My first blog and first map by [R-DEV]Rudd

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PR:BF2 Lead Developer
Posts: 16020
Joined: 2009-07-17 11:51

My first blog and first map by [R-DEV]Rudd

Post by prbot »

Hi all, I thought I'd finally use this blog function.

I'm a 21 year old part time healthcare assistant who is going abroad to volunteer in Kenya soon, afterwhich I am going to nursing school. But in the meantime I've been spending far too much of my free time making maps for PR :wink: , as well as helping out in the production of the mod in a mapping context (setting up gameplay objects, fixing bugs etc). Its an honour and privilage to work with such a friendly and fun loving team.

But, enough about me, and more about my first PR map.

Burning Sands

British Vs MEC

a 4k desert-city map, think of it as EJOD, meets Kufrah meets Kashan. Players at Tactical Gamer have been both lucky and helpful enough to have had a peek at the beta versions which were used to test the gameplay of the map and make some changes as well as fix bugs and it got some great reviews.

Even now I look back on this map and shudder at some aspects as making this map taught me alot about how to do things better next time.

To illustrate how much you learn from doing and making mistakes.

here is the map a year ago

here is the map now

the map is based around infantry islands with areas where vehicles are king, however the terrain is actually quite conducive to infantry survivability if not combat effectiveness; so I'm sure all aspects of the team will enjoy the game in the public domain.

some more teasers to get you excited







well I hope you like the look of the map, and that I'll be releasing more work to the public in the near future.


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