[AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by myles »

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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by SqnLdr »

Kornegal Valley, leading a squad for the US. Infantry, boots on the ground the whole time.
38-0 and I can't recall how many caches.

Key: Moving to places you know are secure making sure your squad moves with you. Don't move anywhere you haven't got at least 2 guns pointing towards. Be patient.
Ordering your automatic rifleman to start every firefight.
Keeping the medic alive at all costs.
[T&T] SqnLdr

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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Smuke »

SqnLdr wrote:Kornegal Valley, leading a squad for the US. Infantry, boots on the ground the whole time.
38-0 and I can't recall how many caches.

Key: Moving to places you know are secure making sure your squad moves with you. Don't move anywhere you haven't got at least 2 guns pointing towards. Be patient.
Ordering your automatic rifleman to start every firefight.
Keeping the medic alive at all costs.
Not bad, think I saw you roaming around that game Sqn!
In-Game Name: SmukeUK
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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by myles »

Last edited by myles on 2010-05-11 16:01, edited 2 times in total.
Check out my Project Reaity gamplay here http://www.youtube.com/user/Projectreality1

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Re: Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Jigsaw »

SqnLdr wrote:Kornegal Valley, leading a squad for the US. Infantry, boots on the ground the whole time.
38-0 and I can't recall how many caches.

Key: Moving to places you know are secure making sure your squad moves with you. Don't move anywhere you haven't got at least 2 guns pointing towards. Be patient.
Ordering your automatic rifleman to start every firefight.
Keeping the medic alive at all costs.
^^ Nice, especially on Korengal.

So after several days of general failure and reasonable, but nothing to write home about rounds including one on Fools Road where I managed the most deaths on the team rather than the least, success!

Operation Archer - 10/05/10 - Tactical Gamer

Final KDR -> 15 - 0

I joined this round I think roughly 20 minutes in, a few of my clanmates were already in-game so I joined up with them and went into the action pretty much immediately, playing as Taliban. My squad had just cleared the control tower structure at the Northern airfield, I spawned close and headed North-East where there was the sound of small arms fire as a Canadian patrol was engaged by a couple of Taliban.

I headed towards them and through careful positioning, judicious use of grenades and flanking I succeeded in killing the last of them; a medic, grenadier and their SAW. Whilst taking down the first two I was very much exposed to the AR, so a quick and ready lesson in how situational awareness and communication can keep you alive. Had he spotted me (as he could have done very easily), I would have been killed easily and he could have revived both his squad mates. Thankfully he didn't. I took the grenadier, a weapon I feel a particular affinity with.

After a final short firefight where my squad were engaged by a Canadian with a stolen sniper kit we looted the bodies and moved out on bikes, halting just North of the village as we were ambushed by three lonely Canadian infantry. We managed to make short work of them, but as we were again looting the kits a Chinook circled around to our North. We fired on it, seeming to force it away and kill the one guy that got out, but then to our amazement he circled back around and landed again just 50m further North, dropping a further three Canadians.
I killed those three with accurate fire and a precise grenade and we moved on. Simple lesson on staying alive here is ensure you have a decent pilot and if you are flying and land in a hot zone don't come back to the same place...

There was a cache close so my squad set up a defense to the South of the cache. At this point all five of us had Canadian kits so we set up in the high ground where we could dominate the landscape. This worked significantly in our favour in our next engagement. We were attacked by a full squad approaching from our Eastern flank up a hill, and this is where I got the bulk of my kills taking down the full squad:
I took a quick video of this contact just to show what can go wrong and right in this kind of engagement. Note that the Canadian squad engaged first and that my squad are off to my right at the start of the video.

Just in the first 30 seconds i've taken down three of the enemy so within 30 seconds of them initiating contact they've lost three people. This is due to three factors:
  • They engaged from a low ground position, below their targets and without proper firepower to firstly shock their targets and then kill through fire superiority and a subsequent flanking move. Their positioning is further compounded by the lack of options they have for flanking, as the exit to the valley they are in is narrow and exposed. In addition they engaged prematurely, without their SAW which should always be the first weapon fired when you have the drop on an enemy unit.
  • My positioning, slightly split from the rest of the squad puts me in a perfect position to profit from the enemies poor positioning. Had they taken the time to secure high ground and set up a proper base of fire before engaging, they would have been a lot more successful. Distracted by firing early on the rest of my squad I was able to pick the first three off one by one.
  • Having taken three casualties the survivors decided to stay and attempt to revive instead of retreating, despite having fended off two Taliban gunmen in very close range and having given away their position without taking down any of their intended targets. There are times where immediate retreat is the better option, as here had they retreated immediately and moved into the high ground they could have stood a chance of beating back the Taliban and reviving their downed squadmates. There is a five minute respawn timer for a reason.
Following this engagement the Canadian attacks became more and more intense and despite the best efforts of my squadmates they managed to destroy the cache and my squad were killed, respawning on the next cache to defend. I survived and meandered down to the next cache on foot to the airbase where I hitched a ride in a technical. Before I got there however the cache was taken down and the round I decided was over due to the late hour, although not before I was eventually killed by an angry jeep gunner who spotted me in the hills.

