What are we?:
The 3rd Armed Intelligence Unit is a softcore milsim unit, this meaning we bring gaming to a whole new level of realism gaming. It is a serious but fun and realistic environment
To many of our members the unit is more than just a gaming clan, its family. The bond between each and every of our members are tight.
We respect all members no matter if you?re E-1 or Major as long as you want to be apart and gives the unit a chance you will find out that we are a great bunch of guys.
We are a large sized unit, meaning we do not have no exact limit when it comes to members, as long as everything flows, we let everyone in who is willing to serve and obey by our rules & command.
How Does it work?:
Each Saturday at 2pm EST we have unit trainings. Where the whole unit is involved, however there are also smaller sessions regarding "extras" in Project Reality, ei Sniper and Marksman Course & Flight School.
We offer trainings for everything within the Project Reality Mod. As we find it important for our members if they are willing to learn, to simply teach them.
We have a Infantry sector, a Armor section and a Aircraft sector. as it looks right now we are focusing on armor and infantry strategy and tactics. however we still operate air transport and CAS. Though its not a unit priority at this time.
Within the 3rd Armed Intelligence Unit, we use the US Army Ranking Structure and with focus of the US Armed forces. We try to get close to reality yet still keep the fun part involved in our gameplay. Our military advisors assist unit staff in planning operations, trainings and so forth. To get as close as possible to our unit goals.
Upon Enlistment you get to decide whether you'd like to join our Infantry, Armour or Air Force. You then have a 2 week trial period till you promote to PV2, the platoon leader of your signed division, will have a talk with you and test you ingame, to figure whether you should go through some training first before being assigned. This doesn't mean that you get your requested position, the requested division might be full or there might be another division thats in need of new troops
What is Required to join?:Rules and Regulations
- Over the age of 16.
- Able to adapt into a realistic environment
- Not "Known" by other clans/communities for bad situations
- Able to take orders from higher ranked officers
- Able to handle any situation with a good attitude and in a respectful manner
- Have a working version of BF2
roject Reality
- Have Teamspeak 3
- That you follow the unit CoC -> 3rd AIU - Code of Conduct
- You may not cheat or hack (Strictly enforced)!
- You will remain respectful in all situations!
- You will attempt to always help the people around you.
- As an officer, you will not overplay your role, abuse your power, or use leverage on lower ranks.
- You must accept that as a human, we all make mistakes, however if a punishment is enforced due to your actions. Take it like a man, perform it with respect, and most importantly learn from it!
- Show loyalty towards the unit itself and its goals.
- If you disagree with an action of another member, or a situation one has been placed in; bring it to the attention of an officer and let them handle it.
- Do not enable or antagonize members of [3|AIU], any other clan, or any user at any time.
- Do always follow and agree with rules in other servers.
What we offer:
- A Realistic Environment
- Large scaled Joint Operations
- Own mini-mod package for Project Reality, containing new textures, models and weapons
- US Army Ranking Structure and Unit focus
- Experienced Staff including staff with military experience
- Own Basic Combat Training Course
- Class's in operating all air assets, ground assets and weapons. We find it important that our members know their way around the game.
- Own Server box with several PR Servers & a unit Teamspeak server
- A tight bond with our allied units [1st ID] & [82nd]
- (Coming Soon) In unit tournament
How To Enlist?:
Are you ready to enlist with the 3rd Armed Intelligence Unit? Follow the small guide below and see if you are really up for the job!
Step 1. - The Website
First Go to this link: 3rd AIU - Home page and register.
Once you have registered, login and follow this link: Unit Enlistment Form - Forum
Now Mark the whole text and Copy (CTRL+C).
Now Click "New Topic" on the top right of the forum board.
Name it: "YOUR NAME's" Enlistment App, and paste the Enlistment form into the text field.
Now Take your time and add your information to the Enlistment form.
Once Posted Move on to Step 2.
Step 2. - Communications
If you don?t already have it, we strongly recommend that you install Xfire Download Xfire
Once that's done or if you have it already, "Add: opfor118" to your friends list.
In the 3rdAIU we also use Teamspeak 3, if you do not have this yet. It can be downloaded here -> TeamSpeak - Downloads
Once installed Open up the program. Select "Connections" and type in the following information
Server Address:
Nickname: Your name
Server Password: Blank, We don't use a password.
Once connected. Find your way around the TS, if need of a Server Admin or Recruiter simply join the provided channels.
If you have and questions or concerns do not hesitate to comment below here or contact us via Xfire or Teamspeak.Contact:
Recruiter Xfire:
Xfire Contact: opfor118
Teamspeak 3 Address:
Website: Third Armed Intelligence Unit - Home page
Hopes to see you soon!
Best Regards,
// 3rdAIU Management