COOP/Singleplayer issues

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COOP/Singleplayer issues

Post by HughDePayne »

Greetings, Ive been running your mod now for 4 days, and Ive some questions I'd like to get answers for.

1.) Why Co - Operative ; Deployment. This confuses me was it to hard to simply use Single player / Multi - player ?!? Judging by the choices I get when i select one or the other, it seems deployment is multi-player and co-op is single, although this seem arse backward since co-operative implies more than one person. :confused:

2.) -> [rem To override the amount of bots used in PRSP, use the following lines instead of the three lines above.
rem This will render the ingame menu and serversettings.con bot settings not used, as the following lines
rem of code overrides those settings.
rem Just remove the "rem" in front of the lines to make it read by the game, then edit the numbers as needed.]

There is a problem with this, firstly yes it does increase the bots BUT no matter what Ive tried with the sliders and autobalance this mod continues to ONLY have 8 enemy bots.
Experiment 1.) Auto Balance - on; Bot Ratio 50, same thing 8 bots on the enemy side all the rest on my side.
Experiment 2.) Auto Balance - on; Bot Ratio 0, again same in-balance.
Experiment 3.) Auto Balance - on; Bot Ratio 100, again same in-balance 8 enemy and all the rest on my side,
Experiment 4-5-6.) same as above but with auto balance off. again same results.

In conclusion yours is an OK mod, but unlike FH2 / POE2 / EOD / Total War Realism where I can add as many bots as I want(within reason of course, the more you add the harder the cpu has to work) using the bot changer program(which by the way your mod doesnt like. lame :-? ), this is where you mod bytes it. hopefully in the future you'll address this issue.

Addenum: Seems theres an issue with the controls. When in a vehicle if I switch from the turret position to the drivers then back I loose the ability to control the turret, I fix this by going into options/controls and resetting it. Have to do this every time I switch or get in and out of the vehicle.

Thank you J.F.Leusch69. My apologies I had thought I'd posted in the bugs, section.

Thank you Jigsaw, sadly I bought this copy of BF2 at a yard sale so am unable to reg it for online play.
Last edited by HughDePayne on 2010-12-11 16:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: COOP/Singleplayer issues

Post by J.F.Leusch69 »

Welcome HughDePayne to the Project Reality forums!

i moved your thread to the right section of the forums.
i wont comment on your statments because i am not involved with the SP side of PR, but i guess some others will do.
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Re: re.: PR 0.957

Post by Jigsaw »

Co-operative is well, just that, co-operative. You can opt to run a local server where it is you only against bots offline, or you can join dedicated online servers to play alongside other players against bots. Finally there is the Multiplayer which of course is against other players only.

To join an online co-op server simpy click "Co-operative" on the main menu and then "Join Internet". To create an offline server for yourself select "Create Local".

To adjust the number of bots on a local server simply use the sliders on the map selection screen.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end... "
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