[AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

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[AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Jigsaw »

Recently I had a think about how I play PR, what works and what doesn't and how I could improve myself. I've never had a problem obtaining a decent KDR and I see myself as a player who will look for teamwork opportunities at all times, but I could see flaws in my game and as something of a perfectionist I want to improve.

So I set myself this challenge:

Stay alive, at all costs.

I figure firstly that a decent KDR must always stem from dying less than the enemy and that being alive more will always increase your chances of killing the enemy, secondly that it can be hard to get kills but dying in PR is very very easy making it a real challenge.

So to that end, each round I play i'll be trying my hardest to obtain zero deaths on the scoreboard at the end of the round or at the point I leave the game. I'll document my experiences here and also use this thread to put down some AARs from the games I play including what I think has gone right or wrong when my squad mates or I do go down. I'll only write about infantry experiences, vehicles just aren't my thing.

Over the weekend I’ve already been experimenting in several rounds, so these will be my starting point.

Ramiel Inf - 30/04/2010 - NATO Public Server

Final KDR -> 15 - 0

I was playing as US, I joined [OD-S ]Pirate[BE]'s squad and was detailed to take the AR kit. I use the AR often as it is something of a speciality for me and a weapon I enjoy using at all times. We were operating as infantry in coordination with other squads led by *=LP=* Pel85 and others im not familiar with, whilst [OD-S] L4gi went CO. In all honesty this round had become somewhat stacked with many very good leaders on the US side and it is fair to say we blitzed the round.

For that reason I don't see it as really indicative of my skill level because of the way in which our team were able to dominate. I made one mistake, whilst in a building with an insurgent moving towards me. I knew he was there and foolishly left the building and cover to try and take him down, resulting in us both rounding a corner coming face to face. I reacted first and fired, only to hear the dead man's click as my box was empty.

Two lessons therefore, first do not leave hard cover if you already have an advantage over your enemy and second always keep track of your ammo situation; it is called a dead man's click for a reason.

Luckily Pirate was able to revive me, a healthy reminder of the biggest advice one can give; never give up.

Beirut - 01/05/2010 - [GROM] Server

Final KDR -> 6 - 1

I joined roughly halfway through this round, creating my own squad with a couple of friends on the IDF side. I spawned initially on a FOB roughly in the center of the map along with octo-crab and immediately came under fire from an apartment building to the SE. I cut down one or two of them, at which point we immediately heard the terrifying sound of artillery being dropped on us. Octo and I ran south as quick as we could but sadly were caught in one of the blasts and died.
We respawned at main and, knowing that the enemy were around that area still decided to attempt to dig them out. We moved up in a transport M113, advancing the final 100m or so on foot. We breached the building and cleared it, one of my squad members went down on the ground floor and unfortunately due to the number of hostiles we were unable to revive. The medic and I cleared the building successfully and took refuge on the rooftop, we were under attack from the North and South with a marksman pinning us from the East.

We stayed alive up there through simple technique, allowing the enemy to come into our line of fire and not walking into theirs. Several times enemy came up the stairs or attempted to grappel into the building and we always had the advantage because we were in cover and stationary. By the time the enemy realised they weren't going to get anywhere and moved on we had killed two squads worth.

We moved off South as the Russians had made progress against the rest of our team and in our absence had managed to cap all the flags back to main. It really does indicate how involving CQB can be. We got taken down as we moved South but the round ended almost immediately after. My only death was from the artillery as soon as I spawned.

Beirut - 02/05/2010 - Tactical Gamer

Final KDR -> 6 - 0

Joined this round roughly halfway through I think on Russians. They had basically fortified the island area around the docks and were making light assaults on the next active flag "East City Apartments". I joined a squad led by Prowler (I think) and took the Rifleman Specialist.

