Brecourt Assault Feedback

General discussion of the Project Reality WWII modification.
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Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by Pvt.LHeureux »

Link to the event page : ... ost1825989

Feedback about the map and map bugs reports go here.
Last edited by Pvt.LHeureux on 2012-10-17 16:52, edited 1 time in total.

Chuva_RD : You want to remove bugged thing but dont tell how to fill formed void.
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by Pvt.LHeureux »

Opened thread with link to the event.

Chuva_RD : You want to remove bugged thing but dont tell how to fill formed void.
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by Blondey »

WHY.. is there a dead cow with it's guts hanging out at US main?
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by 40mmrain »

after playing it with the ~20 people, I really don't have much to say, it's quite good.

However, I did find a few things.

Firstly the tanks, and vehicles in general probably take a little too much damage due to terrain, I found myself smoking in a sherman due to going through hedge rows. Secondly the german HMG nest would probably be better with an Mg42 that has a giant belt, the KORD looks.. silly. The HMG nests in general having zero zoom are actually useless, give them a 2x at least, theyre easily outshot by rifles. Thirdly, the sherman has some weird deal with the engine warning sound going off, if you are smoking and get in the .30 cal, despite not bleeding health as you would on fire, you heard the engine warning sound, not sure what that's about. Another point about the sherman is that, it takes quite a bit of damage if you fire its HE round close to you, that seems erroneous, shouldnt it have sufficient armour to stop fragmentation damage? Another point is that if you try and reverse, and turn in the sherman you basically dont move at all, is that on purpose? Lastly about the sherman, it's REALLY ugly, but that's not a huge issue.

Other than that, St. Marie (or whatever the town is called) is really nice looking, I had no framerate issues and the detail in the map overall is nice!
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by Ratface »

From just running around the map in a willy's, I've got to say I am totally in love with the map! I do agree with 40mm tho, I crashed a few times in my jeep by hitting the sides of the hedges, but that is solved with careful driving I guess.

I am going to be on whenever I can (hopefully it will still be full after I'm off work tomorrow...), Because i would REALLY love to play on this with a ton of people.
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by rodrigoma »

RULE n?1
Dont try to get through hedges, in a paper mache willys jeep
you wouldnt try it in real life, and you shouldnt in game XD

Although i have to sort out many problems with buggy terrain and OG in stupid places
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by AfterDune »

It's no problem if you go slow with a jeep though. But it's much better if you have logistics around, as they carrey repair drops :) .
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by Arc_Shielder »

Played for over a hour yesterday night when there were 22 in the server.

The map has a lot of potential but the final touches aren't there. There are extreme bumps by the sides of every road (sometimes to the height of a wall), weird terrain and color patches, some areas are too bright (like the wheatfields) and the occasional (but understandable) glitches (some exploitable, like every ladder on triangle shaped roofs you fall to the inside of the building when you get on top), floating/misplaced statics, etc.

Oskar and I found a lot during our play but unfortunately my PrtScn is not working as it should do. So I urge everyone who is going to play today to take screenshots of every little thing you find that needs correction to help out rodrigoma.

One last note, there is one flag by the far west with a few bunkers on a hill that is too close to the border. It should be pushed more to the east as well as finding out an alternative flag layout as crossing the entire map and then going back again to attack is nonsensical.

Now, despite its flaws (which are easily fixed), this map is quite exciting to play. I am really looking forward for the 100p event as I'm sure everyone is going to have a wonderful time.

If I find anything else I will post it here (hopefully this time with screenshots).
Last edited by Arc_Shielder on 2012-10-21 13:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tiger1 »

Flying bushes B2 area.
Heavy Death
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by Heavy Death »

40mmrain wrote:after playing it with the ~20 people, I really don't have much to say, it's quite good.

However, I did find a few things.

Firstly the tanks, and vehicles in general probably take a little too much damage due to terrain, I found myself smoking in a sherman due to going through hedge rows. Secondly the german HMG nest would probably be better with an Mg42 that has a giant belt, the KORD looks.. silly. The HMG nests in general having zero zoom are actually useless, give them a 2x at least, theyre easily outshot by rifles. Thirdly, the sherman has some weird deal with the engine warning sound going off, if you are smoking and get in the .30 cal, despite not bleeding health as you would on fire, you heard the engine warning sound, not sure what that's about. Another point about the sherman is that, it takes quite a bit of damage if you fire its HE round close to you, that seems erroneous, shouldnt it have sufficient armour to stop fragmentation damage? Another point is that if you try and reverse, and turn in the sherman you basically dont move at all, is that on purpose? Lastly about the sherman, it's REALLY ugly, but that's not a huge issue.

Other than that, St. Marie (or whatever the town is called) is really nice looking, I had no framerate issues and the detail in the map overall is nice!
Hedgerows or in this case, bocage i believe, arent just some leaves and branches, its hard to get through that stuff, thats why they welded on some forks, and even those didnt keep the tanks from getting stranded or massive ammounts of dirt and wood getting stuck into the suspoension...
Last edited by Heavy Death on 2012-10-21 16:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by Stemplus »

there definately has to be more roads. It is just impossible to get fobs around a flag somewhere else than the main road. Also, The flags need to be more balanced. It is just impossible to get more than 1 flag as american. In my opinion both factions should start with their first flag capped, and the rest neutral.
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by Microwaife »

First off i would like to tell you(rodrigoma) that the layout of the map is great.

