Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by SilentWarrior »

IAJTHOMAS wrote:I also prefer the all or nothing approach. Of all the betas, I've like no rallies the best, although it doesn't always work on all maps (the suggestion of reintroducing time limited supply drops for map with diffcult terrain, and expecially where one side has air superiorty, like Korengal was a good one to at least look in to imo).

Otherwise I'd rather just have the old rally system. The other varitaions seem very complicated with little gain that I've seen.

These are all just points which come down to badly tactics and decision making.

If an MG is firing at your position, you don't pop your head out that the point of them. Don't complain about being killed by MGs if you're like trying to engage in a head on firefight with one.

If your pilots are morons and your SLs dont build FBs you lose.

If you're TOW is poor, you'll have trouble as US on EJOD.

What's the point of playing a team based multiplayer game if you don't want to rely on your team for anything?
I dont like to COMPLETELY rely on one single player for my gaming experience, when there is 32 players in my team.

I dont want to be forced to go AFK while waiting for next map because after a 30 minute walk I accidentaly turn the wrong corner and got MGed by the "Huye squad" member that went in there just for MG, asked for rooftop landing, and was there just 2 minutes on a completely retarded zone... where he fall off the building while moving forward on the edge.

If I am going to be owned like that, I want to go down in a fair, good firefight. Not because of some nub MG man on the edge of the map shooting me down from 600 meters.
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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by SilentWarrior »

If your pilots are morons and your SLs dont build FBs you lose.

Pilots are a lost cause most of the times.... it would be good to have a system to only allow pilots with enough flight time and reputation inside them (yeah, keep dreaming).

As for firebases, I see so much retarded firebase locations that it never stops amasing me. Specially those so called "FOB" or "Logistics" squads that make firebases in open areas where the enemy can easily spawn kill you (yeah it happens ALOT).

If you're TOW is poor, you'll have trouble as US on EJOD.

Having played TOW crewman before, I know it is pretty easy to lose it to enemy tank fire, specially if they know what they are doing. Those t72 are great at hiding in the desert, and if the driver gets out, you can pretty much forget about taking one down before he takes you down if they have a good gunner and your team doesnt provide you with enough intel. And i am not talking about the initial round rush for the kill either, since i never did that.

If you expect your team to be leetzor players, you are pretty much delusional. It only shows that you havent played PR enough. As much as I would like PR will never have the player base of BF42 or DesertCombat. Those are long gone, pretty much as soon as vBF2 came out, they too went out. There are simply way too many vBF2 players (vBF2 makes CS players cry atm).

The struggle right now is about gameplay VS realism on PR. You can only have so much realism before you screw gameplay.

To have very long range tank battles, you need to have very good anti-tank guarded locations where infantry can have their battles. Same goes for aircraft. Either that or make it so hard for them to see infantry or get near infantry that they would simply lose interest in chasing infantry.

I beleave the goal for PR (on BF2 engine) should be towards speciallized maps, such as "mostly infantry", "mostly tanks", "mostly aircraft", like Desert Combat was. There should be a tank only map, with loads of tanks for nice tank battles, like the DC "Battle for 73 eastings". Aircraft only like that map with the big "NO FLY ZONE" sign. Or infantry only (supported by transport choppers or cars or wateva light vehicles) like "Lost Village".

Maps like Kashan Desert, even tho balanced maps, have a weak infantry gameplay (even tho sometimes very fun).

On a side note, would love to see a building infiltration (hostage like) map. I asked for it for Desert Combat some years ago, but BF42 engine simply couldnt handdle it well. A Big building with swat like teams, against insurgent hostage takers. Where there was multiple floors, with multiple entry points. Insurgents spawning inside the building, and americans coming in by car or chopper then having to clear floor by floor. Say DCs "Oil Rig" map.

PS: where the hell is the edit post button?
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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by Sliver »

#EJOD is a MEC-Rush-Map:
Tank + APCs take City first and then Gasstation
If US Team is good, they can destroy the Tank or one APC before they got owned by the rest. Current EJOD-Record with 64 Players: 4 Min.

#Kongreal -> Basecamping Map, US havent a real chance to destroy more then 1-2 caches

#Ramiel -> US can destroy max. 5-6 Caches before they run out of Tickets

#Fallujha -> US can take max 3-4 Cashes before they run out of Tickets

#Al-Basrah ->Max. Cashes ~5, then no tickets left

#Archer -> Max. ~6, US loses to much Choppers (=Tickets), building Firebases does not work cause they are most time overrun/camped by taliban or to far away

#Fools Road -> Russian win if the other team does not destroy the mainbase-bridge

#Sunset -> A simple Team Deathmatch Map without any strategy

#Road to Kyongan Ni -> Remeber Sunset? -> nearly the same, +10% strategedy

#Asahd Kal -> Team Deathmacth Map Nr.3, a littlebit more strategic as Kyongan but still Deathmatch

#Qwai -> approximately balanced but the chin. APC's are a littlebit to heavy armed and they can swim so the Strikers are most time a metal-coffin if the TOW-Humvee/HAT cant destroy all heavy chin. APCs

