Looking for a clan

Post here if you are looking for a clan, or wish to advertise vacancies within yours.
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Looking for a clan

Post by SMercier »

Hello , As title says I am searching for a clan. I a just returning to BF2 and PR , I am also going to be playing the FH2 mod as well . I am looking for a well structured clan that has people who know what they are doing when it comes to tactics etc .

I will consider all types, Realism or not. I remade my looking for clan thread because Ive decided I may give a realism unit a try again.Also a clan that will teach me and help me learn all the maps of PR as I usually got no clue where I am or where to go to find enemy's and objectives etc .

I am 19 years old, I live on the US East Coast (-5 GMT). If you have any questions feel free to ask here or you can contact me threw xfire . My xfire id is Ghostrider56.

Also everyone who posted in my other looking for clan post about there clan i will still consider . I wont make a decision right away though until ive seen everything thats out there so that i can find the right clan for me .
Hope to hear from people soon .
Last edited by SMercier on 2012-05-04 04:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Looking for a clan

Post by SGT.Ice »

Please do not make duplicate threads as it is annoying and against forum rules.
Frost [3-75]
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Re: Looking for a clan

Post by Frost [3-75] »


[3-75] 3rd Ranger Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment

Project Reality / Forgotten Hope 2 Realism Unit


About This Unit
The 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment is a "Tactical Realism Unit." This means we use a rank system and structure which is close to how a real Army unit operates, we use tactics and strategies that are used by Army units, and we operate like a real Army unit would. However, we don't allow the soldiers' "ranks" to go to their head. Instead, we use our structure to provide a well-run and organized unit.

While our soldiers do play various games, our foundation is based in BF2 :P R . As a Tactical realism unit we do hold drills and operations as well as regular public realism scenarios.

If you think you have what it takes to become a ranger in the 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, please visit our forums and read the information that pertains to enlistment in the "Enlistment Information" forum. The information contained there will allow you to evaluate whether you wish to be apart of this fine unit or if you would just like to continue playing with us as a civilian. If you have what it takes, submit your enlistment papers as soon as possible!
What We Offer:
Tactics and Maneuvers used in Real Life (Tactics adapted and modified to fit game limitations)
-Military Occupational Specialties (Infantryman, Medic, Engineer, etc)
-Rank Structure based off the United States Army Ranking Structure
-Missions and Operations (Both Training and Public)
-Realistic Training (This includes but is not limited to Basic Combat Training, Air Assault School, Weapons Training, Advanced Individual Training, etc)
-Knowledge of the 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment and the many aspects of it
-64 Slot BF2 :P R Training Server Running Our PR Custom Maps either Fort Bragg, NC or Fort Benning, GA
-50 Slot Teamspeak 3 Server
What We Expect:
-Mature attitude
-Discipline from each member
-Willingness to learn new tactics and maneuvers
-Commitment to advancing through the ranks
-Respectful to superiors
-Have/plan on getting a working microphone.
-Have a working version of BF2 With 1.5 Patch, PR 0.973 Installed
-Have an up to date copy of Teamspeak 3.
-Have read the information contained in the Enlistment Information & Websites Rules & Regulations
[3-75] Military Entrance And Processing Enlistment Form
Download Link: [3-75] Military Entrance And Processing Enlistment Form.docx
Company A Commanding Officer - Captain "Frost" Username: teddylamothe025
Company A First Platoon Leader - Second Lieutenant "Hope" Username: dwh22

Positions available upon enlistment:
11-B Infantry
25-C Radio Operator
21-C Combat Engineer
Field 15 Airmen
Enlist At 3rdrb.tk
Captain "Frost"
Company Commanding Officer
Company A
3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment
United States Army Special Operations Command
S. Golding [1stMD]
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Re: Looking for a clan

Post by S. Golding [1stMD] »


1st Marine Division

Are you looking for a Military Simulation unit that uses real life structure and gameplay?
Are you looking for a structured unit that gives you the sense of the real thing?

Then the 1st Marine Division is for you!

We are a relatively new unit, but not new to PR! We follow the structure and doctrine of the United States Marine Corps and we follow there rank structure. We assign you to units and you report to whomever is in command of you for trainings and drills.

We have many units within the clan, but due to the very small numbers at this current moment in time, most of them are closed.

Also due to the low numbers of the unit, I am also looking for an NCOIC (Non-Commissioned Offier in Charge) and Squad Leaders, so these slots are open for applying!

1st Marine Regiment
1st Recon Battalion [Closed]
1st Tank Battalion
1st Light Armored Recon Battalion [Closed]
2nd Marine Aviation Wing

We also have different MOS's to choose from!

0311 - Rifleman
1800 - Basic Tank & AAV Crewman
0621 - Field Radio Operator
1371 - Combat Engineer

7597 - Pilot, Rotary Wing
7578 - Pilot, Fixed Wing

A little about myself:

I, myself am a British Army veteran, was medically discharged after a pyrotechnic accident on exercise. I have been in many MilSim units since my time playing Project Reality, and that together with my real life experience, I provide an entirely realistic, yet fun environment (as in no PT!)

If you think YOU have what it takes to become a devil dog and become one of the Old Breed; then enlist today! 1st Marine Division | The Old Breed

Unit CO: Capt S. Golding [1stMD]
xfire: angelofdeath1363

'We Sustain'
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Re: Looking for a clan

Post by Web_cole »

Operational Detachment Sierra prides itself on having some of the most deadly Infantry and smartest asset users in the game. We are a 50 strong, close knit group who like to win at any cost (we don't much care for the niceties of whats "realistic" or not) and we usually do.

We pub most evenings EU time, and we have frequent 20 v 20, or 32 v 32 clan matches every other weekend or so. Most of our members are in the EU timezone, but we do have a large N. American contingent also.

Generally we don't accept newer or inexperienced players, but if you are intelligent, active and can communicate and work efficiently in a squad we might consider you. You can try out here - OD-Sierra Recruitment.
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