[AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
- Posts: 37
- Joined: 2009-05-31 04:20
[AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
Server: TacticalGamer.com PR v0.917 server
The Squad:
SL – AbsoluteKiller
AR – Stick07
Rifleman – yrkidding
Rifleman – Predudicial (clutch medic)
Medic/Rifleman – Nick(with some long number)
Rifleman/Medic – Warno000 (myself)
I played the most fun and intense 2 rounds all summer last night, involving the people listed above.
Story 1:
Map – Operation Barracuda
Army – Chinese
I joined this round not 5 minutes after it began, following a TG server crash. We began with all flags capped as Chinese, and I joined AbsoluteKiller's squad and picked up a marksman's kit at my SL's permission. We than began mounting a defense of the airfield, which involved a FB and several foxholes. We dug in and prepared for the Jarhead onslaught. We spent around a half hour defending with no action. The Marines had put up an FB at Supply Fortification and were not using their helos to mount an airborne attack. The rest of our team decided to head out to supply fortification to attack them. As we continued to dig in, our SL decided to try about a million times to put a foxhole inside the comm. tower; unsuccessfully I might add. This lended some humor because as we covered our sectors, all we could hear was the SL inside constantly yelling “repairs needed at this position” for 5 straight minutes. Our sniper friendly in the guard tower by the gate SillySavage, kept remarking about how annoying it was. It was rather funny. We had a small skirmish with a single enemy whom unfortunately killed one of my friendlies before I could scope in on him. What followed was one of the most well staged attacks, and it came completely unexpectedly. Out of nowhere: WEEEEEE! BOOM!.The artillery began falling like rain. My squad mates in their foxholes were killed. I ran from the roof of the comm tower, and took cover inside. Immediately following the artillery barrage, 2 enemy LAVs rolled in on us, followed by (I'm not sure how many) enemy helicopters with infantry. Epically coordinated by the Marines. I made a stand inside the tower, but a marksman in an enclosed environment is not at any advantage. However, some of my squad managed to get away to the southwest and into the woods, including the SL. We spawned on the rally, and proceed to sneak our way to the opposite end of the runway to take out their FB in preparation for our counterattack, all 6 of us. It went well and we managed to take out their assets. We moved out the the south end of the airstrip again to make our counterattack. Somehow, a huey spotted us sneaking back to the south. I have no idea how this CAS huey spotted us amongst the trees, but he lined up on me and killed me with some hydras, and an LAV came upon us and wiped us all out, save the most clutch player I've ever seen, the lone rifleman survivor, Predudicial. He hid until the LAV moved on and then proceed to, very carefully and slowly, revive us all, except for me, because I was dead. The SL put down a rally and we were all back together again, and the enemy had NO IDEA! At this point, we were all sweating at how intense the whole situation became. We continued to lay low in the trees at the south end of the airstrip, because the LAVs and enemy squads were far too much for us to handle by ourselves. This enemy team was very well coordinated, because simultaneously, Supply Fortification went neutral, the LAVs moved out, and two hueys moved in and picked up the infantry. All of a sudden, we were there alone. We moved into the comm tower, and re-occupied the territory that just 15 mins. earlier we had been kicked off of, and still, they had NO IDEA! So, we decided that the best thing to do was to take up defense in the comm tower, and leave their assets alone, lest we attract unwanted attention. Our plan was to hold the airstrip and count on our team to recapture the Supply Fortification, so that we could immediately capture back the airstrip, and drive the Marines right back onto the carrier. After drawing up an epic defense plan of the comm tower, involving layers of defense, lines of fire, and sitting covering our responsibilities for 10 minutes, the team started barking at us to get off of the airstrip and into the fight. We resisted, but when the beach objective went neutral, it was clear that we had to help to capture some flags. So we destroyed the enemy assets at the airstrip and moved out to the beach objective, double time; ignoring a huey which dropped enemy troops at the comm tower just as we exited the front gate to the North. After a surprise attack we launched (alone I might add) at the beach objective, which was initially successful, but failed when we did not receive any reinforcements, we ended up defending the missile silo for the last 10 minutes of the round. Top squad for the round, and with only, I think, 6 or 7 deaths between all of our squad. Epic and intense infantry experience. AbsoluteKiller was a great squad leader, who made great decisions on what to do, where to deploy our assets and squad members during defensive setup. I really wish we would have gotten a chance to try out the plan we worked up for the comm tower, because I honestly don't think any number of infantry squads could have kicked us out of there with the plan AbsoluteKiller drew up. We ended up losing, but we all agreed to meet up next round, which we did:
