[AAR] When Tunnel complex gets fortified...

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[AAR] When Tunnel complex gets fortified...

Post by MaxBooZe »

So this started out as a regular round of Kozelsk @ Tacticalgamer. When later more and more people of my clan joined we went over to the Tunnel complex with the idea to build a firebase and secure the area as a small base.. What was supposed to be a simple idea of fortification turned out to be one of the most hilarious and funny things to do..

So a simple FOB was built nothing special to begin with, Then we tried to build some stuff and see if it would allow us, it started simple in the large Southern entrance:

Of course after discovering this we tried it on more "experimental" places in the tunnels, we ended up blocking the little stairs leading to the upper part of the tunnels:

This was not enough, there were 2 more entrances to be secured, little did we know how far we could go..
We started with the "top" entrance the one within the rocks on the West of the complex;

We then moved on to the large Northern entrance, you know the one with the large tunnel..

My Initial plan on placing a .50 there didnt work out so I tried to place a Foxhole, which left us with this:

We went on and I tried to place another .50, this time I ended up with:

We went back into the major tunnel connecting the South with the North of the complex, I wasnt able to build anything there until I accidently placed a .50 in the middle of the tunnel..

We went back to the Northern entrance (the one with the Foxhole and .50) after I forgot to try and place some wire there aswell.. So we tried it and it worked perfectly!


At the end every entrance was blocked with wire and some obstacles for us to pull back behind further down the complex.. After a certain amount of time the attack finally came to the tunnels and we were able to hold the tunnels pretty well with only 6 guys, 2 on every entrance.. but eventually we were overrun.. We managed to cap it back some time later..
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Re: [AAR]When Tunnel complex gets fortified...

Post by Munch »

It was so epic
Posts: 2051
Joined: 2007-03-02 16:01

Re: [AAR]When Tunnel complex gets fortified...

Post by General_J0k3r »

hehe. nice :)

also, sry for TKing you on sunday i think it was.
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Re: [AAR]When Tunnel complex gets fortified...

Post by Wakain »

lol that's awesome, makes for some neat siege battles :p
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Re: [AAR]When Tunnel complex gets fortified...

Post by Zach1923 »

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Re: [AAR]When Tunnel complex gets fortified...

Post by Jarryd_455495 »

lol, love how the foxhole got placed looks like a cave in.
Good job

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Re: [AAR] When Tunnel complex gets fortified...

Post by Norman04 »

that was epic
Posts: 3688
Joined: 2009-06-06 19:12

Re: [AAR] When Tunnel complex gets fortified...

Post by goguapsy »

How long did you guys hold for?
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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