Very enjoyable game, I had a great time.

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end... "
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Rudd »


completely steamrolled the militia on Kozelsk today

great teamwork and skill by the Russian team, not seen the Russians win in ages.


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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Oskar »

Reading this thread, I've developed a sort of philosophy. I invariably have a lot more fun when I'm trying to stay alive no matter what. For me, constantly having that mindset when playing really makes the game so much more immersive. Being patient, cautious and thinking about where you move and how you do it have become some of the most important aspects of the game for me.

On the other hand, I've noticed that one negative (if you will) side of taking it slow and having survival as one of the main goals is that invariably the team will work much faster. They will rush right into the enemy, and yes they will die a lot, but they will also complete the objective quicker. This is something I find very frustrating at times.

This was painfully evident in a game of Ramiel today. I was leading a BLUFOR infantry squad, and after a short briefing at base at round start, a cache marker appeared at the docks area in the lower right corner of the map. The team immediately rushed there, (some were ambushed along the way) put up a firebase and initiated contact with the insurgents who were in good cover behind and inside buildings.
A somewhat meaningless (or so it seemed) and bloody (mainly on the BLUFOR side) firefight ensued.
After a failed recon of a bridge to the NW of the docks area, one of my SMs suggested that we swim around the whole area (along the southern coastline) to flank the insurgents in the town who were all occupied with pouring down a rain of various metals on my teammates.

As soon as we reached the shore, my squad members informed me that someone had destroyed the cache. And, looking at the map, I saw one lone squad member of a squad of four, limpering away from the cache position.

Yes, we did destroy the cache. And yes, it took almost a 100 tickets. (more or less, I didn't exactly count).
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by octo-crab »

TG, Operation Baracuda as USMC.
Squadleader: [R-CON]REad-Menace.
Squad members: Namebot, Octo-crab, 219 mp50967, cmp.
4-0 as squad medic, and if I recall correctly, I only got wounded once.
Squad KDR was awesome as well was at least 26-0. Don't remember for sure, but I don't remember anyone dieing in the squad.

Pretty much spent the whole round staying quiet, using the terrain to hide us. On numerous occasions enemy infantry and vehicles passed within 50m of us completely oblivious to our presence. Took us a while but we finally were able to get behind and flank the Air Strip objective while some other squads hit it from the front. Managed to get in and over run them within minutes. Then proceeded to South Rock (Just at the other end of the Air Strip) and capped that with 0 contacts. FullKontact (another infantry SL) met up with us there and proceeded to build a MEAN looking defense.
(Low graphics I know XD)
After that we left FullKontact to defend and proceeded to attack Supply Fortification from the Southeast. Neutralized a FOB and emplacements which were firing upon our friendlies. Took that flag as well relatively easy since we had 3-4 squads hitting it.

Over the 1.5 hour long game, took out 3 FOBs. We weren't really in the thick of fight for much of the round. Took up a more 'ninja' flanking role. Was a good round. However we lost 26-0 which I credit to the 20 hueys or so lost. It's a shame such a good round was ruined by bad pilots. What you gonna do though.
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Bazul14 »

