And thats the strike in all its glory. Looks like I got nailed by shrapnel- about 80% of the platoon got blasted by the first hit though!!
If you'll notice about 5 seconds in, theres two lucky guys in a foxhole that survive the first three shells. On the fourth shell, one of the two goes down. The fifth shell then takes out the final man, a medic, as he tried to save his fellow soldier
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^The RUS Pilot who was rammed by a Canuck rover while landing at the FOB- disabled the helo, leaving him under my command- we threw him an assault rifle
Not something you want to see out of your Chinook window....courtesy of FOB GG!
Platoon assembly after all emplacements being built- foxholes and weapons assigned.
FOB GG, aerial view.
The OiC- my command foxhole
Signal smoke for a supply drop- we ate through two crates, so we had an APC drop all its boxes and called in 4 more crates!
2iC's foxhole- scanning for grenadier targets.