PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

General discussion of the Project Reality Falklands modification.
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PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by Predator.v2 »

As most of you have most certainly already noticed, Rhino has included a new set of deviation into the PR:Falklands Mini-Mod.

Everyone with some basic knowledge about BF2 archives and tweak/con files can easily find out by himself, the new deviation set is based upon the "Official PR 1.0 Closed Deviation Test". This is not the final deviation for PR 1.0, the PR Team is constantly working on the whole deviation system, but we gonna use the feedback from the "Official PR 1.0 Closed Deviation Test" plus what we gonna get from the PR:Falklands Mini-Mod.

It would make things easier, if all feedback was gathered in one place, so i am opening this thread to prevent numerous other threads in other places popping up in the future.

What we want/need:
  • constructive feedback
  • adult behaviour
  • rifle deviation experience in PR:F
  • grenadier deviation experience in PR:F
  • marksman deviation experience in PR:F
  • pistol deviation experience in PR:F
  • smg deviation experience in PR:F
Note: Sniper and M20 deviation is bugged.

What we don't want/need:
  • insulting
  • flaming
  • childish behaviour
  • 0.973 deviation feedback
  • pages full of discussion about all the world and his wife
If we find/see/read constructive, good feedback with objective phrasing, be assured we will take it seriously and into consideration.
Last edited by Rhino on 2012-12-29 11:06, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by SamEEE »

To be honest I didn't really notice! Then again engagement distances are huge.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by Rhino »

I would advise everyone to play more with the new deviation before giving feedback. The purpose of the new deviation being a part of PR:F is to see how it grows on players :)

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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by 40mmrain »

I noticed some snipers practicing tactic of using their rifle like a generic scoped assault rifle, this encourages misuse of a really important kit. Is the sniper still like a 7 second deviation settle or has that been changed? If it has been, change it back, the sniper kit of .973 had no problems, with the rifle itself at least!

Oh yeah and more accurate rifles compound the lack of zoom on the machine gun nests to make them pretty unusable
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by Rhino »

40mmrain wrote:Oh yeah and more accurate rifles compound the lack of zoom on the machine gun nests to make them pretty unusable
One thing to note is that the HMGs in PR:F haven't got the updated deviation.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by CanuckCommander »


I feel like the deviation values from the first Closed Official Test were much better because there was slightly less deviation I feel like and firefights were a bit more dynamic because you could somewhat fire on the move. Right now in Falklands, the deviation is leaning towards the current .973, which is bad because inaccurate rifles make for very awkward, unrealistic and static/stale firefights/CQC.


Lessen the settle time just a tiny bit more so that people can shoot a few shots, run a few feet to a new position and be able to put some more somewhat suppressive shots again. This way battles would be more dynamic since people can Fire and Maneuver.


TBH, grenadiers should have somewhat of the same deviation as rifles because in PR, for some reason, the grenade projectile leaves the tube about 1 second after you fire it. Therefore, it is very weird and awkward already to have to know how to time your shots even more to accomodate this weird bug/glitch. Perhaps fix this projectile delay, then the deviation can be better adjusted.


Should be same as rifles. Because it is a rifle.


Could be a little more accurate because when I was lazing for jets as a sniper on multiple occasions, I died many times because my pistol was just not that accurate of a weapon to help me defend myself in the field.


Deviation needs to be A LOT less recoil rather than deviation really. Right now, it fires like it already does in .973. The MP5 specifically should be more controllable because on occasions firing bursts on that thing feels like a G3 at 70% power, which is a lot of kick and inaccuracy.


Haven't used this yet. But when I used it during Official Closed Testing, the recoil was a lot less and it felt better. I think it is more of an animation thing rather than recoil or deviation because currently the screen shakes too much for auto-shotguns to have accurate followup shots. So it's actually faster to shoot a pump than a auto accurately in PR.

