plus both 50cals. The guy with 69 kills sat on that gun the entire round, lighting up the road leading to the flag.

The enemy was relentless in their attack. But so were we. They threw ropes over, drove technicals in, RPG'd us from a distance and molotoved us, but they never succeeded. I had 3 of the squad members (Fire team 1) guard the front access and the other 3, Fire team 2 guarding the rear. We never fully lost the flag or FB the entire round. (I think about 2 hours long). It was crazy and I have never seen such a constant stream of insurgents attack still to this day.

In total we made a total of 203 Confirmed insurgent kills.

We held our ground. Each squad member guarded the spot that I requested of them and we communicated like true pros. This was the result.
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