Well, I read this topic about 2 weeks ago, and I did not pay attention or interest to/in it. But last night, on Kashan i did it. First, I wanted to take a tank or apc. But I could not. Someone already claimed the apcs and someoneelse the tanks, so i took the BDRM-2. Damn, that was so fun to use. I rarely take it, but I die in it often. Last night was an exception. My driver(for the most part, cobrastrike something) and I managed to sneak around NV. So we went and did what the BDRM-2 is made to do; recon and harassment. Damn that was fun. We killed a manned FOB, that also had TOW, we killed 3 BHs, 2 Logis and A-10 and possibly F16 o.O. No, we did not baserape, just that we had a good hill, which did not oversee the US main, but oversaw NV and we camped there waiting for jets that fly low. We definately got the A-10, I saw it blow up, as for the F16, we damaged it, it went in flames but the pilot probably bailed, because i did not get the kill. The end result was 8 kills and ZERO deaths. It obviously was not the most number of kills i had, but it was surely one of the funniest and exciting times. This challenge brings a new dimension to PR. I can post screenshot, but I don't know how to find it. I have Vista, but no X-fire/other stuff like that, or Steam. Please help me find the screenshots. Oh and all kills were with the 14.5mm or 7.62mm MGs. No AA/LAT/HATs were used in the process.
Last edited by Bazul14 on 2010-05-16 16:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by scope »

Shooting down jets as they land is considered base rape imo. even if you can't see the runway. But good for you with your success.
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Bazul14 »

FYI, the A10 was not landing/taking-off. Our team had the bunkers capped and we were supposed to attack NV. The A10 and F16 were flying in circles at about 300/400m. Probably they did not have a spotter, so either pilot was spoting. Also, we lost that round with 5-0, bc our team was a lazy *** and stayed at bunkers for over 1h 20min at least. Our tanks were wasted in less than 30 min, our BMPs were done even quicker. For about 40 min, my BDRM was the only armored vehicle on our team.
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by AnimalMother. »

Now granted this isn't a zero death round, but the one death was from our LAV getting smashed by a BTR-80A (and everyone in the back died before it blew up)


would would have been even more impressive were if we could have a ticket ratio, between bjoffe and andre there must have been at least 4 enemy APCs taken out, of which 2 were full. Plus also a couple of choppers.

The main reasons for success mainly came down to knowing when to take it slow, and then when to blitz and overwelm.

Having a good medic helped too i think :razz:
ex |TG-31st|
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Silly_Savage »

Thought I might as well post this one up, seeing how it just happened.

Long Version:

Joined TG about halfway through the round of Jabal as U.S.M.C. I was invited to the CAS squad to operate as a sniper/spotter for the Hydra Hueys.

Departed from the carrier and landed east of South Bridge, courtesy of |TG-6th|Snooggums. (Spelled with two "g"s :p )

The majority of our team was fighting between West Beach and Dam with a friendly FOB in the hills overlooking South Bridge from the north.

The M.E.C. had a FOB in the hills west of Dam with MG nests and TOW emplacements dominating the landscape.

Called in CAS (|TG-69th|chrisweb89 and |TG-Irr|Liquid.Watch) whom devastated the mountain side and its inhabitants. However, they quickly rebuilt their assets and continued to pummel any advancing Americans.

After several more CAS runs, the enemy caught wind of what was happening and sent its BMP-3 to investigate. Poor Liquid never saw it coming on his way back to the carrier. We also lost chris due to connection problems, leaving me as a lone spotter.

So I switched roles from spotter to sniper and brought out the big guns. Went to town on the FOB and the surrounding enemy troops. We were pushed back to our FOB in the hills north of South Bridge. At this time, chris rejoined and assisted me as my "spotter" (He went around killing people and told me if there was anyone left for me to clean up).

Unbeknown to our team, West Beach had been capped out, and East Beach was suddenly neutralized. My SL (MixOlydian) quickly went CO in a hasty attempt to J-DAM the enemy-occupied beach-head, but to no avail.

Unfortunately, we couldn't recover in time and we eventually lost due to bleed out. I left unscathed with a few more kills to my name.

Short Version:

Joined the CAS squad as U.S.M.C. on Jabal. Our Hydra Hueys eventually went down. Proceeded to snipe a bunch of people. We then lost East Beach along with the game.

Ending screenshot:

Last edited by Silly_Savage on 2010-05-18 19:08, edited 1 time in total.
"Jafar, show me a sniper rifle." - Silly_Savage 2013
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Smuke »

Muttrah City - UK Warfare Reality 19th May

Final KDR -> 4-1

Now you're probably thinking that's nothing scream and shout about, but the game must have lasted near enough 3 hours, the only death incurring from my body spinning through the floor, making it impossible to revive. I was told to grab the grenadier, however on occasions acting as medic for the squad, reviving and healing often in open ground.

