IDF starts from outside the city with APCs, Tanks and light vehicles, while Russia is using civilian cargo ship to launch helicopter landing into the city supported by APCs and light vehicles.
For now map will have Vehicle Warfare gamemode and AAS gamemode with 3 different layers, 16 layer for light vehicles, and 32 + 64 layers to offer 2 different basic AAS setups, hopefully server admins will use other layers too instead of just the 64 =)
I wanted to make the map give some advantage for the side who attacks from the sea with helicopters. There is few tactical things what i hope players will learn and use =) First there is lots of buildings that has entrance into the building from the roof, so helicopter can land troops on top of these buildings and infantry can then enter the building and use it as a fortress. 2nd there is 3 bridges and if attacking side destroys/mines all of them, defending side will have extremely hard time to capture attackers first/second flag from the docks and drive attackers completely out of the land area. 3rd is the enterable high building, that building is very easily defendable if you attack from the ground, however if you attack from the air with helicopter, you have advantage of landing on the roof and taking the building by assaulting from the top and from the bottom at the same time, and russian transporthelicopters has those machineguns so gunners can kill any enemy infantry who are defending the roof =)
Some stats
- 2km map
- ~340 roads
- 254 ladders
- made in ~1 month