what's your squad leading style?
- Posts: 315
- Joined: 2009-02-28 19:39
Re: what's your squad leading style?
Blah. I don't like to lead squads because I always feel like I'm not doing anything right. I just follow orders and give constructive ideas to help get us to our objective.
- Posts: 454
- Joined: 2007-06-20 05:01
Re: what's your squad leading style?
It is insane how this can be a common problem in the regular workplace and some military units. There are a few things one can learn from online gaming about efficiency.Andersson wrote:there can never be any doubt about who is in charge. Never. The squad leader leads his men and delegates to his 2ic.
- Retired PR Developer
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Re: what's your squad leading style?
that would be one of those squadmembers i like.havoc1482 wrote:I just follow orders and give constructive ideas to help get us to our objective.
- Posts: 28
- Joined: 2009-04-03 21:04
Re: what's your squad leading style?
I like to try to work as a coordinator, I spend a lot of time just checking the map and the position of every sqmate and looking for a good combat position, if enemy is spotted i just try to keep everyone calm until everyone reports he's ready and i put more markers than bullets in my enemies but try to avoid micromanagement of sqmates with some exceptions (like telling a LAT where to stay to lay an ambush to an apc)
I think there's a great differece between leading small(1-3) and big(3-6) infantry squads.
When it's a small squad I considere speed the most important factor, beeing fast allows you to be much less visible and easily get behind the enemy while in big squad the important factor is positioning.
I think there's a great differece between leading small(1-3) and big(3-6) infantry squads.
When it's a small squad I considere speed the most important factor, beeing fast allows you to be much less visible and easily get behind the enemy while in big squad the important factor is positioning.
- Posts: 2899
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Re: what's your squad leading style?
i do it qite ilar to wcca, i asgn kits tell them their roles, then quietly supervise 'em and yell the hell on them if they screw up. then i do it all over again next round. i think it makes SM more responsible if you show them what was wrong the hard way
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Re: what's your squad leading style?
Depends on the situation really, when defending, i tell one by one what position to take. The direction where they should be looking should be obvious. Also that they have to scout for enemies is obvious.
When attacking, i have less time to order individuals around, so i narrow it down to kit names and "follow me" while others supress, in case of flanking.
When attacking, i have less time to order individuals around, so i narrow it down to kit names and "follow me" while others supress, in case of flanking.

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Re: what's your squad leading style?
I tend to be a nicer SL than most. I've been in squads where I've been yelled at for looking the wrong way.
I start out all my rounds by saying this "Gentlemen, thank you for joining my squad. We need an LMG and a medic, any volunteers? Ok, Here are my rules, follow me orders, when we're in combat don't talk about random stuff, don't ask me if it's ok to grab a kit, if you want a kit, take it so long as it's useful. Don't be afraid to use initiative to kill the enemy, and don't wait for me to give orders. Fire at will unless i say not to.
We good?"
I start out all my rounds by saying this "Gentlemen, thank you for joining my squad. We need an LMG and a medic, any volunteers? Ok, Here are my rules, follow me orders, when we're in combat don't talk about random stuff, don't ask me if it's ok to grab a kit, if you want a kit, take it so long as it's useful. Don't be afraid to use initiative to kill the enemy, and don't wait for me to give orders. Fire at will unless i say not to.
We good?"
"You know we've had to imagine the war here, and we have imagined that it was being fought by aging men like ourselves. We had forgotten that wars were fought by babies. When I saw those freshly shaved faces, it was a shock "My God, my God?" I said to myself. "It's the Children's Crusade."- Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughter House Five
- Posts: 2899
- Joined: 2010-08-23 14:53
Re: what's your squad leading style?
thats a SL id like to play with 