Story 2:
Map – Fools Road
Army – British
This round, we lost a couple members, and it was only four of us, AbsoluteKiller (SL), Stick (AR), Predudicial (Rifleman), and myself (Medic). We began this round by splitting up. The SL and Predudicial sped off in a supply truck to get a quick FB setup at warehouse, while me and Stick (and Nick for the first half hour of the round) hoofed it out to set up south of the warehouse to provide over watch. We all knew our team was doomed from the get-go when we were the only squad in the field with everyone else at main base waiting for transportation, we had only one active APC, which was out in the field without transporting team members, no tank squad, and two sniper squads (yeah, I'm sure everyone's played those kinds of rounds, LOL). Me and Stick set up in an absolutely awesome vantage point to the south of the warehouse with me spotting with my binocs. We got some shots off with the AR at some pesky militia on the hill just north of the objective, allowing our team time to eventually get there and capture the objective. We stayed there for quite a while, while our SL and Predudical set up another FB just to the SW of our vantage. When it seemed like our team was in control of the flag, our Commander gave us orders to hit the next flag: The Airport, all the way up in the NE corner of the map. With no reliable transportation, we were going to hoof it all the way North. So we set out, taking care. On the way, we came across a couple of encounters. First of which was a lone enemy supply truck which we encountered just north of the Hill Estate, headed for the Hill Estate area. We let him go on by, preferring to keep a low profile given our distance from the nearest friendlies. The second came when crossing the main road to the South of the objective. Two militia jeeps sped by on the road, and we hit the dirt when we heard them, but they came up on us so quickly, that we were sure they had seen us. But they kept on speeding back towards their main base, so we ran our butts across the road as quickly as possible, into the woods and up the hill. We continued to move North and got a few hundred meters to the West of the objective in a good vantage over the flag. A small squad of two (Squad 7) had built a FB just SE of the objective and was trying to cap it by themselves. We got eyes on and observed for a moment to see what kind of odds we faced. From what we could tell, it was just a small firefight between our two friendlies and no more than 2 or 3 of militia. Just as we decided to move in, I had commented that I was surprised that the warehouse had held for the entire half-hour we spent walking up here. As I said that, we heard those fateful words “We've lost control of an outpost”. You may believe that we felt nothing but utter despair, but au contrair! Our great SL AbsoluteKiller kept us calm, and upon my suggestion, made a split second decision to get on the flag quickly, to neutralize it before the enemy could turn warehouse. Just as we began sprinting from our vantage point to the flag, we took a couple AK shots from behind us to our right. We took up a snappy defense and we got jumped from behind by a militia squad up from where we just had our vantage. We returned close range fire with them and our SL went down. Me and Stick took cover behind a tree and I healed him and myself up. We threw every smoke we had for an epic smokescreen, I revived my SL, and we quickly retreated TOWARD THE FLAG! LOL! We did it so naturally and professionally. We bounded the entire way with such speed and efficiency, our heads were spinning and we were in amazement of ourselves when we had escaped the clutches of the Militia squad. We had stayed just north of the wall of the Airport as we bounded back to the FB that 7th squad had built. We rearmed at the FB and quickly moved out to the south back toward our warehouse. Enroute, the militia cornered our entire team and boxed them into the crossroad just north of the Bridge in Dylum Village, except for my squad, and valiant squad 7 whom continued to fight it out at airport against innumerable odds, which they held until round's end. We continued our march south, and before we could get back to warehouse, the enemy had capped the Village and we bled our remaining tickets out. Again, our team had lost the round, but my squad had done exceptionally well, and between the 4 of us, we had only one death which had occurred at round's start (from what I gathered, something had gone wrong in constructing the first FB on warehouse and it may have been an accidental kill with an asset placement). But no combat deaths! All while evading detection on our attack march, and avoiding certain doom from an enemy whom had the jump on our backs from above. We won best squad again with only 4 members! (and a sub-2000 total score, which is actually rather sad). This squad combination was amazing and we had some incredibly intense infantry skirmishes.
I know these were long, but I hope you enjoyed these epic tales of infantry action!
