82nd Airborne Division
Are you looking for a Military Simulation unit that uses real life structure and gameplay?
Are you looking for a structured unit that gives you the sense of the real thing?
Then the 82nd Airborne Division is for you!
We are a relatively new unit, but not new to PR! We follow the structure and doctrine of the United States Army and we follow there rank structure. We assign you to units and you report to whomever is in command of you for trainings and drills.
We have many units within the clan, but due to the very small numbers at this current moment in time, most of them are closed.
Also due to the low numbers of the unit, I am also looking for an NCOIC (Non-Commissioned Offier in Charge) and Squad Leaders, so these slots are open for applying!
505th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Special Troops Battalion [Closed]
5th Squadron, 73d Cavalry Regiment [Closed]
1st Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment [Closed]
82nd Combat Aviation Brigade
We also have different MOS's to choose from!
11B - Rifleman
19B - Armour Crewman
25C - Radio Operator
12B - Combat Engineer
If you think YOU have what it takes to go "All The Way!" and become one of the 82nd; then enlist today!
Unit CO: CPT S.Golding [82nd]
xfire: angelofdeath1363