... orces.htmlWicca wrote:I need Desert Camo! For my map, is that also coming?
You get desert camo here ... orces.htmlWicca wrote:I need Desert Camo! For my map, is that also coming?
What rifle are you talking about?C.Carcharias wrote:But why do we have a sniper rifle that we don't use in real life?
lol, sry, I kind of look it over too quickly. AWM .300 of coursestiankir wrote:What rifle are you talking about?
The Norwegian Marinejegerkommandoen and Forsvarets Spesialkommando are both using the L115A1, if that's what you're implying.
Rangu wrote:we're not making the Norwegian Special Forces.
I'll update the shit so quick as I can, just have to fix some stuff. And the desert cammo is finished, but its only the ISAF desert camo.Wicca wrote:I need Desert Camo! For my map, is that also coming? BTW..
70 % Are you sure?! I think we are more at like 50 % You have all done alot, and your all extremely good at what your doing, but there is stuff left to do
Anyway, my map needs to be added in the google docs, its about 10 % done.
I have ordered a Bell/CH with mini-gunshx.bjoffe wrote:Btw.
Will we have an armed version of the Bell?
just as a footnote to that article, I would like to mention the fact that a M82A1 (12,7mm rifle) was used during the firefight. That should put an end to the M82-discussion on the NF-forum.johnandreas wrote:Norske soldater i skuddveksling nyttårsaften - nyheter -
The US Army and USMC also uses M82's during fire fights, but they aren't in PR either. Hmmm, not such a valid argument you brought up there, eh?stiankir wrote:just as a footnote to that article, I would like to mention the fact that a M82A1 (12,7mm rifle) was used during the firefight. That should put an end to the M82-discussion on the NF-forum.
actually, the discussion between the DEVs and Pleym, has been about IF it was used or not by the Norwegian military. As Rhino once said: (cannot find the post on public forums, and will therefore not quote) If the M82A1 is used by a real army - as anti-infantry, there should be no scruples using it.Maxfragg wrote:that its beeing used had never been the question, the question has always been, if it makes sense to use it in PR and my answer to this question keeps being NO
As far as I am concerned, the statement stand one's ground. If it is used RL, there shouldn't be any problem using it ingame, as long as BF2-physics allows it.MonkeySoldier wrote:The US Army and USMC also uses M82's during fire fights, but they aren't in PR either. Hmmm, not such a valid argument you brought up there, eh?
Edit: @ Maxx, I assume you mean the M82 rather then the HK417, or vice versa??