ok you know how sp is shunned by the mp. why don't you guys give sp something special like a speical force mini mod. with SAS, Delta, Spatnaz, Rangers, Royal Marines.
No doubt some thing special may be on the horizon. The only problem is SP takes a lot of coding to get the AI working correctly so a lot of effort is placed into getting that right. Once the team has cracked the coding then other options could be implemented.
oh ok i was having a go at the sp guys no way would i do that. i was just thinking since sp is like mp wouldn't it be better to have something that makes it unique to mp. that was all
godofurmom2, why dont you join us at the PRSP FUN group at hamachi? i play SP alot, cause i cant play regular online version (either BF2 or PR) so i play there instead!
Hamachi Network Name is PRSP FUN and the password is madmike. we're almost in the same time zone too! im in Sweden
if you're in for that kind of thing, you can create new kits, choose a map and change the kits in the spawn screen to make special forces factions. you could throw in silenced sidearms, full automatic M4 should still be in there somewhere, MP5's and explosives. there should still be the parachutelauncher ''weapon'' so you can throw yourself off choppers - just change to your liking. cant wait to experiment when the new SP patch comes out.