Choose the AU's sniper !

Discussion pertaining to the African Resistance Fighters (ARF) faction.
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by Wakain »

lucky.BOY wrote:dont want to be a b*|ch but each suggestion need a constructive critism to evolve. Dont beat me :)
ah man, you're such a b*|ch for helping us by providing constructing criticism, please never do that ever again, or things might only improve! :p
1) there would probably be a need to change the way kit requesting works, as it seems to be hardcoded (in terms it cant depend on faction). If im not mistaken (and hopefully I am) this would need a big deal of work to implement
this is a point I was wondering about already, I don't know enough about this system to really have an impression what the possibilities are here, and how much work altering this system might need.

a solution might be to fill the sniperslot with a factionspecific "bonuskit" an alternative rifleman or something with a weapon that is a little bit rarer to find in the factions respective arsenals. (a modern fn fal version instead of a wooden version for instance, or an ak74 insetad of an aks-47)
hoewever it depends whether the sniper can be renamed in the current system for specific factions.
another solution might be to keep the sniper, give it a marksman rifle, keep the marksman and give it an assault rifle with very basic optics, however this might not be applicable to certain factions with very basic or oldschool weaponry.
2) There would be another thing to turn new players away from PR, as they would need to learn what kits each faction feature to be ale to play this game fully.
I personally think most new players will start with conventional (blufor) factions first, and I furthermore think that the detail provided with and the difference between specific (opfor) factions will outweigh the added learning curve.

thanks for your time

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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by BroCop »

Bro's about the availability of kits to certain factions I am going to mention the Militia Pilot (unless the Russian pilot kit is also blocked)
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by Wakain »

CroCop wrote:Bro's about the availability of kits to certain factions I am going to mention the Militia Pilot (unless the Russian pilot kit is also blocked)
I'm affraid I do not understand, please explain.
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by BroCop »

Well seeing how I was a bit derp and I herped when reading the 2 posts I have to say the ultimate word: "Nevermind"

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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by Stealthgato »

CroCop wrote:Well seeing how I was a bit derp and I herped when reading the 2 posts I have to say the ultimate word: "Nevermind"

No, you're right. As I understood it, someone proposed having the AU without sniper class, then someone mentioned they think it is hardcoded regarding having one faction without a kit and the other with it available but it is not, for example Militia vs. British, British can request pilot kit but Militia doesn't have it, or Hamas vs. IDF, IDF can request pilot and crewman but Hamas doesn't have them.
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by Wakain »

162eRI wrote:Can't add anything as the above arguments said it all.

Indeed Stealthgato, and furthermore, like the insurgents, we can have "pickupable" kits. So for exemple the African wouldn't be able to request the sniper kit, but they could find it in the map's mainbase.
that would be a good solution, making the sniperkit in african armies existing but very rare, problem is that at some point all sniperfanatics will know where it is and rush off with it from the first minute. a heavy spawndelay or randomized spawnlocation (again if possible) could tackle that issue though.

then again, how will pickupkits work with (semi)conventional armies that should rely heavily on squads. it would be detrimental if someone in a squad was to stumble on such a sniperkit by accident and he would keep it in a squad, or he'd just leave the squad and create his own, causing uneffective squads and potential confusion (we already have that sometimes in pr as it is and should be discouraged as much as possible)

interesting discussion guys :)
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by Von_Gnome »

I don't understand why it would be hardcoded to not have a sniperkit in the list? On Ins the kit-request menu is blocked. And in case you can't block single kit in the list, just fill it with something else.
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by BroCop »

I think we already concluded that you can block a specific kit for a specific faction
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by RUSSIAN147 »

DeltaFart wrote:Whats wrong with the Enfield? Those things are bloody everywhere, why not have it as like an Alt?
Because PR needs to mix things up a bit, besides the Taliban, HAMAS, Insurgents and Chechens use the N0.4 already, why not add a new gun into the fray??
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by rushn »

RUSSIAN147 wrote:Because PR needs to mix things up a bit, besides the Taliban, HAMAS, Insurgents and Chechens use the N0.4 already, why not add a new gun into the fray??
problem is who is going to make it?
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by BroCop »

I think we already concluded that its already made.
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by ShavedAlpaca »

put a wooden stock on the ssg + call it a hunting rifle = profit

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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by simeon5541 »

SSG1. . .
Last edited by simeon5541 on 2011-11-03 15:38, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by Howitzer »

and the marksman would be a AK74 with a PSO1
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Re: Choose the AU's sniper !

Post by simeon5541 »

Togo Togo Togo Togo Togo !! xD

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