The way of the BMP-3 and Kashan

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The way of the BMP-3 and Kashan

Post by Bazul14 »

Many players on the MEC side on Kashan will take the tanks first and leave the BMP-3 to rust. Well, don't be discouraged. Make a BMP squad, squad up and take the BMP to kick infidel ***.

First Step- Never operate alone. If u have a full squad,everyone with working VOIP, take TWO BMP's and one AAV(that's that little BDRM-2 with those kick *** AA rockets). If u have like anything under a six man squad, keep in mind to allways have an AAV to back u up against enemy aircraft. MAKE SURE U HAVE GOOD GUNNERS! If the gunner does not know how to use a TOW either make him a driver or let him get the AAV(those things are just very easy to operate), of course, remember, u can allways kick a guy from ur squad.

Second Step- Don't spearhead any operation if u have any doubts. Take the infantry, deploy them a safe distance (for both) from the attack point, then fall back and watch over them. Make sure that AAV is doing its job, he has to defend the inf too.

Third Step- After conquering SV, leave the infantry to be picked up by trans helicopters, and fall back. If u had any significant contacts, rearm/repair. If not, go towards the bunkers.

Fourth Step- DON'T go in the bunkers. The bunkers will be the first place where the enemy armor will look for u. Stay outside the bunkers , usually on the East hill. Make sure ur six o'clock is covered. The driver of the AAV/APC can get out and look/listen. If u are a driver remember two things- SPOT FAST- a few seconds can make the difference between life and death. If u see enemy armor, or anything that can dammage/see u, report it, and SAY IT FAST AND CLEAR. Say the bearing first then what is the enemy. Its useless to say u see an enemy tank if u don't say the bearing first.
Second thing- The driver is ur commander, if he says stop, u better stop and not move unless he tells you to do so. Don't be scared that u are not going to make it alive, trust ur gunner.
Gunners, the apc is in your hands, use it properly. If u think u can engadge the enemy without getting killed, do so. Now there are a few secrets to make ur BMP more lethal than it allready is.
TOWs-well these weapons often make the difference between life and death.The have a weakness though, they are not fire and forget missiles. You have to guide them to the target. Ur BMP has relatively bad suspension, so tell ur driver to keep the apc on a road, and if not possible/too dangerous, keep the apc on a flat surface. If u see an enemy tank, that is stationary, order ur driver to stop. Shoot the TOW ~400m above the tank and then aim for the AA Mg on top of it. The tank will very likely go down with one shot. If the tank is moving, try to hit side/rear armor. If its comming towards u and u have nowhere to hide, at least try to make a frontal/top hit before he kills u. If u see multiple stationary tanks, do not engadge, pop smoke and get cover. If there is no way out, fight ur way out. Fall back untill u don't see anything except the top of the enemy tank(THAT MEANS YOU ONLY SEE THE TOP MG, NOT HIS GUN!!!) that has the highest altitude, then use the TOW to deliver the mortal top hit. He will go down, and most likely cause the other tank drivers to shit their pants. Advance slowly, until the situation repeats again.U will very likely get out of there, with kills too. But of course, if the risk can be avoided, avoid it, call for backup, its usually the best way out.
The 100mm HEAT gun is the best way to kill enemy inf in buildings, while it takes some time to deploy/use, it will kill anything within 10m of where it hits. That of course means infantry and light vehicles.Avoid using it against helicopters because it often is too slow. Use it only if the enemy heli is landing. Other than that use the lighter guns and the TOW. Against enemy tanks its completely useless.
The 30mm AP gun can be very lethal against light vehicles. It kills humvees, avengers, logi trucks and helicopters with a few hits. Make sure it won't over heat. It tends to do so, so, be carefull.
The 30mm HE gun is awesome against enemy infantry in the open. It kills anything within 2m of where it hits. Use it against enemy HAT/LAT that is trying to kill u. It takes no time to deploy so rememeber that. The HE rounds will kill enemy light vehicles, but it is generally prefered to use the AP rounds for that. Same thing goes for enemy helicopters.
Use the MG for close, not bunched up enemy infantry. Its kind of useless at a large distance and it gives your position away too.
Also drivers can press F7/8 and man one of the frontal MGs, enabling a little more firepower, and most importantly, stop ur engine, preventing u from being heard by enemy inf.
Fifth Step-Try to go to the bridge around b2/3, and on that road. Bur remember to have at least a tank in b1/2 to cover u from being flanked by enemy armor. If u have to move to NV, do the same as in Step Two. Drop the inf at a distance from NV while covering u and ur buddies. Don;t go past NV, u will get killed by enemy armor/aircraft in less than 5 min.
After getting NV, let the Heli pick up the inf and ask the tanks to go to S O(South Outpost) Ur job now is to defend NV from being taken back. Stay there untill your troops took SO, then make ur move, go cap the enemy main base. Don't fire in the enemy base, you will get either banned/ kicked or owned by a TOW that was waiting for you. Stay on the hill, away from the enemy line of fire. Keep the TOW up if u have any, or the 100mm HE round, use that to kill any Bradley/truck. Make sure u have a tank to back u up in case the enemy has heavier armor to deploy. Keep ur spacing. I got JDAM-ed a lot when my armor stayed very close.

Well I think that will be all, remember to take AAV's and Logi trucks if necesarry with you and good luck!
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