Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

General discussion of the Project Reality Vietnam modification.
Big Lebowski
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Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by Big Lebowski »

Is the Mosin Nagant unscoped (NVA combat engineer kit) underpowerd?

Playing the other day I flanked an enemy position in some bunkers on barracuda busy shooting up my squad. So i come up from behind and see the M60 gunner in the bunker fireing away... 30m away i take aim and pop him once in the back - just as he figures out where he was shot from i pop him one more in the chest.. BAM dead. Alright nothing wrong with that.
Now i proced to storm the bunker with my bolt action rifle (maybe not the smartest thing the do) and as I enter I quickly realize this is a bad idea - to my side theres an american with a full automatic M16 - but he dosent fire - hes AFK :smile:
So now i walk camly up to him, aim my rifle at his big melon and put a round in his face. BAAAAAM nothing. I actully have to put another in his face to make him dead. :o

So does it really take a mininum of 2 shots to kill someone with the the Mosin?
Last edited by Big Lebowski on 2012-04-13 08:23, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by PoisonBill »

Big Lebowski wrote:So does it really take a mininum of 2 shots to kill someone with the the Mosin?
With the sniper it does, which kinda ruins half his role.

Since soldiers didn't have body armor, any rifle shot to the chest should atleast make them 'wounded'.
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by Fractal »

Big Lebowski wrote:Is the Mosin Nagant unscoped (NVA combat engineer kit) underpowerd?

Playing the other day I flanked an enemy position in some bunkers on barracuda busy shooting up my squad. So i come up from behind and see the M60 gunner in the bunker fireing away... 30m away i take aim and pop him once in the back - just as he figures out where he was shot from i pop him one more in the chest.. BAM dead. Alright nothing wrong with that.
Now i proced to storm the bunker with my bolt action rifle (maybe not the smartest thing the do) and as I enter I quickly realize this is a bad idea - to my side theres an american with a full automatic M16 - but he dosent fire - hes AFK :smile:
So now i walk camly up to him, aim my rifle at his big melon and put a round in his face. BAAAAAM nothing. I actully have to put another in his face to make him dead. :o

So does it really take a mininum of 2 shots to kill someone with the the Mosin?
head shot and no kill?! WTF
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by Tarranauha200 »

Propably hitbox bug with that headshot. US actually had body armor but it mostly stopped fragments and small calibre bullets.
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by VoodooActual »

I love the mosin. That Sniper rifle is a domination weapon in the right hands, Just y'know, do what most snipers would do in project reality - One Shot, one kill. That usually means THE HEAD ;)
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by NuclearBanane »

VoodooActual wrote:I love the mosin. That Sniper rifle is a domination weapon in the right hands, Just y'know, do what most snipers would do in project reality - One Shot, one kill. That usually means THE HEAD ;)

The Iron sight version might need a buff, but the sniper is good.
Of-course a little buff might help out ;P

Make me more OP!!! lol

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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by Tarranauha200 »

I usually shoot legs as they are also 1 shot 1 kill. "Realistic"
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by Stealthgato »

From the couple of times I used the iron sights one I think it has too much deviation. Also needed 2 shots on some occasions, which shouldn't really happen with a Mosin.
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by Wakain »

I think it was just modelled after the insurgent no.4 gameplaywise, without taking into account (lack of) body armour in the '60 (as mentioned above: flak jackets don't stop bullets).

Irl old-school bolt-action rifles have huge stopping power, having been designed to penetrate multiple bodies of men in linear formations on set-staged battles. Bad maintenance in insurgent or NVA hands and the climate might degrade this a little but still. However, devs have chosen to make non-scoped bolt-action rifles two-shot killers because its respective kits' ingame roles don't correspond with having a long range insta-kill weapon (ins. medic in vPR: bf2 and CE in NVA prv).
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by Zemciugas »

The shockwawe from the Mosins bullet should be enough to kill him already...
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by Hunt3r »

Mosins have to be one shot one kill, no questions asked. It's a 7.62x54, that's bigger than the 7.62 NATO in the M14 FFS.
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by ComradeHX »

Wakain wrote: Irl old-school bolt-action rifles have huge stopping power, having been designed to penetrate multiple bodies of men in linear formations on set-staged battles. Bad maintenance in insurgent or NVA hands and the climate might degrade this a little but still. However, devs have chosen to make non-scoped bolt-action rifles two-shot killers because its respective kits' ingame roles don't correspond with having a long range insta-kill weapon (ins. medic in vPR: bf2 and CE in NVA prv).
Penetration does not necessarily mean it has huge stopping power.

Mosin and K98(above 7mm), yes.

Japanese type 38, no(6mm something round here).

All of them are old school bolt action rifles.

I think long range instant-b&w is fine; close range needs to be 1 hit down(not kill) because otherwise it is quite useless.
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by PoisonBill »

Hunt3r wrote:Mosins have to be one shot one kill, no questions asked. It's a 7.62x54, that's bigger than the 7.62 NATO in the M14 FFS.
Very true, the bullet should do as much damage as an m40 sniper, of course this also means that the SVD should do as much damage as the m40 as well. Not sure if it does in game.

7.62?54mmR: 9.7 g (150 gr) FMJ 865 m/s (2,840 ft/s) 3,629 J (2,677 ft?lbf)

7.62?51mm NATO: 9.7 g (150 gr) FMJ 850 m/s (2,800 ft/s) 3,504 J (2,584 ft?lbf)
=HCM= Shwedor
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Re: Mosin Nagant - weeeeak?

Post by =HCM= Shwedor »

Currently ingame if you shoot a person with an M-14, even in the legs, they will bleed out before they can put a patch down to stop the bleeding. I fail to see why the mosin-nagant does so much less damage.

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