With the grenadier kit, using the explosive grenades I got 3 of my kills getting 2 of them in one blast directed at the mosque roof. Our squad was often in the defensive role, but never without apc's and infantry swarming the area, specially at North City, where snipers were often picking us off one by one, after sending some squad mates to deal with this, the squadleader told us to move up, after a few minutes me and the medic came across the fob, with around 3/4 MEC soldiers building, instead of just blasting from the open road, we found high ground and cover and then picked them off, which saved us when some of their squadmates heard the shooting.

After the rest of the team taking the penultimate flag, we moved up the shoreline to Docks, when suddenly the JDAM strikes right on the Fortress, obliterating most of their team - with my grenadier I fired smoke across the road, then finished of my last HE's and moved up and secured the fortress with relative ease.

The key points to surviving for long rounds are:
  • Never, ever give up. Even if the whole squad is dead, I was often revived by nearby medics from other squads. this is most effective when on mumble.
  • Always be near cover, and if enganging try and make sure you in a safe place for the medic to revive you if your hit.
  • Fall back if it gets tough, wasting tickets by repetitive charges won't gain much. Think, Somme and Charge of the Light Brigade.
  • Make sure the medic is nearby and has a brain with more than one cell, otherwise ask the SL to speak to the medic about kit changes.

JDAM on Fort.

Round end, final scores.
In-Game Name: SmukeUK
Wild_Bill: Smuke, you are a true ninja!.
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by sakils2 »

I noticed UKWF.smileyPR had 35 kills and 0 deaths.

Do you remember what kind of an asset he operated?
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Silly_Savage »

Tactical Gamer - Operation Archer - Canada

Squaded up with |TGXV| BullsEye2550 at the beginning of the round to operate a LAV-3 on Archer.

However, a certain player which shall go unnamed, decided it was best to take a H-AT kit out into the field. He soon died, and the enemy subsequently obtained our H-AT kit and destroyed our other LAV with it. We decided to disband the squad and go infantry.

The majority of the round was spent defending the small village northwest of the construction site. We were getting our asses handed to us. We tried our best to defend ourselves with HMGs, TOWs, and a sniper (|TGXV| Bufl4x).

We eventually got mortars called on our position and decided it was in our best interest to run in the opposite direction. HyyperActive and I decided to go after the cache located in the central village which had been giving us problems all round.

However, once we got to the outskirts of the village, we heard the enemy firing off our H-AT kit. We decided to go investigate. Unfortunately after some time looking around, we couldn't locate him and continued our search for the cache inside the village.

Eventually Hyyper went down. After reviving him, we were swarmed from all directions by Taliban fighters. (You have to remember that it is just Hyyper and I inside the village at the moment, surrounded by the enemy team) Hyyper couldn't quite make it to cover after fending the enemy off for some time, leaving me all alone inside the village.

I spent the rest of the round searching for that God-forsaken cache whilst dodging enemy patrols. The round ended before I could locate it unfortunately.

Ending screenshot:

Last edited by Silly_Savage on 2010-05-20 01:32, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Grammar
"Jafar, show me a sniper rifle." - Silly_Savage 2013
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Silly_Savage »

Tactical Gamer - Gaza Beach - IDF

This was quite a long round, so I'm just going to go over the main points in brief.

dbzao led an infantry squad with fuzzhead providing Merkava and APC support.

Spriggan, myself, and towards the end of the round, crazy, followed suit in one of fuzz's Merkavas.

The round started off with a boom, but not the kind we would have liked. A bomb car destroyed two of fuzz's APCs and db's entire squad.

They respawned at main, and we attempted to enter the city from the west. However, the enemy put up stiff resistance and denied us access, even with Merkava overwatch.

After falling back to the safety of the main, we decided to set up shop on the large "L" shaped peninsula off the beach front.

My squad, which at the time was just Spriggan and I, volunteered to scout ahead. Once we reached the peninsula and found out that it was all clear, we told the rest of the team to move up...

However, they reached a new verdict. They decided to charge head-long into the western outskirts of the city, leaving us out to dry.

We then decided to move on the known cache by ourselves, as a small advance party. We were soon spotted and chased down. We escaped by grappling over buildings for cover.

We regrouped with the convoy inside the northeast village area. Bad idea. Gunfire, RPGs, machine guns, you name it, erupted from within the city walls. They had height advantage and were firing down on top of us with automatic weapons.

The infantry sought cover inside the houses, while the Merkavas and armored vehicles desperately tried to fend off wave after wave of hostiles.

Suddenly, a VBIED rocketed around the corner and raced towards the Merkava. Right before it was about to hit the Merkava, it swerved and instead detonated inside the village, killing db's squad for a second time. Luckily bjoffe, his medic, miraculously survived and revived everyone.

