I like the new kit options, I've always wanted a non-scoped Grenadier and a Scoped medic
It's only a "downgrading" alternative, from default scoped to aimpoint/ironsights. Not the other way around, providing scopes to all.
There won't be scoped medics and thank goodness for that : medics' ammo is here for self defense and eventual fire support. His role is not that of a health-insured rifleman.
This goes well with it being an ironsights kits.
I as a lazy person will be sure to volunteer for this role even more due to the foreseeable increase of digging (less RPs and more FOBs).
I'm a bit concerned about the armour now with all those AT defenses, we'll see how it turns out. I guess I've reached my own OMG level upon seeing these added.
Thanks for all the hires pics in the updates, I love those.
New factions, vehicles, weapons, animations and sounds (these 2 latter being half the immersion),
many new maps (the thing I believe PR needs most), touched up known ones, polished gameplay, more kit loot and no more sound bug ?
This has got to be the biggest and best release since 0.5 ! But no wait, the best has yet to come with your fantastic work and all the other community factions which will add their weapons and maps and vehicles and more.
To think that PR is now in another decade... Who would have thought all this possible in 2005 ?
Thank you so much devs for the prolonged efforts your work involves, I hope you get some reward.