Bugs/Things that I witnessed:

-lots of floating trees and bushes on the map
-sometimes the hedgerows are a little to big (maybe it's realistic, but gameplay wise it would be better if they would be smaller)
-Flaglayout is just favoring the german side way to much, maybe the germans shouldn't have any forward spawnpoints.
-Bunker Hill is too far out
-some fields are too orange, it looks like if you are on the mars
-minor stuff like overlapping streets who are glitching a little bit

Sry, I couldn't take any screenshots

Great map! Had some really nice firefights on it.
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by PlaynCool »

I gave it a couple of hours and didn't like it. These bushes are everywhere, kinda useless to set fob mg's it's so easy to get flanked.Also as an infantryman i think the amount of tanks should be reduced, or no tanks at all.It was a total rape fest.Other than that there are some trees in the middle of the roads ?? A couple of floating houses and statics.It's so easy do get damaged driving through the terrain even with some heavier vehicles.When we tried to drive with my sl and set a FOB we stopped every 500m to drop the repair station.The map needs finishing touches and layout tweaking.
Forgive my bad English... :?
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by Philrow »

Roads and terrain needs a lot of fixing. Either add more direct roads to flags, or fix the hills so it's possible to get over, without flipping/taking damage.

Bunker Hill needs to be moved further into the map, as it's currently right on the edge, making it too easy to defend.
Crossroads seems to be a bit too easy to attack, which is quite unbalanced for US.
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by saXoni »

It's probably been mentioned already, but Bunker Hill is too hard to attack and almost impossible without mortar-assistance. If you choose to keep the flag it shouldn't be the first flag US is supposed to attack as it causes a stalemate pretty much right away.

Other than that I have noticed that the rendering distance is very small, which makes you able to see through/under bushes etc. until you're almost standing on top of it. This will definitely give you an advantage over the potential enemies hiding behind it.

The main village (Saint Marie something) should be in play way more often. Even though it is a flag it's rarely fought over as either team will run out of tickets before it's in play.

When it comes to the kits/weapons it seems like every weapon except from the MG-42 has a way too small look. The American uniform seem to be "glowing" which makes it an extremely easy target, even at long range. I've also noticed that the tanks' shells are way too powerful against infantry, taking out several men with one shot even though they're definitely spread out enough. This might just be me and my guys being very unlucky every time, but I doubt it.

All in all; fucking awesome map, finally something that has reached the standards I think PR should have.
Last edited by saXoni on 2012-10-21 22:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by rodrigoma »

thanks for the feedback guys,

yes tehre are problems with terrain, but mainly i normally like the difficulty to get over heddges you have it is supposed to be like that, and i must say we have all been badly used to all the extremely smooth terrain in most pr maps even in middle of jungles or in mountains etc...
and i will have to think the german spawning and flag layout as it is way to unbalanced for the germans, they have the better weapons and the flags
other than that, i noticed many smaller bugs, atht i will have to fix with the statics

anyways thanks for playing, I had some fun XD hope you did too
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by saXoni »

I think you misunderstood me. Clearly you're not supposed to be able to look through/under the hedges, right? The hedges themselves are fine, the problem is the ground under them.
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by 40mmrain »

Yes, stalemates and lack of logistics are kind of thematic with this map.

Tanks are just way too fucking slow. Theyre hopeless, by the way. Had some decent firefights on the map, it's pretty playable, some issues arent the fault of the map.

Played maybe like 4 or 5 full games, I don't have all that much to say which is probably a good thing. Just tanks need to be faster. Everytime I got in one, we'd trudge for like 20 minutes through a maze of hedges and roads, and then be able to properly attack because you can behind the hedges, they just... need to be faster.

Oh yeah, and the white painted AT gun on bunker hill seems to be indestructible by a tank's HE shells, unlike the grey, smaller gun.
Last edited by 40mmrain on 2012-10-21 23:32, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by Kevokpo »

the mg that faces norht (i think) on bunker hill changes it's firing sound when you aim different directions, when you aim east it has one sound when you aim north another sound, don't know if it was just me but is the only static mg where I noticed that
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Re: Brecourt Assault Feedback

Post by AfterDune »

@Kevoko, that's probably the interior/exterior sound. I guess BF2 can't make up its mind if you're inside the bunker or outside it.

People don't seem to realize this is the bocage. Tanks and vehicles don't just drive through the hedges. If you've been to Normandy, you know what it's like. It's thick and almost impassable, even for infantry.
Though I agree some things need to be changed in order to make it more acceptable. Terrain needs to be more smooth, tanks could go a little faster and jeeps could be a little more powerful (though with the terrain fixed, that's better already).

Anyway, the map plays different. You just can't go everywhere you like without suffering the consequences. Vehicles need logistic trucks nearby, to repair them after being damages. Tanks need infantry support more than ever, as they're very vulnerable in this type of terrain; can't drive everywhere and there can be enemies in every bush.

The Germans are in favour now. I think removing the forward spawn at Brecourt Manor would be a good idea. This way, the Germans can still spawn on Bunker Hill, which would otherwise be very easy to cap for the US.

Bunker Hill can be taken, but requires a lot of organization. It's very open there, making it very hard for the US to cap it. On the other hand, I've also heard people say it's easy to cap. I guess it all depends how many Germans are there.

Possible changes we could do serverside
  • Change the "supplyGroupId" of some flags, so when Bunker Hill is cappable, another flag is cappable as well. This will divide the German forces some more.
  • And perhaps we should remove the bleed on Crossroads.. or make it bleed a little less. It's too punishing for the US now
  • Increase tickets for both forces from 500 to... a lot higher
  • Increase speed of tanks a bit
  • Remove forward German spawn on Brecourt Manor
  • Increase "health" of jeeps a bit
  • Random thought, we could also make the flags unable to be recapped...?

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