It was time to leave. We all boarded up in our respective vehicles as fast as we could and hauled *** out of the village. We returned to base to rearm and reorganize.

Skip ahead a bit and we're down to our last cache needed to win the game.

At this point, crazy had joined our squad and brought up a HMMWV from God knows where. We piled in and decided to gun it to the last known cache area.

The moment we departed the vehicle, we came under fire. Oh yeah, the last cache was somewhere near their palace spawn. We were swarmed with enemies, so we decided to get to the roofs.

The convoy and the rest of the team was outside the city outskirts to the east.

Suddenly we heard a large explosion to our east. A suicide vehicle had detonated and wiped out db's entire squad, again.

The convoy stopped dead in it's tracks, to scared to enter the city.

Crazy then started yelling at me, "I see the cache! I see the cache!" Sure enough, the cache was a few several meters away, tucked under a vendor's stand.

There were still enemies all around, picking off the rest of our team. We decided to go for the cache and win the game. With Spriggan and crazy covering me from the rooftop, I grappled down and sprinted to the cache, gunning down Hamas as I went.

I dove on top of the cache as a Hamas fighter desperately fired off his shotgun in an attempt to save the cache from imminent destruction.

It was too late. I dropped an incendiary and ran off, killing the last of the Hamas fighters nearby. The game was over, we won.

Ending screenshot:

"Jafar, show me a sniper rifle." - Silly_Savage 2013
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Jigsaw »

^^ That, sounds like an epic round :D

I'm still trying my best but it is proving difficult especially when stretched over the entire length of a round. I had a very good round yesterday though so i'll chat about that :)

Tactical Gamer - Kashan Desert 16 - MEC

This was a particularly enjoyable round, one of only a few recently where i've been able to see it through from start to finish. I joined into Brummy's squad along with Scot, Octo and Bjoffe and we rushed up to the bunkers in a BRDM. Sneaking the vehicle inside the bunker area we were able to catch the enemy helis as they landed at North Bunkers and too down a Blackhawk with a couple of people inside.

I had the ironsight MG-3, meaning I was finding it difficult in the early exchanges which were at extreme range but it proved a godsend further into the round (more on that later).

With the rest of the team we gradually pushed further up to the North, eventually getting well into the cap-radius of the NB flag. My squad used a grapple to get outside the wall and we flanked from outside the bunkers, quickly overwhelming the remaining hostiles and clearing the northernmost bunker. Ofc, with a slight lack of coordination the SB flag had been left relatively undefended meaning as soon as we neutralised North the US had done the same to South.

Much of the round for the rest of the team was spent in some hard fighting around the SB flag, which proved especially difficult as the US had several positions in the Eastern hills and they were able to heavily restrict our movement in the bunker perimeter.

For me, I spent virtually the entire round in and around the north bunkers, defending them against waves of US troops. This came to a head on three occasions where I was one of the last alive inside the bunkers and despite my best efforts I could not hold out on my own. The first time this happened I still had the MG-3 and this proved invaluable as I was able to slaughter the hostiles pushing into the bunker.

After this I went medic for our squad and we continued to try and clear the bunkers, my further deaths were when I got killed within two minutes of being revived due to getting a rush of blood and charging a couple of hostile infantrymen and when again my squad got overrun in the bunkers and killed as a whole. Most of my kills though were using the G3, which is one of my favourite weapons (the ironsight version in particular) and this proved invaluable defending the bunkers where the full-auto fire mode and high damage of the rounds making CQB a lot easier than might otherwise have been the case.

Final scoreboard:

Im still trying, its not proving easy although I am able to get a consistently good KDR. What was extremely positive from this round was a total stranger at the time ([TMP]Zissou30) mentioning this thread and talking about how it had inspired him and his clan to make some "no deaths" squads etc. This is really positive to hear, and I hope that plenty of people have been similarly inspired.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end... "
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Smegburt_funkledink »

Jigsaw wrote:Im still trying, its not proving easy although I am able to get a consistently good KDR.

Jigsaw wrote:I hope that plenty of people have been similarly inspired.
Not me.
[R-Div]Robbi "There's nothing more skanky than eating out of a tub of hummus with a screwdriver."
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Re: [AAR] Jigsaw's Zero Death Challenge

Post by Silly_Savage »

Ha, that's cold Smeg.
"Jafar, show me a sniper rifle." - Silly_Savage 2013
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