This guide expects you to use mumble when playing at all times and does apply to 128 server with 12 man squads. To save our time, i am going to leave as much basics out as i can, so it doesnt overlap other guides who might of covered that allready.
1. Clear your mind and map-related thoughts and engage "squadleader mode".
Even though youre not squadleader, you are the leader of yourself, you are the one who thinks before doing the actions. Imagine everybody in the squad is a squadleader but only the real one has authority to call out orders.
2. Stick to your role
And do it efficiently. Role of medic is primary to heal. That means, take cover, be on personal defense. Automatic rifleman is supposed to put sustained fire on the target that SL designates... and so on. Dont hesitate to fire in large volumes. Doing so gives leader time to think and plan accordingly to the situation. If nobody is firing, he has to defend himself. Not seeing the target doesnt justify holding fire if not ordered so.
3. Make people aware of the situation
Using mumble, there is no need to clutter the comms with squad channel, but if you are aware of some immediate danger that other squadmembers are vulnerable to, don't hestitate to temporarily issue orders on what to do to execute SL's main order. If there is 8-12 men in the squad, it will at some point become stretched, separated, possibly with a danger zone between the two parts of the squad. Mixed with heavy incoming fire, people tend to ignore/forget the SL's orders. In order to minimize this, repeat the order once so often, just to remind the men around you what to do and not wander off aimlessly, getting killed. Remember, use local, it cant hurt.
This is basically all you need to know to perform well as a squadmember. Its simple.