Sorry, I'm still confused here

Suggestions and feedback pertaining to Project Reality Single Player.
The Baghwan
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Sorry, I'm still confused here

Post by The Baghwan »

Can someone please explain how the SP (or Co-operative) works for newbies like me trying to learn the game?

If I choose Co-operative, then a Local server and pick a map, I'm playing a game on my own computer without any remote connection, right? Trouble is, I find the bots, etc as very unreactive and without anyone telling me what to do (much- I do receive Squad commands upon joining), I just end up rushing around a large map. Okay, I learn to shoot and basic actions, but...

But I get the impression from some of the posts on these forums that's there's another "level" of SP mode, perhaps by joining a Remote server, where the bots and gameplay is much more like you'd experience on a Multi-player server.

Can someone please clarify?

Cheers, Bag.
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Re: Sorry, I'm still confused here

Post by dtacs »

The Baghwan wrote: But I get the impression from some of the posts on these forums that's there's another "level" of SP mode, perhaps by joining a Remote server, where the bots and gameplay is much more like you'd experience on a Multi-player server.
There are COOP servers which allow other players to join. I personally have never played on one with other humans against bots or vice versa, but I know for a fact the level of teamwork and cooperation will never be the same as a multiplayer game.

The only Aus/NZ gaming community out there for PR is There are currently 2 servers which peak at around 60 players at 7-8pm.

Jump on, join a squad who are moving together as a group, and the squad leader has an officer kit, and just explain to them that you're new. I guarantee they will be nice to you. I'll be on tonight if you wanna have a few games.
The Baghwan
Posts: 9
Joined: 2010-05-31 05:22

Re: Sorry, I'm still confused here

Post by The Baghwan »

Cheers, Dtacs. I'm working tonight, but I think you're right... I have to take the leap of faith, just join a game and watch and learn. This weekend, put a few beers in the fridge and give it a go!
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Re: Sorry, I'm still confused here

Post by Psyrus »

I think you'll do just fine Baghwan.

Go introduce yourself, grab a microphone, jump on the GSA server when you next get the chance and explain to your squad leader that you're new and need some help. If they are receptive and start explaining - great, if not you can either muddle your way through the round or try to find a more helpful squad.

Dtacs is a great squad leader but he talks a heap and you really have to pay attention to what he's saying ;)

I'd offer to help but I'm working both Fri & Sat night this weekend, and busy most of Sunday so probably won't be on much if at all this weekend. What I can suggest to you for your first few times in multiplayer:
  • Join a squad that has a squad leader kit (the one that looks like a ladder) [try to look for anyone on this list]
  • Stick to regular infantry kits for a while until you're getting a decent kill : death ratio with the spawnable kits. Rifleman or rifleman specialist are your first point of call. Then when you're decent or you're asked to be, jump in as the squad medic. Make sure you watch this first before playing as medic so you know what to do, and don't have to learn while your guys are down.
  • The auto rifler kit has some nuances (deployed, undeployed) so you should probably read up or ask your squad about it to be most effective.
  • Once you're comfortable with the spawnable kits (this should take at least 2-3 rounds) the squad leader might assign you AT, grenadier, marksman or whatever. Read the manual to find out more about these.
  • Multiplayer can be frustrating, if you or your squad members get frustrated, either take a break and come back to it later or 'woosah' and remember it's just a game. I usually 'take a break' (aka rage quit) and come back an hour later... works well for me but I get a fair bit of grief for it. :-P
Oh, and in addition to the ingame voice functionality, some of the best PR gameplay can be had when you use it in conjunction with mumble and our teamspeak server (register on the forums to get the TS server info). Even if you don't have a microphone, it's worth using mumble so you can hear people talking in it :) .. but I seriously recommend you get a mic.

At the end of the day, I'm still playing PR 4 years after I started because it is the most fun you can have while at a PC without venturing to some naughty places on the interwebz (although apparently some people multi task according to PB screens lol :-? ). Just enjoy it!

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Re: Sorry, I'm still confused here

Post by dtacs »

Psyrus wrote:Multiplayer can be frustrating, if you or your squad members get frustrated, either take a break and come back to it later or 'woosah' and remember it's just a game. I usually 'take a break' (aka rage quit) and come back an hour later... works well for me but I get a fair bit of grief for it. :-P
'When in doubt, Alt-F4 out'
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Re: Sorry, I'm still confused here

Post by Psyrus »

bahlye wrote:Psyrus, I'd rep you for that post ^, if I could here. :) , except for the bit, Gaming AU now remember.. stop living in the past mate... ;)
Yeah old habits die hard. I meant this server sorry:

The Baghwan
Posts: 9
Joined: 2010-05-31 05:22

Re: Sorry, I'm still confused here

Post by The Baghwan »

Helping someone move house this weekend- can hardly get to the computer, let alone play a bit of PR! Fingers crossed for this evening...
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Re: Sorry, I'm still confused here

Post by Ford_Jam »

Ohey guys I heard Australians were in this thread,

Howdy Baghwan :)
Pretty much follow Psyrus' instructions, jump on TS and Mumble, it can be a bit overwhelming having 3 or so voip connections running at the same time so dont get put off by the constant stream of chatter and make sure you set some mute binds :p

Hope to see you ingame and insquad! :)
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Re: Sorry, I'm still confused here

Post by ballard_44 »

Oops, looks like you guys have violated one of the forum rules.

Section 14b, Line 7 reads,
"Never allow more than 4 Aussies to comment in a single thread. All hell can break loose."


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