I tried this on Vista, doesn't work no matter what I do. The last thing I tried is moving the vBF2 Objects_server.zip and Objects_client.zip then placed the files into it after placing it into a kit. Constant CTD. Even in vSpecialForces that I don't think is modded CTD's. I'll keep trying different stuff to see if I can get it working. And if I do I'll post it onto this thread. If anyone knows a solution please post here.
This is the error that I get when I launch vBF2 when in windowed mode.
I'll try PR and post results too. Exact same results.
Ok I found out what I did wrong. I deleted my menu_client.zip and menu_server.zip for vBF2. Would any kind person mind sending me an unmodded copy of theres? I'll give you brownie points
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Last edited by boom50cal on 2009-07-09 04:54, edited 4 times in total.
Reason:Found out what I did wrong...
Steam? Pissed about BF3 not having mod tools, also?
I tried transferring the Mk12 from V0.8, it works except when I get in game, the weapon model doesn't show, I get empty hands doing animations that make him look funny. Zoom works, but no reticule, no sound, but all the proper stats work, damage, accuracy, ammo count, mag count. Can someone tell me the issue?
i made a transfer of the m4 series and then my computer broke but i made a backup off the mod but when i click join game when i should see the spawn screen i get an unexplaind crash ?????
alright, brand new here (at the pr forums) but i know a fair bit about self-modding
first off, run it in windowed mode to get an error message, this will tell you exactly what texture/sound/bundlechild/whatever your'e missing to run in window mode, right click on the icon for your mod of choice and add "+fullscreen 0" to the path
without that message "it stopped at 15%" means just about nothing, other than the problem is somewhere in and objects folder
now perhaps someone can help me with my problem, its not PR related, but you guys seem to know about modding
I moved USI's m109 howitzer to AIX, and after many error messages (see above) im able to drive around in it an blow things up, but, its got no skin (first pic) and when i try to jump into the commanders position, with the mg, i get the second pic
when i open it up in the editor, it has a skin, textures, etc, for some reason my comp refused to take a scrren cap of it though
i dont really mind the color, since camo is irrelevant to bots, it would be nice to have it fixed though, what i really want is the mg to work
to A1 Unit:
post an error message and i can probably tell you what youre missing or what you can do to fix it (such as redirecting a texture to a substitute)
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It works, it's just slightly more complex than copying over the weapons and vehicles folders. One tip: you also need to copy over the Effects folder which contains all the explosion effects for vehicles and muzzle flashes etc. which would kinda solve half the issues in this thread.
After that you also need to copy the Menu files for images and icons used, or edit every weapon and vehicle to use BF2's menu files.
I have a solution for your flipped weapon icon problem, all you have to do is open the file with photoshop (or whatever photoeditor u have) and then flip the image there, then save it and replace the old file, hope I helped
I Have PR v.917 And you said that go to HUD\Texture\Ingame\Weapons\Icons\Hud and copy the weapon name from this folder to bf2 menu client!
Now the problem here,with me is that i only see SIX Folders only that are the same name as the folder in the bf2 menu client.zip...
I do not see the following folders that i need,as you said!
I try to play a game bet it crashes on OBJECTS ON 15%!!!!
It Would Be Thank Full If You Could Help.