Twonkle wrote:How well did PR run on the MacBook Pro? I guess that he used crossover? Wanna know, might try it.
That MacBookPro is mine actually. I took this picture while I was installing PR on his own Mac(on the right). Crossover won't give enough ram or processorpower to tha game, at least not for my Mac. That is the first generation with that design. Paralells and VMWare Fusion isn't enough either. I installed windows as it's own partition on the hard drive using BootCamp. Then windows is it's own operating system, instead of being slaves under Mac OS. So the windows uses all the power of the Mac hardware. Google it and you'll figure it out. Crossover works for pinball and CS1.6.
That Mac playing PR ran with medium on all settings and view distance 100% without trace of lag. At least I think so. All on medium or higher.. Smoothest running machine in that room. And there were some nasty-*** windows machines there
CTD'ing all the time. My iMac at home runs on everything at highest without lag, only with some texture-flickering when in a chopper high above the ground looking down on large cities (Ramiel). But ofcourse, most of what's creating lag and CTD's are 3rd party **** pre-installed with windows, toshiba and asus has lots of bullshit. On my macs, I install a clean version of Windows 7, only to play PR, L4D and MW2 and to program in Visual Studio. No 3rd party **** what so ever.
The best machine to run the OS windows vista in 2008 or something was the Mac Pro. And please guys, save the "Mac sucks"-talk for some other time. Believe me, I was the biggest Mac-hater ever, until I got one as a stupid gift.