This round proceeded fairly slowly, we stayed around the island perimeter for about 20-25 minutes before eventually advancing East across on of the bridges and into the city. I took point and we pushed through the city towards the flag, stopping at an apartment complex to construct an FOB. Whilst building defenses we came under attack from hostile infantry at close range and I went down briefly when a SAW came around a corner just in front of where I was building some razorwire (lesson here is avoid building unless you have cover from other squad members). I was revived and we killed several enemies before we again continued East.

At this point we had a full 6 v 6 squad contact. They had entrenched in the building marked by the red cross, with a potential FOB at the red mark. Our FOB is marked in green.
They were high and low around the building and in the compound of the gas station, so myself and the medic proceeded to clear the main building whilst the rest of the squad gave covering fire. We successfully cleared the target building and wiped out the hostile squad.

At this point however several hostiles had flanked us as marked by the red arrow and were taking down our FOB. The SL detailed us to head back towards the FOB to try to clear them out whilst the AR stayed to cover. I got caught up dealing with another couple of hostiles that were firing at us from the South and meanwhile the rest of the squad except the AR were killed trying to clear the apartment buildings.

I think in hindsight we should have consolidated our winning position, having wiped out an enemy squad, by continuing East. By retreating back the way we came we were going into the LOS of entrenched hostile infantry in hard to clear buildings and duly most of the squad were killed. Thankfully the AR and I were able to exfil south, the server crashing as we stole away.

Kudos to Prowler though, for very good SLing.

Qwai River - 02/05/2010 - Tactical Gamer

Final KDR -> 5 - 5

This was not the greatest round, we messed around more than anything else but it really showed that lone-wolfing does not work and when squads get split up they do not function properly. I was playing as Chinese with the AR kit for my squad led by [TG-X]Brummy.

Much of the round was spent wandering fairly aimlessly and again it shows how working closely together as a squad and having a clear goal is the only way to succeed.

My deaths were all related simply to not working properly with the rest of my squad.

Kashan Desert - 03/05/2010 - Tactical Gamer

Final KDR -> 3 - 0

The subsequent round however, was a vast improvement. Brummy again led the squad (later [DM]darkcloak) and I took the AR kit.

It wasn't the most eventful round once again, due in part to the large map and a considerable deficit in skill between the US and MEC teams. Much of it was taken up by clearing the bunkers of one or two infantry where I got two of my kills, before being extracted by Blackhawk to the final MEC flag where we took down an enemy transport helicopter and capped them out.

Key thing really is that we stayed together and worked as a squad. When two of our guys went down the rest of us were able to kill the hostile, grab the medic kit and revive meaning none of us had a single death at the end of the round. I would mention that when they did go down it was because I was not in a proper covering position with my SAW, so that is something certainly to learn from.


So a reasonable start, 3/5 rounds ending with no deaths and I hope that continues. I will say that much of your ability to stay alive is dictacted by your squad mates and if you're not working together then bad things happen. I'll just have to work on that.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end... "
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by goguapsy »

Good to see you had some good rounds. Too bad I can't play THAT much.

When I play I try to say to my squad members "Try to survive at all costs!" But it doesn't always work. I don't blame the team, I blame myself for sometimes being too offensive (I definitively need to slow down).

Hope I see you in-game.
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Mongolian_dude »

Managed to get 18-0 on TG the other day. I dont has the pics to prove it, so I better GTFO :lol: Ask |TG-6th|Big_Bay_Al, he was my SL!
Em Gee 42 ftw!

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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge


Interesting. I think our patience/haste is generally the biggest enemy, PR is a great teamwork game but myself and I'm sure many others do suffer from the run and gun syndrome, I know it's best to be slow careful and patient but it's hard sometimes.

I have wondered about a one death only round as an experiment - but I'd spectate and read the conclusions!

I personally am happy with less than 10 deaths....
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Mongolian_dude »

PLODDITHANLEY wrote: I have wondered about a one death only round as an experiment - but I'd spectate and read the conclusions!

I personally am happy with less than 10 deaths....
Its been done, 1life only event on TG, Basrah. The result was very much a battle of the snipers, with Armour pieces dominating heavily. A few brave souls went out with a bomb car.
Lots of waiting..

