[AAR] No man's street.

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[AAR] No man's street.

Post by whathe12 »

Muttrah City on the HOG server.

I was playing as MEC as a medic, my squad had just retaken East city center (or west, idk, the one near the gas station. Our team was getting no where after capping one of the center's. No one passed that middle road that cut through the entire city west to east. No one had crossed without getting full of lead. After about 5 mins of squad after squad getting blown to smithereens, my SL decided it was our turn to have a try at this impossible task. We were going to go one at a time, with me going last since I was medic. The first man goes and amazingly lives with just a bullet in his thigh. I knew I would have to fix him up when I cross. The 2nd man makes it across without a scratch. The third (my SL) made it.

Now it was me and the Rifleman. I told him to go first. He starts sprinting across the road. He chose the wrong time at the wrong place to make a run for it. An enemy AAV comes racing around the corner, with it's gunner ripping the guy to shreds in the middle of the street. The AAV soon is blown up by a TOW that was placed on a roof.

I can hear my squadmate's shrieks for help as I decide what to do. The rest of the squad had moved on with one of them bleeding out, and another almost dead in the middle of the street. I decided to throw a smoke over my squadmate's body. I sprint to the smoke with asphalt spitting up all over me. I take a bullet to my stomach, the pain was unlike I've ever felt before. I make it to his body, and quickly revive him at the same time to stay down. I heal him until he's out of the black and white stage. The smoke has almost cleared up when both of us make a sprint for the side of the road. I don't know how the hell I made it out alive but I was sure glad I did that. (my team then went on to take NC and win the round shortly after that.)
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Re: [AAR] No man's street.

Post by Wicca »

Only in PR my friend... Only in PR...

Good story.
Xact Wicca is The Joker. That is all.
Posts: 622
Joined: 2009-03-23 22:12

Re: [AAR] No man's street.

Post by Zulnex »

Nice story. 8-)
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