The weapons in the overhaul was to be:
QBZ95 (assault rifle)
QBZ95b (smg)
QBU88 (marskman rifle)
Each of these weapons except for the QBU88 share common parts, this includes sight attachments, bolts, bullets, and common buttstock. And the whole system is actually quite smart.
When the original weapon was made we had not yet decided on the higher tri count that we have today.
Therefore there was quite a few things we could smooth up and update on.
To further make the creation process hard back then was due to the lack of reference pictures that we had back in the day.
This can be seen on the sights and scope attachment especially, that in real life looks like this
But ingame is just a cube with a hole and a solid handguard.
This has been fixed though
A year or so ago [R-DEV]Z-Trooper had also travelled to china, shooting and taking pictures of the rifle, therefore giving us some much needed references, this together with the new pictures emerging on the net and the new version of the rifle that was being distributed in the chinese military made it time to update our arsenal.
Sadly due to the extra work in the creation of the QBU88, we have not yet have had time to make it.
We have though finished the uvw unpacking of the other weapons. but not all of these have been fully packed yet. Due to us trying to keep the number of texture sheets to a minimum (to maximize your performance ingame)
This means that the QBZ95 will most likely be featured with some aestetic updates in the next patch. While the other versions will have to wait just a bit longer
The creation of high quality assets for the opfor are in full spin, and look forward to seeing more.