Hey guys. So I was trying to run my own master server from the PR master server project on github. Got the project compiled and running. Made a host file redirect to my internal IP, then started my game. Login seems to work according to the log messages, but next my game crashes with such a "httprequest" error message:
Ricardo Almeida wrote:debug assertion failed
version :1.5.3153-802 .0 Build date :2014-7-10 17:44
module: Persistence
C :/ dice/Projects/BF2 branches/Patch_1_50/Code/BF2/Game/Persistence
/ HTTPRequest.cpp
Line: 445
Text: the request is invalid due to an invalid GameSpy URL.
Current confile:
I was looking with wireshark what URLs it tried to reach, but even with the official PR master server they seem to just deliver error messages, but no proper content. So I started a webserver together with my master server, so that my game could at least do a http request, but still the same result.
So there must be something else required by BF2 besides what the master server does. Does anyone have any clues for me how to proceed?