Clan Tag: [UAA]
Clan Name: Ural-Altaic Army
Clan Website: The [UAA] Xfire Group
Clan Teamspeak IP: (PRTA TS)
Xfire Contact: volks209
Language: English
Location: Turkey | EU
[UAA] is a teamwork oriented and a well known clan from PRTA and PR:BF2. We are mostly Turkish but we also have Polish friends too so the main language spoken amongst clan members is ENGLISH. Our first and foremost aim is to get good friends that we can chat or play games apart from his gaming latents. Joining [UAA] will of course require an adequate amount of activity but we dont really push for super duper activity and amazing shooting skills. If you are a funny and good friend that we can live with, than you'll be picked. Our recruitment system is mainly based on the "we pick you" system, however, applying to join [UAA] is still valid method. If you think you can join us and survive, contact us via xfire and lets see what we can do. From gaming perspective, we play PR realistically and fit it into a roleplay structure. So playing PR with [UAA] is a serious business and you should also be a serious player to get a slot in the squad. Other than that, we also play other games just to chill. Most of the [UAA] members generally join PR-T to get a better gameplay experience and play more seriously, so you can meet many of them there in NATO or CATA teams during PRT periods.