AxeeLSkyHawK wrote:Hello Rhino ! , Here are some suggestions for the air defense of PR: F.
Okay, first I begin with the missiles AA, the speed of the missile will be able to change in order that it is slower and more realistic and that the missile does prosecution with the plane before striking to the plane.
Here a video of the missiles AA of the MOD BF2:AIX Expansion, which has a few missiles very good AA compared with those of the PR.
AA TEST ( AIX2 "extended minimod") - YouTube
Humm, interesting idea on slowing down the AA missiles a bit, tbh not something we have really thought of. Will talk to Jafar on it next time I see him and see what he thinks but the example you have in the above video is just lolz
AxeeLSkyHawK wrote:To be equal or to simulate the quantity of avoided and impressed shots, in the war since it was in the reality, to simulate the statistics (since it it was in the war).
( Fact in 1985 after the war for Argentine and British historians of war)
This one was a statistics that there realized the Argentine and British historians of war, on the systems of anti-aircraft defense (since it is possible to see this is much more different that the PR, that the probabilities of impact in the PR are almost 100 % and those of the reality much lower.
It is possible to put in the normal PR also, since scarcely it sounds the alarm of missile has not time to do anything.
Although this doesn't give anything like the amount of missiles of the above, and only ship AA weapons, this is a far better and from what I can tell, far more accurate too, your one doesn't even have the Sea Slug which the only time it was fired in anger was during the Falklands War:
From what I can tell from multiple sources, your data is not accurate at all, although the above pic is also not totally accurate either, its much closer (on the Sea Dart its about 2 off from the total fired etc). It is well known that the AIM-9L scored 17 to 19 (2 where shared kills with other AA weapons) during the war, not 10 and with a kill ratio of around 80% where your source says 15%...
Also while not directly related to the missiles, this is also some interesting stats on the aircraft:
As for making the missiles far less accurate, that is something very hard to archive to an exact ratio like your asking even if I was convinced it should be done, which I'm not. Most players already think most of the AA missiles ingame are too inaccurate, although IMO most are about right.
One thing I may consider in the future is trying out
Command to Line-Of-Sight (CLOS) system for AA weapons such as the Blowpipe MANPAD (when its done), Tigercat and Rapier SAMs (MIM-23 is current place holder (PH) for both) where you have to physically guide the missile into the target much like the real weapons but this is unlikely as 1, this made the AA weapons pretty much useless in r/l, something I don't really want to have ingame and 2, due to lag, it will be even harder than r/l to get a good hit. But still need to try it out to see what its like but in all likelihood we will stick with the bf2 heat target tracking like it is currently.