The Squad:
SL – AbsoluteKiller
AR – Stick07
Rifleman – yrkidding
Rifleman – Predudicial (clutch medic)
Medic/Rifleman – Nick(with some long number)
Rifleman/Medic – Warno000 (myself)
I played the most fun and intense 2 rounds all summer last night, involving the people listed above.
Story 1:
Map – Operation Barracuda
Army – Chinese
I joined this round not 5 minutes after it began, following a TG server crash. We began with all flags capped as Chinese, and I joined AbsoluteKiller's squad and picked up a marksman's kit at my SL's permission. We than began mounting a defense of the airfield, which involved a FB and several foxholes. We dug in and prepared for the Jarhead onslaught. We spent around a half hour defending with no action. The Marines had put up an FB at Supply Fortification and were not using their helos to mount an airborne attack. The rest of our team decided to head out to supply fortification to attack them. As we continued to dig in, our SL decided to try about a million times to put a foxhole inside the comm. tower; unsuccessfully I might add. This lended some humor because as we covered our sectors, all we could hear was the SL inside constantly yelling “repairs needed at this position” for 5 straight minutes. Our sniper friendly in the guard tower by the gate SillySavage, kept remarking about how annoying it was. It was rather funny. We had a small skirmish with a single enemy whom unfortunately killed one of my friendlies before I could scope in on him. What followed was one of the most well staged attacks, and it came completely unexpectedly. Out of nowhere: WEEEEEE! BOOM!.The artillery began falling like rain. My squad mates in their foxholes were killed. I ran from the roof of the comm tower, and took cover inside. Immediately following the artillery barrage, 2 enemy LAVs rolled in on us, followed by (I'm not sure how many) enemy helicopters with infantry. Epically coordinated by the Marines. I made a stand inside the tower, but a marksman in an enclosed environment is not at any advantage. However, some of my squad managed to get away to the southwest and into the woods, including the SL. We spawned on the rally, and proceed to sneak our way to the opposite end of the runway to take out their FB in preparation for our counterattack, all 6 of us. It went well and we managed to take out their assets. We moved out the the south end of the airstrip again to make our counterattack. Somehow, a huey spotted us sneaking back to the south. I have no idea how this CAS huey spotted us amongst the trees, but he lined up on me and killed me with some hydras, and an LAV came upon us and wiped us all out, save the most clutch player I've ever seen, the lone rifleman survivor, Predudicial. He hid until the LAV moved on and then proceed to, very carefully and slowly, revive us all, except for me, because I was dead. The SL put down a rally and we were all back together again, and the enemy had NO IDEA! At this point, we were all sweating at how intense the whole situation became. We continued to lay low in the trees at the south end of the airstrip, because the LAVs and enemy squads were far too much for us to handle by ourselves. This enemy team was very well coordinated, because simultaneously, Supply Fortification went neutral, the LAVs moved out, and two hueys moved in and picked up the infantry. All of a sudden, we were there alone. We moved into the comm tower, and re-occupied the territory that just 15 mins. earlier we had been kicked off of, and still, they had NO IDEA! So, we decided that the best thing to do was to take up defense in the comm tower, and leave their assets alone, lest we attract unwanted attention. Our plan was to hold the airstrip and count on our team to recapture the Supply Fortification, so that we could immediately capture back the airstrip, and drive the Marines right back onto the carrier. After drawing up an epic defense plan of the comm tower, involving layers of defense, lines of fire, and sitting covering our responsibilities for 10 minutes, the team started barking at us to get off of the airstrip and into the fight. We resisted, but when the beach objective went neutral, it was clear that we had to help to capture some flags. So we destroyed the enemy assets at the airstrip and moved out to the beach objective, double time; ignoring a huey which dropped enemy troops at the comm tower just as we exited the front gate to the North. After a surprise attack we launched (alone I might add) at the beach objective, which was initially successful, but failed when we did not receive any reinforcements, we ended up defending the missile silo for the last 10 minutes of the round. Top squad for the round, and with only, I think, 6 or 7 deaths between all of our squad. Epic and intense infantry experience. AbsoluteKiller was a great squad leader, who made great decisions on what to do, where to deploy our assets and squad members during defensive setup. I really wish we would have gotten a chance to try out the plan we worked up for the comm tower, because I honestly don't think any number of infantry squads could have kicked us out of there with the plan AbsoluteKiller drew up. We ended up losing, but we all agreed to meet up next round, which we did:
Story 2:
Map – Fools Road