- Posts: 962
- Joined: 2011-05-31 22:22
Re: what's your squad leading style?
i try and command in a professional way but i usually have squad memebers who dont listen and screw around. doesnt help that whenever im SQ ldr all other squads are locked on a squad manditory server.
- Posts: 493
- Joined: 2009-12-22 14:02
Re: what's your squad leading style?
I'm more inclined to delegation I guess rather than the others. At times if the squad's a bit dim witted I'll have to be less lenient but generally so long as the squad sticks with me and follows my orders I'm not too fussed about how they get it done.
Taking the initiative instead of following right behind me is always preferable. I don't like people who can't think for themselves even If they get it wrong at times I'd rather they thought, "Hey, I'm the AR here, so fire superiority is my kinda thing, that hill looks sweet and I can see pretty much everywhere with some nice *** cover to hide behind if things start going badly" When I have to lay markers and instruct people where to go in order for them to stop stalking me I begin to wonder why they're in my squad
Taking the initiative instead of following right behind me is always preferable. I don't like people who can't think for themselves even If they get it wrong at times I'd rather they thought, "Hey, I'm the AR here, so fire superiority is my kinda thing, that hill looks sweet and I can see pretty much everywhere with some nice *** cover to hide behind if things start going badly" When I have to lay markers and instruct people where to go in order for them to stop stalking me I begin to wonder why they're in my squad
- Posts: 63
- Joined: 2011-10-08 09:02
Re: what's your squad leading style?
When I lead squads, I guess I'm more of the authoritative sort. I usually have some sort of plan in my head and a good idea of how I want to accomplish it, so I do give direct orders to squadmates. But I make a great effort to be "nice" about it and not seem like an utter *********.
- Posts: 985
- Joined: 2010-01-28 02:47
Re: what's your squad leading style?
If you try and debate every decision as an SL you don't get far. Look at the US congress or any other ruling body.
The squad leader is the judge and jury therefore it is his job to make the decisions. By such the SL is also responsible for managing his people and getting them where they need to be. Leadership is like being a header.
The squad leader is the judge and jury therefore it is his job to make the decisions. By such the SL is also responsible for managing his people and getting them where they need to be. Leadership is like being a header.
- Posts: 294
- Joined: 2009-03-28 17:24
Re: what's your squad leading style?
Leadership contains many different skills.
Best thing to do when your squad members offer their opinion is to say thanks! If you don't go along with it just say sorry not this time! If you do, you just say I was intending to do that.

Best thing to do when your squad members offer their opinion is to say thanks! If you don't go along with it just say sorry not this time! If you do, you just say I was intending to do that.

The wine was in and the wit was out!

IGN: [3dAC] [PR]PDI|Danger_6
- Posts: 1271
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Re: what's your squad leading style?
You must be flexible, really. Delegation, and authoritarian are useful for different situations.
Delegation is probably the most practical because, it's a video game, so people dont respond too well to very strict orders, however tank formations, risky orders, and certain plans require authoritarian leading. If I tell you to dig, and then man the tow, if youre caught not digging or manning the TOW, unless an extraordinary situation arises youre getting kicked.
Delegation is probably the most practical because, it's a video game, so people dont respond too well to very strict orders, however tank formations, risky orders, and certain plans require authoritarian leading. If I tell you to dig, and then man the tow, if youre caught not digging or manning the TOW, unless an extraordinary situation arises youre getting kicked.
- Posts: 1064
- Joined: 2010-05-24 10:18
Re: what's your squad leading style?
My style is adaptive (both defensive and offensive). I try to listen to people who makes sense. But that doesn't mean I like to debate a lot about my future plans. In most situations I know what to do, and if not that, than something else. But there are situations where I'm asking myself: "What to do now? What gap needs filling?" Than I usually make a quick congress to talk it out.
I really dislike squadleaders who lack the ability to listen to their squadmembers, especially the squadleaders that are just learning the game or just haven't got that kind of experience like I or someone else telling him something does.
I really dislike squadleaders who lack the ability to listen to their squadmembers, especially the squadleaders that are just learning the game or just haven't got that kind of experience like I or someone else telling him something does.
- Posts: 682
- Joined: 2010-10-11 14:25
Re: what's your squad leading style?
Last time I was leading a squad my squad members suddenly started to not respond to me, of course stupid stuff happened afterwards when no one wanted to be around to complete objectives, as I asked them to suppress, fire, use the HAT and so on - I checked the map and all the guys drifted the other way, meaning away from the cache. As a squad leader I like to give the guys the incentive to think smart, but when people don't respond to you, you just end up talking to yourself. Of course this is a good time for the Alt+F4 button! 