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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Foxxy »

I'm sure many others do suffer from the run and gun syndrome, I know it's best to be slow careful and patient but it's hard sometimes.
I suffer from the same thing too. Im so used to COD and CSS that sometimes in the middle of combat i disobey my SL's orders to stay down and i get up and "attempt" to kill the enemy by massive firepower...

lets just say it doesnt work :p

[TMP] FoxxyFrost
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Jigsaw »

[R-MOD]Mongolian_dude wrote:Managed to get 18-0 on TG the other day. I dont has the pics to prove it, so I better GTFO :lol: Ask |TG-6th|Big_Bay_Al, he was my SL!
Em Gee 42 ftw!


Just wanted to say everyone is free to post up their own storys from rounds in which they haven't died or died just the once but scoreboard screens aren't enough, I wanna read about them. If anything this can be a challenge for everyone :)

I think the main lesson I've got so far is patience, avoiding being hasty is absolutely key.

I have had a fair bit of time to play this weekend but that'll probably change during the week, will update this as much as I can :)
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end... "
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by goguapsy »

I was playing Fallujah once back at .87 and my AR got the same K/D ratio as Bosco.

If I'm not mistaken, it was him himself in my squad.
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Aimed »


went 0 deaths in the first game of PR 0.9 on release night :D medic the whole game


both deaths were suicides cause i kept forgetting the range of the arty ied, I'd blow it and start bleeding out then run back to main die and pick my kit back up and go again :mrgreen:

16 kills in 3 ieds, killed 9 people with the 2nd ied :D
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Tim270 »

Find A Auto-Matic Rifle-Man

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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Silly_Savage »

I can't stress this enough: The key to survival is situational awareness.

[CENTER]Lone-wolfing with the Minimi on Dragon Fly.
Sniping on Archer with Mongol and Darkcloak as spotters.
Crewing a Warrior with Sandiford on Basrah while supporting Rudd's squad.
I have more screens similar to the ones posted above, but I found these the most impressive. :?

Edit: Lone-wolfing again with the Minimi. Unfortunately I didn't receive any revives or healing during the entire round. Teaches me to work more as a team... :?

Last edited by Silly_Savage on 2010-05-03 20:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by sakils2 »

Had an awesome round on fallujah in 0.86 (?). I was operating the Bradley, I ended with 44 or 47 kills and one death. I died because I pushed E instead of R...

One more was in 0.87 Assault on Mestia on TG. I was in an infantry squad, our task was to ambush russians on the Western road. Got 9 kills and zero deaths. Managed to destroy a BRDM who was blazin' at full speed with a russian HAT.
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Jigsaw »


@ all y'all posting scoreboard screenies, they are boring and serve no purpose. I could have posted the exact same thing but what I want is to talk about how to do it so we can all learn from one-another and improve ourselves.

For example Savage says situational awareness is key, but how do you keep yours so high? Tim says use an AR at all times but how can you achieve a low death score with other kits?

Tell me how you stayed alive/slayed many bodies, I don't care about the end statistics.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end... "
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Silly_Savage »

Jonny wrote:I think cautious movement (use cover, concealment and take advantage of the terrain), constant looking around and considering what the enemy might do (scan every corner each time you stop), and trying to give yourself an escape route if things go bad (a way out of an ambush, or to survive a flanking manouvre) are all important.

Willingness to retreat from a firefight is also important, you just cant win them all.
This basically sums up the key points. Excellent post.
"Jafar, show me a sniper rifle." - Silly_Savage 2013
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Tim270 »

Knowing when not to fight is also key, there are a lot of situations where a firefight could go either way but most of the time I try to fall back unless I fully know that I will get the kill. Entice him back onto your grounds.

Knowing maps, knowing your opponent are also very important.
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by myles »




i was pretty happy with all of these but the last 1 was my best as it was on a super hard map for US and when i died it was because of base rape
Check out my Project Reaity gamplay here http://www.youtube.com/user/Projectreality1

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