Gun play is a huge part of an FPS like PR. We need to really get it down for Gameplay rather than Realism only, because as it currently is in .973, gun play is extremely unintuitive and awkward, though the first Official Test gave me hope, Falklands has taken a bit of that away with the slightly added deviation, so if we go back into the other direction, the gameplay would actually be more fun and rifles would feel a little more dangerous again.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by hiberNative »

i support the above man's statement.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by MacDouche »

[R-DEV]Rhino wrote:One thing to note is that the HMGs in PR:F haven't got the updated deviation.
Oh, then I cant give you feedback about this :-P . You see, the more I shoot, the happier I am, so I usually go for the machinegunner, lol.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread


HMG = Deployed - Heavy Machine Gun .50 calibre
Inf has LMG Light Machine Gun
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by MacDouche »

PLODDITHANLEY wrote:HMG = Deployed - Heavy Machine Gun .50 calibre
Inf has LMG Light Machine Gun
Yes, I thought that too...but then again, do .50 HMG have deviation at all?! After waiting for it to enable fire, it's like firing a laser beam =P
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by Rudd »

50s do have some deviation, but it doesn't increase, if your in its sights you are going to die, take cover and don't give it a target
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by Predator.v2 »

Funny thing is, that hmg have almost the same minimum deviation as assault rifle. But as Rudd stated, they don't increase with firing or turning. So it it almost like an assault rifle firing at his maximum accuracy, but not with one but with around 15 bullets a second and a way larger caliber.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by ComradeHX »

Ran around in carrier and fired many mags immediately after sighting-in.

New deviation = perfect. For me, anyway.

Rifles fire in general direction you point at even after 5-6 seconds of movement + a jump.
But not TOO accurate. It does its job in CQB instead of hitting ceiling/floor, so that is good enough(also for suppressive fire, no need for it to be spot-on for obvious reasons).

AR(GPMG) deviation immediately after movement is also acceptable.

Did not shoot SMG so much; but they seemed to work just fine for what they do(full auto bursts in cqb).

Bunnyhopping does not work at all due to delay after landing for sight-in. Very good choice.

I would love to see this new deviation in regular PR(all minimods too) as soon as possible.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by Joeziah »

Can you guys tell me exactly what you did to the Argentinian sniper SSQ1 and the SMLE.
I can tell you guys changed their deviation because they are constantly missing, but I don't know why, did you not zero them anymore, just zero it for prone shooting.
I'll comment on why changing it from its current settings in vanilla is bad, but I want to know what changed for falklands first.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by Rhino »

Joeziah wrote:Can you guys tell me exactly what you did to the Argentinian sniper SSQ1 and the SMLE.
I can tell you guys changed their deviation because they are constantly missing, but I don't know why, did you not zero them anymore, just zero it for prone shooting.
I'll comment on why changing it from its current settings in vanilla is bad, but I want to know what changed for falklands first.
Ye the snipers are M20 are using the wrong deviation code. When I was applying the new deviation code to them, I couldn't see a sniper rifle option (even thou it was staring me in the face...) and only saw a "bolt action rifle" option, so picked that :p

As such, the marksman is now more accurate than the snipers :p

M20 also has a very long settle time I think is the main difference between what it is meant to be.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by Rhino »

Kaland wrote:Someone already said it i think
lol check the post above yours :p
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by Joeziah »

Ya, I play way too much PR and if you have ever seen me playing...90% of the time I have a sniper kit.

As far as how this would apply in 1.0 across all of PR, I think the current system works perfectly (obviously not the one in falklands) for deviation on sniper rifles.

I was using the FALs with irons, the deviation feels comfortable and the settle times are good.

The Machine Guns feel kind of overpowered in some respects, but they are realistic feeling and as powerful as they ultimately should be.

On the machine guns I would like to have a hip fired mode for clearing rooms and then the deployed that uses the scope, the none deployed mode is near useless in vanilla.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by M.Hart »

Well new deviation settings in PR:F are...are...AWESOME!!!

No, really. Now even if I miss my target I still have a feeling I know how to use my weapon, that my soldiers was already shooting with this weapon :D Not like the regular PR where it seems soldiers have never seen that thing which is in their hands now ("What are these optics for?" :D ).

Dunno if the deviation settings can even improve but good work anyway.
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Re: PR:Falklands - Deviation Feedback Thread

Post by Henrique_Dalben »

Sniper: FUBAR, completely useless, they can't hit anything within 200m even after 15s aiming at it. And if you manage to hit something it takes 2 shots to kill someone, so good luck performing 2 miracles in a row in less than 2 seconds so your target won't move.

Marksmen: Usable, but far from perfect, still takes a lot of time for deviation to settle.

Rifle: 99.8% better than in "normal" PR, could still use a little less deviation for moving.

LMG/MMG: Altough very accurate when deviation settles, it takes 3 turtle lifetimes for it to do so.

Grenadier: Haven't noticed the changes

HMG: No zoom makes it hard to tell, but they still are lazer death machines.

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