The Thoughts of .917

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The Thoughts of .917

Post by BadGuy »

First I would day that to those that thought distance view range was shortened obviously the meters were cut in half about so what you would think is 200 meters is actually 400 meters in .87. No Distance Change at all, only the UI.

This was recent and everyone enjoyed it, I enjoyed it, my brother enjoys it boasting that it is the best patch yet. This .917 patch was placed to hot-fix some new content like marksmen performance, scope aim time to prevent choppiness, and some armor values to incoming fire. This is good for an update it has positive response but I think it came a bit early.

Now here are the bad things or so.

Random disconnections link to a new message that is stated as an obvious technical error is a new thing that bugs me. It is a message that involves a 5/ in the message, much like an old fashion Punkbuster B but more common.

The server selection, all noted populated servers are the 300 ping or less the boot. That is just those servers so more would upgrade but so may still wait for the next patch.

The gun selection for the insurgents may have stat confusion of previous automatic classes but not when a bolt is switched to an assault rifle.

The example here is the Hamas, the class of warrior and scout had the rifles swapped. The M16A1 and the M4A1 are both fast spewing full auto guns that ran out of ammo fast but what makes up for that is in the moment firefights. The thing is the M4 makes a circular group motions when full auto because of its shortness the motion is not very noticeable. The M16 does a bump up when firing so the majority of the rounds would land above the target. The thing that puzzled me was that the M16 did the circular motion that the M4 did as the scout kits weapon. But cause the M16 is longer than the bullets involved in the circular motion had a larger grouping that exceeded the effective grouping 1.5meters apart in diameter at common combat ranges.

So if that stat is confusing then I think the aimed recoil motions were not switched with the switched guns. Even so the fixers should proofread the fixes, nothing is truly perfect but work makes change favorable. Even though it is not the developers fault for obvious outcries throughout the community.
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