[AAR] Just straight up beasting, Dutch Style!

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[AAR] Just straight up beasting, Dutch Style!

Post by Pronck »

So it was one week ago, a Wednesday evening. Me and my friend P.Smits(NL), fans of muttrah, joined the =HOG= Muttrah 24/7 server. We spawned and found out that the round as USMC was over. So after loading, I decided to take "The Beast" with my friend. He drove, as he is a excellent driver, and I gunned (I drive like shit). First we took the MTLB with the .50cal. We started attacking Hueys trying to land, attacking infantry and just annoying the enemy. Later on we went back to base and took the REAL BEAST, you know it, the MTLB with the 30MM Rapid Fire cannon. We heard that the Cobra was up, and that their was a lot of INF activty in City Center. So we decided to function as a mobile AA-Gun.

We took position at the road near the Construction side (at the DoD, Behind the Mountain). So we got our North and South site covered. We saw some infantry, my driver directed my fire excellent, we took one guy out, the rest retreated. We saw INF to our south crossing the street, going to the compound East of the construction site. I took them out, my driver suddendly heard the sound of a cobra. And there he came, he did a strike trying to take out a BTR. I fired a lethal burst of 30MM HE rounds. The cobra just fell out of the sky. I started firing at a Huey flying by, he survived (He had god with him) Some 15 minutes later we got back from reloading and patrolling East and South City Center. We took position again near the Construction site, but more exposed. And it was rewarded, a Huey tryed a rooftop landing. He got killed, some infantry on the same roof got blasted too. In the building behind it they got scared, but they got killed by us too. Again because of excellent spotting and directing by my driver. :-)

We got reports from the BTR. He had positioned himself in the bay. The cobra came again, we fired from the old spot (Spot 1), I had hit im twice on his tail, he survived but flew straight into the BTR's fire. A few seconds later a huey flew by, we killed him. We got killed afterwards. Later on, we started to shoot AA and TOWs from the castle, we killed 2 Boats and some INF. When we got the MTLB back, we started beasting again, we took out INF, trucks and some more Hueys, the Cobra got left behind. The round ended, we won by a 150 point lead.

This all couldn't happened without my driver, P.Smits(NL) !
We are staying up!
Posts: 1384
Joined: 2011-03-21 17:43

Re: [AAR] Just straight up beasting, Dutch Style!

Post by Mikemonster »

I'll look you guys up next time the airtank brigade try to spoil my games as MEC!

Nice to have you acting as AA as your primary role, it's sorely needed on Muttrah. Hopefully your actions allowed a chance for the Logi's to get forward and build FOB's for the troops.
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