In this thread, we share our in-game moments that have made you want to rip your hair out. Or, in my case as of 2 minutes prior to my typing this, punch a chair and hurt your knuckles.
So, I'm playing on silent eagle, and I've got a HUGE fiasco with a jet squad of mine and another person with a duplicate squad. I finally get the jet, and I'm fine for the most part, but I wasn't paying attention, and I ended up flying at a speed of 4000 due to high altitude, and went out of bounds and started bleeding. I got back in and I was like "Ok, cool, I'll just land, heal and take off". I make the landing near perfectly, except in the middle of my runway, SOMETHING makes my jet bounce into the air, so I try to compensate, end up not slowing down fast enough, and I crash the jet. What REALLY fucking irks me is that nothing was even on the runway, but my jet just randomly bounced and veered to a side.
Honestly, I had to stop playing because I was about to start wrecking shit. Punched my chair, and shut down the game, and posted this.
Anyways, someone else has got to have some stories of rage like this, so let's hear them.
[List] Share your moments of ATOMIC RAGE
- Posts: 1614
- Joined: 2008-11-09 14:34
Re: Share your moments of ATOMIC RAGE
the jet just spawned on kashan MEC i joind jet squad from the start of the round eager to fly i got in started to take off i cleared the run way just wanted to put in my after burner and by mistake i pressed 'E' instead of 'W' i couldint belive it after waiting 20 mins i left the server and i never flew again lol
- Posts: 57
- Joined: 2009-05-08 07:19
Re: [List] Share your moments of ATOMIC RAGE
This has happened way too many times. I'm having a really good round, when out of nowhere I get kicked. PB/Lost Connection To server/Internet Crashes/Make-way for admin/any other reason. It's fine until when you refresh the server, it's full. And it stays full. And stays full, and stays full and stays full and stays full etc etc