Army – British
This round, we lost a couple members, and it was only four of us, AbsoluteKiller (SL), Stick (AR), Predudicial (Rifleman), and myself (Medic). We began this round by splitting up. The SL and Predudicial sped off in a supply truck to get a quick FB setup at warehouse, while me and Stick (and Nick for the first half hour of the round) hoofed it out to set up south of the warehouse to provide over watch. We all knew our team was doomed from the get-go when we were the only squad in the field with everyone else at main base waiting for transportation, we had only one active APC, which was out in the field without transporting team members, no tank squad, and two sniper squads (yeah, I'm sure everyone's played those kinds of rounds, LOL). Me and Stick set up in an absolutely awesome vantage point to the south of the warehouse with me spotting with my binocs. We got some shots off with the AR at some pesky militia on the hill just north of the objective, allowing our team time to eventually get there and capture the objective. We stayed there for quite a while, while our SL and Predudical set up another FB just to the SW of our vantage. When it seemed like our team was in control of the flag, our Commander gave us orders to hit the next flag: The Airport, all the way up in the NE corner of the map. With no reliable transportation, we were going to hoof it all the way North. So we set out, taking care. On the way, we came across a couple of encounters. First of which was a lone enemy supply truck which we encountered just north of the Hill Estate, headed for the Hill Estate area. We let him go on by, preferring to keep a low profile given our distance from the nearest friendlies. The second came when crossing the main road to the South of the objective. Two militia jeeps sped by on the road, and we hit the dirt when we heard them, but they came up on us so quickly, that we were sure they had seen us. But they kept on speeding back towards their main base, so we ran our butts across the road as quickly as possible, into the woods and up the hill. We continued to move North and got a few hundred meters to the West of the objective in a good vantage over the flag. A small squad of two (Squad 7) had built a FB just SE of the objective and was trying to cap it by themselves. We got eyes on and observed for a moment to see what kind of odds we faced. From what we could tell, it was just a small firefight between our two friendlies and no more than 2 or 3 of militia. Just as we decided to move in, I had commented that I was surprised that the warehouse had held for the entire half-hour we spent walking up here. As I said that, we heard those fateful words “We've lost control of an outpost”. You may believe that we felt nothing but utter despair, but au contrair! Our great SL AbsoluteKiller kept us calm, and upon my suggestion, made a split second decision to get on the flag quickly, to neutralize it before the enemy could turn warehouse. Just as we began sprinting from our vantage point to the flag, we took a couple AK shots from behind us to our right. We took up a snappy defense and we got jumped from behind by a militia squad up from where we just had our vantage. We returned close range fire with them and our SL went down. Me and Stick took cover behind a tree and I healed him and myself up. We threw every smoke we had for an epic smokescreen, I revived my SL, and we quickly retreated TOWARD THE FLAG! LOL! We did it so naturally and professionally. We bounded the entire way with such speed and efficiency, our heads were spinning and we were in amazement of ourselves when we had escaped the clutches of the Militia squad. We had stayed just north of the wall of the Airport as we bounded back to the FB that 7th squad had built. We rearmed at the FB and quickly moved out to the south back toward our warehouse. Enroute, the militia cornered our entire team and boxed them into the crossroad just north of the Bridge in Dylum Village, except for my squad, and valiant squad 7 whom continued to fight it out at airport against innumerable odds, which they held until round's end. We continued our march south, and before we could get back to warehouse, the enemy had capped the Village and we bled our remaining tickets out. Again, our team had lost the round, but my squad had done exceptionally well, and between the 4 of us, we had only one death which had occurred at round's start (from what I gathered, something had gone wrong in constructing the first FB on warehouse and it may have been an accidental kill with an asset placement). But no combat deaths! All while evading detection on our attack march, and avoiding certain doom from an enemy whom had the jump on our backs from above. We won best squad again with only 4 members! (and a sub-2000 total score, which is actually rather sad). This squad combination was amazing and we had some incredibly intense infantry skirmishes.
I know these were long, but I hope you enjoyed these epic tales of infantry action!
- Posts: 319
- Joined: 2010-01-23 20:22
Re: [AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
Yeah, i was playing with you guys ![Wink ;)](./images/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif)
That was our CO who was the "lone infantry".
