1. you need to use the kit with IED and antipersonnel mines and go solo because this is nearly a suicide mission . Then find a 2 storey house near enemy FOB with and plant IED in front or in the house (out of view). In that house there should be a escape route(usually balcony).
2. This might sound crazy but attract attention by looking out of the window so they can see you and shoot at enemy (squad only) even if they are far away.
3. When you have attracted their attention, plant antipersonnel mines ( out of view) in the entry door of the house and hide in a safe place away from windows because they will probably shoot you and start throwing grenades in. But when you hide start shooting to constantly attracting their attention.
4.This is when your plan will start working. Because you are out manned, the enemy will try to clear the house but when they enter the house, the antipersonnel mines will go of and kill the enemy then listen carefully for his squad mates or medic. Then when you hear the enemies trying to revive the injured guy or entering the house, bugger out of the house and run very far away. Then (this is your master plan), set off your ied and this should kill the injured guy's squad or the medic. Return to your crate, rearm and restart your harassment.

1. find unsuspecting squad
2.Sneak up close to the squad
3. Kill one of their squad mate out of view of the main squad.
4. hide somewhere close but have a clear view of the solider u just killed.
5. when their squad comes back to revive their squad mate, throw your Molotov or grenade in the most densely packed area and kill the medic trying to revive.
6. After doing this you should usually be killed but you will have a lot of kills for some or no deaths.

If you find this tactic useful, please reply.
OH yeah i forgot to say, imagination is your greatest weapon like the wise man says MUAHAHA