[R-COM]FPaiva wrote:I don't think so, the Brazilian Army haves a lot of FARC killcounts including choppers and planes used to transport drugs to our country, but the FARC is a problem of the Colombian government, the war operations by our army are made on our ground.
About the Venezuela, Chavez is a simpatizant of the FARC, that fact was confirmed when some AT-4s and some AK-103s with the serial number of the VZ army where found on FARC hands.
In this days, when US announced that they are going to be active on the Colombian military theater Chavez annouced that if they made any military moves on the region he is going to declare war on Colombia's government. In the middle of this, the Equador and Bolivia's presidents have military deals with Chavez and he supports the FARC, when Colombia, US and Brazil are allies. Aside all of that, Argentina and Chile haves military deals with the Brazilian Government.
Thats why i say that a conflict between FARC and VZ is pretty unrealistic.
Its true ours AT-4s were found on FARC hands, still i see more likely a conflict between
Colombia Vs Venezuela rather than Brazil Vs Venezuela, first because diplomatic relations
never have been broken between both countries and second Lula its considered by
Chavez, a friend. Besides Chavez want Venezuela to be part of the MERCOSUR and he
need Brazil vote at his favor to be part of it, on the other hand Chavez and his paranoia
see the Americans in Colombian ground like a direct threat to his so called "revolution"
and his purposes with the guerrilla, in fact Chavez said today that the United States is
preparing an attack to Venezuela using the Colombian Army with the "excuse" of FARC
base camps in Venezuelan soil.