[AAR] Kashan desert

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[AAR] Kashan desert

Post by Huey »

[AAR] Bombardment of North Village
Server: Not sure.

Goals: Support infantry in capture of north and south bunkers, move to southern flank of North Village and provide heavy artillery for advancing infantry assault.

Players involved:
T-90 Crewmen:
Driver: Engelman[101AB]
Gunner: Capn_Squally

Score Board: Mec: 168 USA: 0

When the round started I Engelman[101AB] made an Armor squad, invited Capn_squally and locked the squad. We then proceeded from MEC staging area to North Outpost. We set up one click east of North Outpost where we then providing overwatch of the north bunker. A sniper/spotter squad entered our kill radius, confirmed enemy, fired one heat round killing them both. After 10 minutes and no more enemy traffic we proceeded back to main to rearm
and plan another staging area. We decided that an early move to north village to help soften the enemy forces might be helpful so moved through the southern village past South Outpost were we proceeded to set up in the hills to the southeast flank of North Village. Upon arrival we spotted several possible enemy contacts, a fob and and a logi truck. I hopped out of the tank, pulled out my binochs and then proceeded to spot enemies for Capn_squally. We fired one Heat round getting 6 confirmed kills. After that we fired one AP round into a logi truck moving south down the main rode towards south outpost killing the driver and passenger on impact. Then we focused our fire on the enemy firebase getting another 14 confirmed kills. After all enemy encampments were destroyed we proceeded to wipe out an additional 8 infantrymen guarding northvillage giving our boys room to make a full frontal assault onto North Village. Soon after we were targeted by friendly fire, I myself was able to abandon the damaged tank and run away from the ensuing explosion, Capn_squally however was killed by the blast. About 5-10 minutes after the mis communication MEC claimed victory over the battlefield.

Travel Hard
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