[AAR] Beautiful FOB Defense

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[AAR] Beautiful FOB Defense

Post by Quikli »

Every inch was a battleground. I jumped into a middle of a match in the map Ramiel in a HARDCORE INSURGENCY server. I thought it was going to be an easy way to support our team, defending a FOB located right in the heart of Ramiel. I was a medic.

So our squad started constructing fortifications, barbed wire arrays strung up around the gates, MG nests covering the entrances. It was pretty good, and no insurgent opposed us. So we just waited around, waiting for some stupid insurgent militant to come up to our barbed wired gates and get shredded into pieces.

Other than a few technicals sweeping past our gates with no shots fired, there was nothing to fear. Finally, we spotted a few insurgents armed with SKS', firing at us from the outskirts of the east gate. One of our men got hit, so I just crawled out of the wire, and patched him up. We swiftly killed the insurgents.

We all expected that the rest of the match would feature routine insurgent sweeps outside of our courtyard.

However, everything started to change when we spotted an insurgent who somehow got up to the roof right in the middle of our FOB perimeter. We just threw a few grenades, and he died with no protest.

After that, all hell started to break loose.

One of our squad members alarmingly notified us that there were hostiles to the west entrance. The squad leader and I quickly hustled to the location, and I manned the MG nest covering the gates. All of a sudden, a grenade killed me and obliterated the MG nest. I quickly re spawned to see our FOB erupt into ruins after the enemy lobbed an IED over the wall and destroyed it.

Our squad quickly rebuilt the FOB to a more safer location, more centered in the courtyard.

We had a few moments to breathe before another wave of insurgents came to overrun us. This time, an IED obliterated our east entrance barbed wires, and a flood of insurgents came in. Our squad repelled them in a quick firefight, M4's bursting and SAW's a blazin'. I patched up like four of our fallen men, and they quickly continued the fight.

After taking them out, we decided to clear the rest of the insurgents outside of the east entrance. This was a grave mistake.

A lot of our men were caught by an ambush outside, but I managed to survive and stave off the stragglers. I patched our men up, but noticed that about four insurgents breached the perimeter and were circling our FOB in the middle of the courtyard. We quickly wiped the enemies out, but everyone was wounded and shellshocked.

I healed and revived more than I could remember ever playing PR. That courtyard became a small walled in hell. Grenades and molotovs lit up the whole east entrance as wave after wave of insurgents swarmed in.

Our squad leader finally ordered us to take drastic measures and demanded our specialist to throw a rope over a tall building looking overhead, north of the courtyard.

We all frenziedly climbed up to the top. It was a climb of survival.

When we finally made it up, I was instantly wounded out by an enemy grenade. Fortunately somehow we had another medic in our squad, and he revived me. We had two medics, which would ultimately contribute to our survival.

So our squad called in for extraction, though it was hot, we had full confidence that our BH could make a safe evac from such a tall building.

We continued to fire at the insurgents on the ground. I continued to revive and heal everyone in our squad under heavy fire.

When grenades started to fall in on the roofs, we were given orders to spread out along the roof's perimeter.

Unwittingly, our specialist forgot to pick up the rope, so insurgents started to climb on top of the roof and they attempted to kill us. They did manage to wound out two of our men, but we fought hand-to-hand with knives, the first time I saw it in PR combat. We fought fence-to-fence, rooftop tile-to-rooftop tile. After taking out the insurgents on the roof, our badly wounded specialist finally managed to pick up the rope.

I patched him up and our squad finally managed to find some stability in this situation.

When intel came in, we finally found out that a cache was somewhere VERY close to our FOB location. No wonder why there were so many enemies.

But now our survival was all in the hands of the BH that was coming in for extraction. I thought it was going to be a very sweet and cinematic extraction that would take us straight out of hell, back into our cradle.

Unfortunately, our BH was hit by an RPG. Really, an RPG. It threw some flares before frantically crashing into the ground.

Our only hope for life was gone. Now were on our own.

We continued to compete fiercely in the never-ending firefight with insurgents nearby.

But finally, the rest of our team's squads came in and relieved us by destroying their cache.

It was a tough fight, but we managed to survive. Amazingly.

We roped down, and because of low ammo, we all switched to AK's.

After destroying a hide out and taking a group picture, our match ended.

IT was fun :)
Posts: 68
Joined: 2009-03-08 12:56

Re: Beautiful FOB Defense

Post by sik_gerar »

seems like a great pr experience to me.. great game also!
Posts: 514
Joined: 2009-12-11 12:41

Re: Beautiful FOB Defense

Post by Tit4Tat »

yeah..great story, i just dont get how u can lob nade's on top of a tall building??
Posts: 16
Joined: 2009-09-23 06:50

Re: [AAR] Beautiful FOB Defense

Post by Tricky45 »

It probably wasn't supar tall, but tall enough. Sounds like an amazing story though! Congrats on the good vibes
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