Oh, and it was my squad who was the first to storm the air tower after that artillery barrage that we dropped on yeah. My specialist was up front took a shot at you and feel back thinking you were a regular rifleman, I then decided to take point and spray and pray with my gun, haha. So it was also your squad who harrassed the hell out of us while we were occupying that tower. Was a good round all and all, lots of fun.
![Wink ;)](./images/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif)
That was our CO who was the "lone infantry".
Oh, and it was my squad who was the first to storm the air tower after that artillery barrage that we dropped on yeah. My specialist was up front took a shot at you and feel back thinking you were a regular rifleman, I then decided to take point and spray and pray with my gun, haha. So it was also your squad who harrassed the hell out of us while we were occupying that tower. Was a good round all and all, lots of fun.
- Posts: 37
- Joined: 2009-05-31 04:20
Re: [AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
You guys really kicked our butts. Without insulting anybody: if your CO was such that he thought it was a good idea to attack the airstrip by his self, then how did you guys coordinate so well? Mumble?ZephyrDark wrote:Yeah, i was playing with you guys
That was our CO who was the "lone infantry".
- Posts: 1072
- Joined: 2008-03-31 00:09
Re: [AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
I've always had some of my best rounds ever across all versions of PR on Fool's road.
- Posts: 150
- Joined: 2010-05-23 18:04
Re: [AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
Sounds like good rounds.
Good job![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif)
Good job
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif)
Israeli Tactical Gaming
Israeli Tactical Gaming
- Posts: 1614
- Joined: 2008-11-09 14:34
Re: [AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
The US lost many choppers sp fast at the start there 2 CAS choppers get destroyed in the 1st 10 mins one crashed staright in to airfield the other get shot down over the SEA.
I was chinese it was a fun round i was in GoGoupsay's squad who did a pretty good job!
I was chinese it was a fun round i was in GoGoupsay's squad who did a pretty good job!
- Posts: 3688
- Joined: 2009-06-06 19:12
Re: [AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
I actually LOL'ed when the first CAS chopper simply... simply... simply hit the ground in the middle of the airstrip...
- Posts: 101
- Joined: 2010-06-17 21:57
Re: [AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
cool. I ought to play some more on the TG servers with all these stories of real teamwork on that server
In game lTGl Bullets
- Posts: 319
- Joined: 2010-01-23 20:22
Re: [AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
Well, yeah Mumble helped a lot, but I think the reason Chris did that was that he was already out there in the field and just thought he'd do something, or he was trying to get killed. He wasn't an idiot though, he did quite well commanding that round.
On Fools Road, my squad didn't do to much to be honest, but we still somehow took top squad, haha. What happened with you guys that round? You took a while to get out of main and cap your first flag?
Well, yeah Mumble helped a lot, but I think the reason Chris did that was that he was already out there in the field and just thought he'd do something, or he was trying to get killed. He wasn't an idiot though, he did quite well commanding that round.
On Fools Road, my squad didn't do to much to be honest, but we still somehow took top squad, haha. What happened with you guys that round? You took a while to get out of main and cap your first flag?
- Posts: 42
- Joined: 2009-02-24 01:19
Re: [AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
yea warno great game, i had a blast
something u forgot to mention was on fools road, our little falling back maneuver we leap froged back from tree to tree with covering fire the entire time. Some of the best movements i've seen in the game
something u forgot to mention was on fools road, our little falling back maneuver we leap froged back from tree to tree with covering fire the entire time. Some of the best movements i've seen in the game
[3dAC] AK
- Posts: 37
- Joined: 2009-05-31 04:20
Re: [AAR] Amazing Infantry Action
Yeah, that's what I meant when I said:Absolute Killer wrote:yea warno great game, i had a blast
something u forgot to mention was on fools road, our little falling back maneuver we leap froged back from tree to tree with covering fire the entire time. Some of the best movements i've seen in the game
I guess "bounding" doesn't quite underscore the epicness of how we did it. LOLWe threw every smoke we had for an epic smokescreen, I revived my SL, and we quickly retreated TOWARD THE FLAG! LOL! We did it so naturally and professionally. We bounded the entire way with such speed and efficiency, our heads were spinning and we were in amazement of ourselves when we had escaped the clutches of the Militia squad.