You know guys what we could do...... do more animations for each wepons
EXP: M16 it would have 4 kinds of reloadings with different amount of time like a simple reloading takes like 5 seconds or so... and there wuold be an another one like in the middle of the fire fight the guys forgets how to reaload it like... he put the mag inside upside down or something like that or it gets a jam and he has to fix it first. So in the code there wolud be like a counter which counts the reloading numbers and it would play randomly animation
just to make it a little realistic because in real life not every single loading takes the same amount of time
How do you guys like this idea ?
As my name shows....... I will kill y'all if you are screwing with me
Not worth it.. Not possible and even if possible. Would add too much overhead to the mod build. Besides, would you want to be the guy who ends up with a jammed rifle when he has just spent the last 30 minutes working his way into a perfect ambush on an enemy position. Only to fire a few rounds and end up with a jammed rifle and then be killed?
AK's don't jam like the early M16's would. Therefore, would you want to be an American Soldier and have the only side with a weapon that might jam in the middle of a firefight, costing you your life or would you rather play the other side? Granted, we know in real life the early M16 had issues, but this did not last for the entire war. As the servicemen got more accustomed to taking care of the rifles. The servicability got better.
Also, Do you understand how frustrating it would be to have to deal with this situation? Get into a firefight, only to have your entire squad eliminated because you all ended up with jammed weapons? Gee.. I can really see the fun factor here in playing this mod go down in the toilet.
I can see it now.. I know how I would think.. Wow, I had the advantage on my enemy, becasue he is looking the other way, but I can't kill him because my rifle just stopped working and now my squad is dead and we just lost the round because of this crappy idea of random jamming of weapons in a video game. Hmm. I think I would rather go play something else or do something else, rather than waste my time playing an overly unrealistic mod.
As far as I am concerned.. This will never take place in PR:V.. IF someone even tried to implement such an idea. I would veto it in a heartbeat.
i think its great exept that jamming thing. I could agree with different reload animations, but make it like its a chance of getting each reload and no reload is a fail.
Different reload animations if someone has the time and heart to do it.
No jamming, I agree with Trahn that is just going to frustrate the hell out of everyone.
1st two squads are CAS?.. Well isn't this just going to be a great game..
I think it would work best like how Gear Of War did it. Press a certain button at a certain time kind of thing.
Do it well and you get a fast reload, do it normal and you get a normal reload, stuff it up and you have to wait that extra few seconds.
This is still the bf2 engine, do people think this a new game or something? this has been suggestion for PR:BF2 and as Z and trahn said is not possible.
goguapsy wrote:
Why? If you can do it in Java (the randomizer) it will be pretty simple...
Because the BF2 engine only allows one animation per event. Sometimes even less, as the sight in and out animations are the same but in reverse. That is how limited that part of the engine is.
iwillkillyouhun wrote:... he put the mag inside upside down or something like that or it gets a jam and he has to fix it first.
First of all you simply cannot put a magazine into an m16 upside down, (I think developers of the weapon thought of that during the design) and second, even if you manage to fit it on there lol you will not get a jam
Handle every stressful situation like a dog.If you can't eat it or hump it. Piss on it and walk away
I would definitely love a "JAM" event on all guns.
Stats would have to be made and Average used, but I think it would be cool to get a "clic" once in a while, and then you'd have to hit the reload key to **** it again to shoot.
Would be totally realistic Especially with the M16a1's in Vietnam.
dergammla wrote:You guys never heard of SatNav?
His 1887 Shotgun has, if I remember it right, 3 different reload animations which appear randomly. YouTube - Duel deserteagles & 1887 shoty for BF2
iwillkillyouhun wrote:than what is that ? how did he raload if not when he spins it around ???
When you reload you replace or add more ammunition into your weapon, instead the random animation... hmm dunno fancy word for it but, prepares the weapon to fire next round, like pumping shotgun. Reloading can be seen at very last second.