- Posts: 14
- Joined: 2012-03-05 19:44
Re: what's your squad leading style?
Army is not democratic society, it is based on authority...that is a fact. As a SL, you need to be authoritative. That you can try to do by yelling, swearing etc. That usualy end with "one man squad". Other way is to prove that you are worth of listening. Meaning, in every moment, you need to know what are you doing, and to make it clear to all of your squad members. I will throw some of my ideas about SL, take it if you like it:
1. Be specific about kits you want in a squad
2. Explain to your squad members basic of movement
3. Use short comms over VOIP or MUMBLE (contact left, on the double, covering fire, etc etc)- dont use comms for chat about weather
4. Dont leave staging or spawning area until you are sure that you lead a proper squad
5. Dont rush on the enemy...make sure that all squad members know about action that you have in mind, and what are they roles
6. ALWAYS plan route for retreat!!! Its better to retreat than regroup at spawn point.
...there's more, but wife is screaming to take her out...c'ya later...
1. Be specific about kits you want in a squad
2. Explain to your squad members basic of movement
3. Use short comms over VOIP or MUMBLE (contact left, on the double, covering fire, etc etc)- dont use comms for chat about weather
4. Dont leave staging or spawning area until you are sure that you lead a proper squad
5. Dont rush on the enemy...make sure that all squad members know about action that you have in mind, and what are they roles
6. ALWAYS plan route for retreat!!! Its better to retreat than regroup at spawn point.
...there's more, but wife is screaming to take her out...c'ya later...

- Posts: 383
- Joined: 2007-02-13 12:57
Re: what's your squad leading style?
While I agree on some points I have to disagree on a few as well. Of course it is vital to agree on kits before you set out, otherwise it will be chaos. Basic movement in my case would be a tactical blob. I honestly don't trust random pubbies to remember much formations, nor do I care for them at all. Even if you divide the squad in fireteams people tend to forget which one they belong to more often than not (I forget about it as well).kenan(BIH)_1 wrote:Army is not democratic society, it is based on authority...that is a fact. As a SL, you need to be authoritative. That you can try to do by yelling, swearing etc. That usualy end with "one man squad". Other way is to prove that you are worth of listening. Meaning, in every moment, you need to know what are you doing, and to make it clear to all of your squad members. I will throw some of my ideas about SL, take it if you like it:
1. Be specific about kits you want in a squad
2. Explain to your squad members basic of movement
3. Use short comms over VOIP or MUMBLE (contact left, on the double, covering fire, etc etc)- dont use comms for chat about weather
4. Dont leave staging or spawning area until you are sure that you lead a proper squad
5. Dont rush on the enemy...make sure that all squad members know about action that you have in mind, and what are they roles
I don't know what "on the double" means. But short comms when you are actually fighting is vital yes. Give bearings for contacts, range etc. But chatting about random shit is also vital to keep a nice feel to the squad in my opinion. Travelling to an objective, defending a boring building or just taking random potshots at enemies is a time for chit-chat.
For point #4 I would say that it is hard to do that. It is easy for people to look "proper" without nay fighting. You can check that they have the right kits and have mumble, but that takes less than a minute. You cannot know how proper they are until you are in the field and are actually under fire.
#5... If they can't read my mind they'd better catch on quick.
And lastly:
kenan(BIH)_1 wrote: 6. ALWAYS plan route for retreat!!! Its better to retreat than regroup at spawn point.
...there's more, but wife is screaming to take her out...c'ya later...)))
Personally I just make sure people have kits correct and that they are on mumble. After that I make some decision and roll with it. Usually ending up in the middle of a big pile of shit and getting shot to pieces. But it is all in good fun.