#Karbala -> works perfect, remove the Little Birds so they cant wasted (->losing tickets) and its completly balanced

Even more Maps that work realy good with Beta-changes: Muttrah, Koselkz, Kashan, Quinling, Baracuda, Jabal, Ghost Train, Mestia, Tad Sae, "this old Night-Map where you play now at daylight (i forgot the name sorry :D )"

These are my impressions so far..
Biggest problem is the Insurgent-balance! They got tooooo many spawnpoints!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, sorry for my english ^^ xD
TOME Malambri
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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by TOME Malambri »

I despise this system, as does the rest of my clan. It gets in the way of our teamwork attempts.
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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by Scared_420 »

for heavy terrain map it is near impossible to get a good spot to actually put up an fob and defend it, usa should have a huey wth crate in some of these maps and i think it will work better
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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by Bluedrake42 »

I think there should be some kindof icon, or other kind of status indicator for the RP's. Because otherwise its cumbersome for troops to find out if the RP is still up or not. A little icon in the top part of the screen or something like that would be nice just for a quick way to see if its up or not. (a countdown timer would also be nice to track the rp's "Lifetime" but I don't want to ask too much)
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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by Bonsai »

Bluedrake42 wrote:I think there should be some kindof icon, or other kind of status indicator for the RP's. Because otherwise its cumbersome for troops to find out if the RP is still up or not. A little icon in the top part of the screen or something like that would be nice just for a quick way to see if its up or not. (a countdown timer would also be nice to track the rp's "Lifetime" but I don't want to ask too much)
Yeah like the "timer" inside our helmets we have IRL that shows us if the enemy has found our backpacks?

//irony off
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. Sun Tzu
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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by corp_calqluslethal »

No rallies suck, simple as that. Please don't go through with this stupid change, ive played it for weeks now and i hate it. Makes for more walking people will build fb... and, who cares. People build fb already now it just seems like every squad is building them with the changes. The maps are huge people need rallies especially on insurgency, if your fb gets taking out you have to start from scatch. That change makes the game kinda suck.
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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by eykis »

corp_calqluslethal wrote:No rallies suck, simple as that. Please don't go through with this stupid change, ive played it for weeks now and i hate it. Makes for more walking people will build fb... and, who cares. People build fb already now it just seems like every squad is building them with the changes. The maps are huge people need rallies especially on insurgency, if your fb gets taking out you have to start from scatch. That change makes the game kinda suck.
^ what he said
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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by Calcor »

I like the old, normal RP system.

Never touch a running system.
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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by devildog279 »

I like the new system.

Ill start of with what happened.

Yesterday I joined the TG server, but I completely forgot that it was hosting the beta changes for you PR devs. I joined in at the beginning of a match, before it had started and joined an infantry squad. I was the AR. I am bad with remembering names but I know Blind_Firepower was in the squad. The round was on Al Bhasrah (spellings probably wrong). When the round started we spawned at the vehicle check point and moved out south on foot down the side of the road towards the city. We cleared several insurgents without anyone dying. We were then directed by our commander to check out a possible weapons cache in the most western suburbs of the city. We did not find one, but when we were finished, We Jumped in the back on an APC that had come to pick us up, and almost our entire team moved out as a convoy to the southern edge of the map where the bridge runs east-west south of the city. We then built a firebase and began to move out east. We crossed the river and immediately engaged several insurgents, killing all of them, with our squad using great team work. Our commander then directed us to pull back, as our entire team was going to go back to base to regroup, rearm, and reogranize. We all jumped in the logi's and WMIK's and we led the APCs back to base. Sometime on our way there our commander disconnected, which was unfortunate because he was doing a great job organizing the team. Once our team was reorganized we moved out to the far east of the map near the river, and set up a firebase then crossed the river. From there the team play did decrease, but It was still fun.

The deal is, the entire time I was playing, I never noticed the abscence of Rallies, because the team play was so great, and everyone was working together greatly in the best display of combined arms I have ever seen, and Ive been playing awhile.

MY VERDICT: if you skipped all the above, and just want to know what I think about the D version changes, then I like them. For a team to win, they force a team to work together to try to keep each other alive. It also increases the helpfulness of the commander as they can coordinate everyone. For these changes to work, it will require the support and the will of the players. The idea is sound but without the support of the players it will wreck PR. so while I like the ideas, I would hesitate to implement them until you know you have the majority of the PR community behind you.

Thanks for Listening - Semper Fi
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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3


I don't think there is any doubt, on good TW servers the no rally is good.
However on more average servers (majority) that will make gameplay far more difficult.
It all comes down to where the DEVs want PR to go: easier with more players or more realistic and difficult with less run of the mill players.

For me personally in theory I like the no RP's for realism but in practice I think it will further reduce the playerbase (but as a lot of people say they would prefer less servers with good TW to lots of tardy servers).

A bit of a on the fence reply - sorry!

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Re: Project Reality v0.874D Open Gameplay Beta : Part 3

Post by Heskey »

I prefer no rallies at all!

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