got a little bit more info on F88's. i am only hearing about this now so i dont actually know how long this programe has been active. no more than twelve months though because it wasnt in 2008/2009 buget papers.
thales has given the ADF a few intergrated hand control communication units to trial for use on the F88.(the yanks and Brits got some aswell) The unit replaces the foreward hand grip with a multi touch control unit. this inables use of GPS, radio, and visual assistance units, with out releasing or having to adjust your grip on your weapon.
this looks like a step towards the possible use of VIKING II digital optical devices, that were trialed in 2005. the VIKING II(or DIOSII*) supposedly this unit combines a digitally enhanced optical camera/sighting system, a laser rangefinder, infered and light intensification capabilities, as well as IFF capabilities, compass,GPS, comunication and tactical mapping technology in a insight picture HUD like system. all of this looks like spin offs from the Advanced Land Warfare Programe.
*DIOSII is the acronym used in the material i was reading i understand it to refer to Digital Intergrated Optical System II. however other more ambiguous referances where made to C4SIR and OSRE of which no explanation was made. (if anyone knows what this refers to please let me know.)
once again this is only in testing phases so no intergration is expected for many years yet, so your safe ok tonnie, i figure you'd love to read all the above and be thinking oh **** he's done it again and now i have to change that bloody gun again. but no not yet mate, no not yet

, any way why would i bother doing that when i just got some awesome leads on the DFSW project, so you never know all these problems we(you) have had with the Gus and the LAW (trying to get the right mix) might not matter because from one of the things i have heard is they are looking at replacing the whole lot, but i haven't had any confirmation on that yet other then that a variant of the SMAW is officially in contention, and a new improved version of the Gus is supposedly being tooled up to compete as well. so really with things like that on the horizon why would i bother messing you around on the F88, i mean i couldn't possibly be that mean.......could I?