PR 1.0 supports battle director?

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PR 1.0 supports battle director?

Post by liningwzgl »

Hello,I'm a user for "battle director" (from sir community) for sometime.It is a good tool to make bf2 machinimas.PR earlier beta versions supported battle director while later versions seems don't work anymore,so it will be nice if PR stable version supports it,cause we all love war movies!
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Re: PR 1.0 supports battle director?

Post by LITOralis.nMd »

Hello liningwzgl,

the PR Developers have been asked about this and will report back soon.

I do not think any of the tech support volunteers use the program so we have no first hand knowledge. The guys who do the official PR trailers and game play videos have used BattleDirector in the past, so we asked them , have to wait for replies.
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Re: PR 1.0 supports battle director?

Post by maximi4444 »

is there any reply? Im trying to make it work but not succeeding...Im able to run the BF2 and watch the files from BF2..of course...but when I select mods - PR and recorded DEMOS which I can actually see in my PR folder........the PR loading picture comes up....then disappears and the BF2 vanilla loads with EA GAMES... and the intro video with Initializing satellite scan......
So apparently Battledirector sees my demos...but loads BF2 instead of PR....

This is the problem..would be really useful if somebody let me know...or at least what software do they use for making new videos..with flying over the country and all that stuff :) Because when I play my records in PR as it is....without any BattleDirector.... demos are laggy and effects arent that deep as in normal gameplay..for example the dust in desert when the tank rushes through it. It isnt that "epic" like in gameplay.

Best regards,
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Post by BloodyDeed »

There are no plans to support Battledirector at the moment.
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Re: PR 1.0 supports battle director?

Post by [RS]Chaos »

Is there still no support for this? battlerecorder is useless without battledirector imo.
I Hope you guys might consider this for any upcoming patches. :roll:
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