Asad Khal from both sides of the river...

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Asad Khal from both sides of the river...

Post by Chris_Redfield09 »

Any great strategies for Asad Khal out there? Just curious to see what has been done before, what seems to work and what you don't like to see done on this map.
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Re: Asad Khal from both sides of the river...

Post by goguapsy »

GO GO GO RUN MAKE FOB in W S(or N) and E of the city you attacked. Then move tactically or get a truck and drive all the way behind the enemy (worked for me!)
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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Re: Asad Khal from both sides of the river...

Post by derg »

When the Rallys had existed the "old" way me and my squad always drove up to the northern map border (as british), set a RP and moved south into the city to capture the northern flag. Then we just spawned at the rally, ran to their last flag (don't know the name of the CP) and captured it. We did this about 4 or 5 times and we always had success and won the round after about 20 minutes.
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Re: Asad Khal from both sides of the river...

Post by L4gi »

2-3 squads stop the enemy from capping their flag, the rest caps your teams flag. While you are fighting for the enemys flag, send a squad to the Village/Mansion and wait. My record is 7 minutes. :)
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Re: Asad Khal from both sides of the river...

Post by 1GeKKo3 »

Unlike the other suggestions, if both team are equal and playing correctly the key to this map is defence.

With the limit distance between FB of 300m, you can fit two FB on the E and W side of the city on your side of the river.

The outer flanks should always be covered by a properly defending army so the best way to attack the enemies city flag is by using smoke, a lot of it, to cover a crossing either across the E or W side of the city.

You should have 2 squads defending your flag at all times, 1 permanent and 1 roaming. The permanent squad is always defending, has scouts on the flanks watching for flanking enemy. If an enemy squad is seen flanking then the defenders can move into the area where the enemy is heading and set up an ambush.

The roaming squad will be towards the front of their city flag helping provide cover for the troops attacking the next flag. If one of the attacking squads loses their RP then the roaming squad moves in to the attacking squads role and as the previous attacking squad regroups, they move in to position to become the new roaming squad, proving cover and getting ready to move to replace the next downed attacking squad.

Once you gain a foot hold on an area in the enemies city, you set up a RP station. 2-3 squads put their RPs in one position and 1 of those squads defends that area to keep the RPs up (don't think this will work now with changes to the RP system).

If you can push the enemy back, remove their FBs and RPs, you can bring a truck up, put down a FB on the E or W depending on which side of their flag you cleared out and then push out the other side till you can get down your second FB. Once both are in place all you need to do is defend both FBs and you've got it won.

No need to go for the cap out as this causes more problems and a better chance that you will not win the round.
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