I have a question regarding this update.
The maximum number of Weapon Caches needed to be destroyed by coalition forces was lowered from 10 to 7 caches. Also the amount of tickets gained from destroying a cache was increased from 10 to 25 tickets. This change will hopefully make rounds either shorter or more balanced.
I thought PR is about Long round and Unbalance. If I recall correctly, on last update the objective was to move game slowly, but now we are trying to shorten round and balance the forces?
The civilian collaborator kit rules were also tweaked so that coalition forces can only engage them inside the ROE if they executed any of these actions in the last minute:
-Respawned in the game
Wouldn't this cause spawn camping for shooting civilian inside of mosque?
In addition to this I have two other questions that can not be quoted from post.
1. Can civilian still be arrested without any reason just like current setting?
2. Kit Drop option can drop all kind of kit even the default kit? If so this will be great addition as you can now pursue enemy to drop weapon.