[AAR] Mumble Games

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[AAR] Mumble Games

Post by RickStylish »

I ask the community, if you have ever used mumble have you gotten a great experience out of using it in PR? It can be funny, teamwork, serious, or whatever. It all works out

Personally my best experience using mumble from about 5 - 6 months back is from the start of a match on umm i hate to ask, the one where the us marines attack the chinese controlled island. Ya anyways i was on the marines and pretty much all of us decided to make a double squad, where 2 (and later 3) squads would stick together and communicate, all heading towards the same objective. One of the best parts of the match was when about 20 of us were on top of this hill near this bridge where a few chinese soldiers were digging in, so all of us at the same time put on our bayonets and charged the chinese, with zero causalities, ohh what a great time. Also i happened to lose my squad about 3 times and ended up with the same people all over again, they asked me "Vietcong did you lose your squad again?" I just said yup and battled on with them, not even knowing where my squad was. We also had probably the best damn huey pilots as well, dropping soldiers and supplies wherever they needed to go the second somebody asked.

What a good game? So i ask you PR community, what have been your funnest times using mumble on PR
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Re: Mumble Games

Post by akatabrask »

Well, one awsome thing that happens every now and then when playing on an all mumble server is when your squad meets up with one or more friendly squad and the SL's and a couple of SMs gather together, talking tacticts in local speech with eachother whilest the other squadmembers begin patrolling / searching the near area and you can hear chatter from around everywhere from people from different squads discuss recent happenings and engagements.

It just feels so immersive and real in some way.
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Re: Mumble Games

Post by Sgt.BountyOrig »

Funnest Would be Operation Barracuda Infantry layer, with boats only.
As chinese you would run up and down emplacements, signalling enemies incoming, as US you would be screaming all the way up the beach-head.
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Re: Mumble Games

Post by Tartantyco »

My favourite must be on Silent Eagle, standing in the small collection of houses just East of the town in the center, talking to blue guys passing by from a FOB further East, monitoring enemy troop movements and directing fire for the AR guy, with everything culminating in a JDAM hitting the church, wiping out most of the resistance in town.

Meeting up with other SLs in the field and coordinating our next moves together, attaching to another squad or having someone else attach to our squad, the numerous exchanges of information with blue guys as you enter a new area, there's so much awesome stuff.
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Re: Mumble Games

Post by sweedensniiperr »

Mumble always provides a great experience.

I can't say it's the best but, it's awesome having a last stand in chinese bunkers on barracuda :P
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Re: Mumble Games

Post by CommunistComma »

Being on 1 Channel mumble on some European server and knowing the enemy's around.
Yelling "F*** you militia! F*** GIs!"
Good times.

Slightly odd when you've got one squad using it and snipets of conversation come across the squad chat because people press the wrong button.
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