The White Line is the APC or Armour squad, this is needed in taking the airport.
The Green line is Just a basic squad
The Pink line is a basic squad
The Blue line is another basic squad
The BLACK line is a basic squad...
The Squad is a basic squad.
The Black and Yellow squad MUST join up, they will seize the 'Plane Area' of the Field.
The Green And Pink squad And the Blue squad join up to take the main building.
The White squad, they just protect and supress the 5 other squads.
The 3 other squads could be CAS or what ever.
The Black and Yellow squads NEED to take the right side of the main building. IF completed the Green and Pink and Blue squad's will be faster and capture the field faster.
The APC could enter the Airfield, I would recommend that AFTER the Squads enter the Field. It will take less fire.
Now... this is where mortars come in. Since the troops from the MEC will maybe land in choppers there and that... the UK needs to have Mortars, AT, or AA.
They should not fire the mortars directly at the friendlies, doing so will cause so many TK's my mom will die from it. I would say fire then when the friendlies are in the building.
Helicopters... this is a HUGE part. You need to do a 'light up' for the squads, just go there before the squads attack and just blow them up with the Gunner's Gun.
I tried this about 20 times, it worked fine. The only problem, Squad Leader co-operation.
Some SL's are just dumb retards that are not orientated with Teamwork. In my honest opinion they should be kicked. If you are in a huge clan match... Example.
I think 508th is a HUGE clan in PR. They would be more then perfect. I know they all co-operate and that good stuff. I can't see them failing. But still that is the only problem.
And tips for this to be good...
1.Make sure everyone has a mic.
2.Try to have mumble, it helps, believe me.
3.Have experienced players. 1 day old players will not be good, unless has number 1, 2.
4.Have a very good APC driver, this will be great on those poor Infantry Hostiles. They will die to get killed.
5.Have FOB's pretty close.
6.Have mortars pretty far away, this will be a 'sneak attack'.
Just try this. This will work.
**You must have every other OBJ captured for this to work**