The [QRF] Quick Reaction Force is an german PR only Clan. We are not interested in gamepoints or getting the most kills a round, our goal is to win the round and play PR as realistic as it can be played.
Currently we are recruting only german speaking players. Thats why i will keep the next
first in english and below in german
In english
What we demand:
- Commitment for the clan
- You should have completed your 18th year of life (Exceptions prove the rule)
- Activity in-game and within the community (Teamspeak/Forum)
- Interest in tactics, teamplay and communikation within PR
- Basic understanding of tactics
- compliance with and enjoyment of the "role-play" component at Gaming Day's
- Mental maturity
What we offer:
- A large and active community
- Deep tactical gameplay
- good chances of advance within the ranks of the group(s) (?)
- A lot of fun with the game
- No less than 6 active and professional squads
We currently offer the following places within our clan: (as of 15.11.2011)
Infantryman for Charlie (currently 0 applicants)
Our still quite new Charlie squad is currently looking for an interested and active player to support their ranks. Our Charlie squad is specialized in long-range combat, thus you should be experienced as an infantryman.
If interested, please report in via teamspeak(IP: QRF-Clan.de)
Contact persons: [QRF] ChallengerCC, [QRF] FK_Ye@h_H@rDstyl3, [QRF] Pter@nodon
CSO - Combat Systems Officer
Our Command and Control Squad needs support. Your buisness wil be to lead squads and to provide intel via UAV
- high degree of tacticas concern
- managerial ability
- you yhould be playing PR a couple of years
- high degree of reliability
- enough time
If interested, please report in via teamspeak(IP: QRF-Clan.de)
Contact persons: [QRF] ChallengerCC, [QRF] FK_Ye@h_H@rDstyl3, [QRF] CptFuture
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In german
Was wir fordern:
- Engagement fuer den Clan
- Ihr solltet das 18. lebensjahr vollendet haben (Ausnahmen bestaetigen die Regel)
- Aktivitaet im Spiel und in der Community (Teamspeak/Forum)
- Interesse an Taktik, Teamplay und Kommunikation innerhalb von PR
- Grundsaetzliches Taktikverstaendniss
- Einhaltung und Spass an der "Role-play" Komponente an Gaming Day's
- Geistige Reife
Was wir bieten:
- Eine grosse und aktive Community
- Taktischen Tiefgang
- gute Aufstiegsmoeglichkeiten innerhalb der Dienstgradgruppen
- Jede menge Spass am Spiel
- ganze 6 aktive und professionelle Squads
Derzeit bieten wir folgende Plaetze in unserem Clan an.... (stand 15.11.2011)
Infanterist fuer Charlie (derzeit 0 Bewerber)
Unser noch recht neues Charlie Squad sucht derzeit einen interessierten und aktiven Spieler als Verstaerkung.
Unser Charlie Squad hat sich auf den Kampf aus der Entfernung Spezialisiert, ergo solltest du gute Kentnisse als
Infanterist besitzen.
Bei Interesse bitte im Teamspeak melden (IP: QRF-Clan.de)
Ansprechpartner: [QRF] ChallengerCC, [QRF] FK_Ye@h_H@rDstyl3, [QRF] Pter@nodon
CSO - Combat Systems Officer (derzeit 0 Bewerber)
Unsere Commandostruktur benoetigt unterstuetzung in der aufklaerung und fuehrung von Einheiten mittels UAV.
- hohes Mas an Taktikinteresse
- selbstbewusste Fuehrungsqualitaeten
- langjaehrige Project Reality Erfahrung
- hohes Mas an Zuverlaessigkeit
- Zeit
Bei Interesse bitte im Teamspeak melden (IP: QRF-Clan.de)
Ansprechpartner: [QRF] ChallengerCC, [QRF] FK_Ye@h_H@rDstyl3, [QRF] CptFuture
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